
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, October 17, 2018

10-17-2018 "She really has money" is so exciting for a lot of people, but because of whom? ("她真的有钱“对很多人来说太激动了,可究竟为谁激动?)

10-17-2018 "She really has money" is so exciting for a lot of people, but because of whom? ("她真的有钱“对很多人来说太激动了,可究竟因为谁激动?)

I am happy to hear that Trusts set up for me by five of my near grandfathers (including my father's father) have been validated, and also my family tree. I am a 6th-outside cousin to the wife who I "never heard of".(听说离我最近的五代爷爷(包括我父亲的父亲)替我设立的信托被证实了,还有我家的族谱, 我还真是挺高兴的。原来我和那个做老婆,也就是我说“从未听说过的”那个,还真是6等亲以外的族亲。估计她和我爷爷是一辈的,要是五等亲以内,我估计就得叫她姑奶奶的。)

I heard of several cousins confusion about "a share", they are my at least 6-cousin outside as well (not the same direction to the wife). That is the thing has agitated me that we are, at least, the eighth generation from the grandfather we share and we are never associated, how can they be confused so much compare to my much closer cousins? A lot of my troubles are from this morning's revealed confusion or even more ridiculous confusion. The example: You can hear loud cheers whenever I have money validated, but all these happiness has nothing to do with me somehow. I know my inheriting is handsome since 2004 so that I stay in calm, but all these excitement are not because of me either. So, because of whom? (我也听说了几个堂亲的”应该有一份”的困扰,他们和我至少是6等亲以外(和那个做老婆的“6等亲”从三维立体上来说不是一个方向)。就是这个“应该有一份”让我烦的不行,我们共一个爷爷至少是8代以前的事了,我们又从无交往,他们怎么困扰的如此剧烈,比那些和我近亲一点的还激烈太多?我很多的抱怨就是因为今天早上提到的这份困扰,还有比这更奇怪的困扰。举个例子:只要听说我有钱是真实被证实了,感觉就能听到那是一片的欢呼,但好像不是在为我欢呼。我是从2004年就已经知道我信托的规模挺大的,所以现在我听到这些消息可以很平静,但其他人的这份激动也都不是因为我很有钱而激动着。因为谁有钱而激动啊?)

----October 17th, 2018