
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, October 12, 2018

10-12-2018 Spoiled females

10-12-2018 Spoiled females

1: If I heard of a spoiled wife story as this moring's broadcasting story, will I feel bad for the husband?
Never. It is the husband's preference to choose his marriage and his lawful right to live his preferenced marriage is protected by the U.S. laws. If the husband is enlisted personnel, well, I will be privileged if I can hear the updates after his retirement. 

Will I feel bad for his adult children? Well, in the United States, "his adult children" as introduction already says the father already have raised them properly, and I should not feel bad about children because of their father's preferenced romance life.

As a female, I should feel jealous about the wife if I fancy the husband's romance but my romance preference is a never-married man which already made me so famous for since 2004, that I am certain I won't let myself in that jealous situation.

So, if the wife came forward to self-introduce herself to me as a cousin to me or my grandfather, what will I do? My answer will be a definitely true statement "never heard of you", but I will be hearty-welcoming her if she introduces who her husband is.

Is that means we can be best friends forever? It is so hard to say because we both have obviously well-spoiled characters so that we may not willing to compromise a bit mutually. 

Will I welcome the father's adult children heartily? Of course, same heartily.

----October 12th, 2018

2: Will I refuse to bow to a spoiled wife if I want to be a friend to the husband?
Well, as a friend, I do have the option to choose to stay clear from a friend's marriage or his family but stay in touch with the friend.

If the husband's not willing to let me have that option, what will I do? I would definitely choose to live my life the way I myself prefer. So, I certainly would just move on and move out of this friend's radar completely.

----October 12th, 2018

3: Somehow, I have been expected to be a spoiling figure to my classmates' children.
I can imagine it will be if I can spoil their financial fantasy better than their parents. Well, my children are much younger than all my classmates', and I am not the one learned to be a parent figure by raising my children.

So, even if I am getting along with some of them or all of them, and willing to listen and satisfy their girly or boyishly wild wishes if I can, I won't be the spoiling aunt to them. I am too girly is a true statement that I most likely would be very impressively as if the same generation girly with them.

My Trusts' business investment already have contributed to the charity-related professionally, my donation shares are in there as well. So, once I can regularly receive my monthly daily-living providing, I have considered using 5% (hard bar) of it to privately gift my own friends and my relatives, not the general public, not as if I owe. I myself will be the contact person and I will let everybody know how to contact me once I have the regular monthly providing.

----October 12th, 2018