
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, October 26, 2018

10-26-2018 Confusions and Anger from China (来自中国的困扰和愤怒)

10-26-2018 Confusions and Anger from China (来自中国的困扰和愤怒)

1: Exactly, what money is Min Fang's own money that should be given to Min Fang by the U.S. government? (中文附后)
My explanation: This money is transferred from Min Fang's Trust's investment in the United States to the U.S. Treasury Department's financial service office to be transferred into my personal private account, with the financial service charge as well, as the agreement reached on July 1st of 2004 (not the official date). The paying companies have all been U.S. commercial products-providing or service-providing companies with retail or wholesale business.

Confusion from China has been if this money is actually routed from China's Central Reserve, the answer is Never.

In China, it is a common practice for a commercial company take-in some cash as its income and gives back a commercial receipt together with the remaining amount of the money after its service charge of such commercial receipt. In China's anger, confusion from the Chinese general public is if the money has announced to give to me instead of giving back to some unknown corrupted Chinese government officials. The answer is this is an incorrect assumption. In the United States, this type of activities is a severe crime, Federal and State, to all parties involved. The company involved would be charged with conducting the money-laundry crime(洗钱罪名), the criminal charge against me would be "unknown source of money"(财产来源不明罪)。

This money that paying company provided are the profits from their daily business operations on the U.S. soil, such as selling goods or providing services. As the paying companies have testified, the paying companies are all upon each's lawfully registered investor-company's instruction to give me this money from each's profits instead of hand-in to each's lawfully registered investor-company.

2: Exactly, what is Min Fang's own money and what is Min Fang's Trust's money?
My explanation: I heard yesterday's broadcasting has explained why my same parents' younger brother or my father side cousins don't have any inheritable-share to claim in my willed Trust-inheriting, which is the explanation official given according to the People's Republic of China's inheriting laws and entrusting laws, as well as the United States' and Britain's inheriting laws and entrusting laws. This morning's broadcasting further clarified more confusion about money's lawful ownership.

So, according to each of my grandfather's will and according to laws, I am the sole beneficiary person to each Trust I inherited, why I only state my yearly providing is my own money? It is because my Trusts are all business entities that have been investing. All the money in-investing are in-investment-usage money that only the profits after business investment consideration can be for my personal usage. Once this profits money transferred out of my Trusts' business investing activities, it is entirely my own money because I am the sole beneficiary person of my Trusts. By the way, this is the same concept for the very common investor-tax in the U.S. and Europe -- Once the money out of business investing, it is the investor's personal income needs to pay investor-tax.

----October 26th, 2018







