
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Sunday, October 21, 2018

10-21-2018 A five-minutes Alzheimer surgery and overnight recovery ---- Win back one-month precious space lost in current battle (老年痴呆(五分钟手术,过夜恢复)--就可以收复一个月的失地)

10-21-2018 A five-minutes Alzheimer surgery and overnight recovery ---- Win back one-month precious space lost in current battle (老年痴呆(五分钟手术,过夜恢复)--就可以收复一个月的失地)

June 21st in 2018, a sunny Sunday, should be a happy celebration Sunday for every teary struggling person who is a caregiver to an Alzheimer family senior: The cure for Alzheimer is on its way. The rough timing is: the instrument's how-to related training for surgeons may need about a month, the frustration is any new order of the surgical instrument may need some longer time.

The greatest news is only a five-minutes surgery can dramatically takes-back the ground that has been lost in a month time in the current hard battle against Alzheimer, and even a severely progressive patient can recover from this 5-minutes surgery in just overnight time. This is such an affordable and so daily applicable surgery technology is the huge proud for the entire technology invention team.

This is the same or similar surgical instrument for new cancer surgery technology, the updates of this technology are the options of how to retain those biological cells in the local surgical area, please ask this instrument's manufacturing company about more information on this option. 



----(All the important information about new Alzheimer treatment is in above section)----

How I stick my neck into this proud of this new treatment technology for Alzheimer? It already has been such an anger to a lot of devoted cancer treatment researchers that I contributed curing cancer by suggesting conduct "several times of Hemodialysis after each surgery" to prevent spreading, how about this time?

Well, that suggestion of "at least three times of Hemodialysis after each surgery" is based on the medical college textbook knowledge from "Organs and Tissues" that any element in a cell will penetrate into body-fluid and then further penetrate into blood which means Hemodialysis (blood filtering technology) will remove malicious elements in blood, but it takes a couple of days for malicious elements in body-fluid to penetrate into blood, and more days for malicious elements in cells to eventually penetrate into blood to be removed.

It is very unfair to a lot of devoted cancer research personnel to watch my name associated with curing cancer by this advice, but it is truly my advice that rings the bell for those frustrated cancer treatment providers about spreading prevention, "at least three times of Hemodialysis after each surgery" is absolutely needed and it is the advice. I am very proud that my textbook knowledge serves well in this curing cancer contribution.

This time, I put it very accurately as co-discover the option of how to retain biological cells in surgical local areas. Those other co-discovery persons are medical personnel, what I contributed is I advised them how to make complicated computer mouse-clicks to get the desired retaining selections, and a bit more.

I have a lot of trouble with a lot of people that I never even heard of keep yelling at me where is their own money as if I would know, which frustrated me that I kept addressing them as "Down syndromes" because they are too young to be called Alzheimer-s.

On a Sunday, I was jokingly saying I need some special attention on the "Down syndrome strip" when I went to a Walmart store in Quincy of Massachusetts, I bypassed a sign raising the awareness for Alzheimer-s. So, I was corrected that my attention should be directed to "Alzheimer strip" because my concern is not because of birth-defect. So, today which is the next Sunday, I have this article on my blog spreading the happy news of curing Alzheimer, and I will celebrate that I successfully stick my neck into this proud of this new treatment technology for Alzheimer.

----October 21st of 2018,  a Sunday.