
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, October 7, 2018

10-07-2018 Possible reason why my both parents need to be ousted by death-certificates?

10-07-2018 Possible reason why my both parents need to be ousted by death-certificates?

There is a lot of questions that I have why my parents both need to be death-certificates ousted from their own home, I have this hold-on hope for them to be still alive based on the arrangements I made for them. Now I got one explanation for that, without a DNA test, they just can't enjoy the retirement plan and healthcare I bought for them and paid in full on July 1st of 2004. So, it can be so convenient for someone else can put in some efforts to enjoy what I bought for my birth and lawful parents. Now, a lot would say no wonder there are so many confusion broadcasted on a radio if my parents are still alive and if all these people introduced are my parents that make so many people wonder what all these are about. A lot would ask if this is legally protected by freedom of speech? According to the definition of "bilking" as listed below, this is never a freedom of speech in English language understanding, but a criminal intention.

1: to block the free development of
2.a: to cheat out of something valuable
2.b: to evade payment of or to
2.c: to obtain (something) by defrauding someone

How about all these who is the man possibly fathers my children? I am still wondering about this,  other than those skin care and expensive cotton-made fashions I bought for my biological children, I don't know anything yet. Fashionable only in cotton-made is not easy to achieve is the reason why it is very expensive. Luckily, it was emphasized on July 1st of 2004 that the biological origin is the only decisive factor for receiving what I have bought for my biological parents or my biological children, not the names-in-use nor birthdates, etc, as the responses to some substituting efforts on July 1st of 2004 already when "as long as that's the same name" or "as long as that is a child from the same male" was yelled by some Chinese. Bilking in Chinese means: 招摇撞骗,讹诈欺诈钱财等等。

Some would ask if there is anyone broadcasted is actually your birth mother or birthfather? Out of curiosity, a lot of people from the Chinese community already checked a lot out. I just hope my parents can read my blog to know how to protect themselves. So, if someone knows somebody has this possibly authentic contact information of my parents, how to proceed to help me to get in touch with my parents to be safe and comfortable to all parties? In the United States, a police officer from a police precinct that can be reached by a precinct phone call instead of a 911 call is the most appropriate person to verify the information on behave of all concerned parties, not a private attorney nor a private detective but a police officer. I hope either my parents can be helped this way to have my contact information or vise visa. A legal purpose DNA test in the United States only cost about $200-$300 which I can afford to conduct with my current financial situation.

Some would ask, why my entire address book need to be torn up completely? I figured, to snug in destroyer's own friends to demand money is, at least, one of the purposes so that I have to pay to have someone to talk to, and all I could possibly get should be the cold harsh hateful feelings because they are the so this charactered people who never enjoy my accompany as well as never appreciate who I am. So, I ask innocent people to be aware of this situation till law's protection against this kind efforts becomes obvious.

Some Chinese angry on why I insist on to be the heir to ancient Chinese Emperor 唐太宗李世民 if my inheriting is Trust-inherited. My inheriting is Trust-inheriting because the settler grandfather passed away years before I was born so that all these gifts were no longer owned by their own names for me to inherit directly as a family-inheriting, but transferred to the Trusts which I am a specified sole beneficiary of for Trust-inheriting. The reason I am the heir to ancient Chinese Emperor 唐太宗李世民 is that my family's heir-rule is palm-birthmarks. Ancient Chinese Emperor 唐太宗李世民 is famous for his palm-birthmarks' Crown-inheriting.


----October 7th, 2018