First, about the other day's blog article(10-12-2018 Spoiled females), I echo what has been clarified this morning that I mistook the husband as a friendly figure from one of the 2004's meetings I participated. Also, this morning's broadcasting clarified that the wife's maiden family name has the record that can be traced back to over 800 years ago which indicates clearly they do not any association with me, and I agree this certainly means we don't share blood at least for this 800 years. (先澄清10月12日博文所提到的,我错以为做丈夫的是和我在2004年会议上有过友善交谈的一位,还有做妻子的提到他娘家的800年族谱和我一点关系都没有,我同意这证明,虽然都姓方,但至少这800年是一点血缘关系都没有。)
Also, the Li's Family mentioned in this morning's broadcasting is actually a Li's Cluster in the People's Republic of China, this is the same family I referred to as the Stamped heir family. Their family's last name is Li which of course the reason made them the Li's clan. I called them the stamped heir cluster because, according to the rumors I hear, they claimed they are the heir of Tang dynasty only because they have a stamped letter stated so from the 1950s, by the People's Republic of China's government which was formed in 1949, based on the signatures collected by Wang Zhen (王震). I heard they have absolutely nothing to do with Hongkong's very famous Li's Family Trust. (有关李氏宗亲,今天早上提到的李氏宗亲其实是中国大陆一家姓李的,就是我说公章继承人的那个李家。他们一家都是姓李的,当然就是李氏宗亲了。我说他们是公章继承人,是因为我听说他们自称是唐朝皇帝的继承人就凭着一张纸,而那张纸是由1949年才成立的中华人民共和国政府在1950年代左右根据王震所收集的群众签名而出具的。我听说他们和香港很有名的一家公司“李家信托”一点关系都没有。)
And, the question of why my grandfather's former private assistant's family has been so stubborn about having a saying over me? When the private assistant was hired in 1949, my father already joined the Chinese Army and left Shanghai ever since, which is the fact already made the private assistant and his family a never associated cluster to my father's marriage family that I born into. As I stated, I had spent five years in the Shanghai First Medical College, I never even heard of this private assistant nor his family at all that entire time. Why, all of sudden, this private assistant that my grandfather had hired as a footman became such a voice of my matter? The secret? It is because one of the daughters-in-law is in Shanghai radio company. So, I refuse this "voice involving into" my any matter. (还有,就是我爷爷以前雇佣的专门为他跑腿的私人助理一家子怎么就是够资格一定要对我的事情指手画脚的?1949年这个私人助理被我爷爷聘用时,我父亲已经参军从此离开了上海,这就已经是我所出生的我父亲婚姻家庭和私人助理一家没有任何交往关系的事实证据了;就像我自己讲的,我在上海第一医学院读了5年,这5年我人就在上海就是从来没听说过这私人助理一家子。怎么,忽然之间,以前替我爷爷跑跑腿的一家现在就可以亮着嗓子对我所有事情都指手画脚的啦?秘密?因为他们家有一房媳妇是上海的广播电台系统的。这样,我就只好公开表态我拒绝他们这种‘声音介入干涉”我的任何事物。)
I heard this private assistant's family has this weird understanding they are taking care matters on behave of the "$10,000 monthly payment story" company to dis-eligible me to have any association with that company to spin me out, this is one of the reasons I questioned if they have the Down syndrome which certainly implies my doubts if they are the born-stupid. If you can have the opportunity to listen to their logic, I say you pretty much can get all the reasons why I asked if they have the Down syndrome. (我听说这个私人助理一家有一种奇怪的理解,他们是在帮助那个每月汇款一万美元的那家公司来处理我让我以后再也不够资格和这家美国公司有任何搭界的地方,也就是他们这样做的结果就可以把我给甩出去了。这是我一直在问这私人助理一家是不是唐氏综合症的原因,当然这意思也就是他们一家是不是都是一群天生的痴呆症患者啊?如果你有机会和他们聊一聊,听听他们说话的逻辑思维,你可能就知道了我为什么问他们一家是不是都是痴呆的所有可能的原因。)
Ever since I heard of this family in this past March or April, I have experienced a lot of surprises how extraordinary their understanding of the matters can be. If you have read my articles about my grandmother, well, that is necessary I have to do based on their broadcasting on Shanghai radio, according to rumors I heard of which says "they are the children fathered by my grandmother's most beloved man and mothered by the relative of my grandfather's most beloved female, so they are the true beloved children to my grandfather's money, that they deserve to own any money I inherited." Will anyone in my shoes doubts if they are the Down syndrome family? So, you heard this morning's emphasis on deep creese on palms as the response from them. (自从我从今年的三四月份开始听说了这一家人,我是一次次经历了他们家对于各种事物的理解如此独特离奇的惊诧和惊恐。如果你有看过我博文里对我奶奶的语言表达,那是因为我听说了他们是如何在上海的广播里谈论我奶奶的, 大意就是:“他们这一族是我奶奶最心爱的男人和我爷爷最心爱的女人的亲戚所生出来的孩子,所以他们才是我爷爷的财产最真爱的孩子们,所以我作为我爷爷奶奶的亲生孙女,我所继承的所有财产应该就是被他们拥有才对。”你要是我的话,你会不会认认真真问一问他们一家是不是都是天生痴呆啊?所以,你们如果听到的今天早上的播出内容,你们就是听到了他们一家对我如此问题的回应也就是对于"横贯掌”的一再强调。)
----October 15th, 2018
This morning's Down syndrome sparks a lot of hush, hush on what is this "a single deep crease across the center of the palm" as a major symptom of the Down syndrome, so I publish the reason of these hush-hush here, and some copied photos from Wikipedia and pasted below.
(my both palms definitely not a Down syndrome)
----October 15th, 2018
Down Syndrome:

(source: )
"A few of the common physical traits of Down syndrome are low muscle tone, small stature, an upward slant to the eyes, and a single deep crease across the center of the palm – although each person with Down syndrome is a unique individual and may possess these characteristics to different degrees, or not at all".(source:
Useful link to know more about what is Down Syndrome National Down Syndrome Society website
----October 15th, 2018