
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

10-09-2018 Decoding references (中文附后)

10-09-2018 Decoding references (中文附后)

1: What is city-watch? Citywatch is the crime-alerting program conducted through high-tech cameras to keep an eye on all streets located in Massachusetts for any given seconds. Citywatch people are police officers who sit in front of tons of same-time camera images of the Massachusetts streets.
(should be similar to this link: http://www.aberdeen.sd.us/437/CityWatch)

2: My inheriting day was June 30th of 2004. I became a resident of Boston, Massachusetts since August of 2004. My appearance has impacted a lot because of glasshouse cancer treatment but in process of recovering.

3: My Trust-inheriting is a private matter and lawfully valid is the reason that I have been provided for lawfully, I have not received providing to cover my daily living expenses is because of some confusions regarding my Trusts' business investment.

4: Any confusion regarding the ownership of the paying-company is the matter of laws but not the matter of explaining laws.

5: All the confusions regarding the ownership of the paying company are, actually, not from any of Rockefellers except some wives because of their maiden name, nor any of Fords except some wives because of their maiden name, and nor any of Walden except some wives because of their maiden name. But, one can imagine the husbands must be confused as well with their wives.

The frustration, how to let the younger generation of that three big names to know that no matter how many angry voices are around them, the paying company ownership confusion should not be their headache nor panic because all these confusion are their in-laws' maiden family's confusion.

So, I still need to wait a bit till some confusion clarified to receive my daily living expenses provided.

----October 9th, 2018


我住家附近警局电话:(617) 343-4633 (把我的博客地址给他们, 我的住址:BHA 2494)
我住家附近警局的地址:1 Schroeder Plz, Boston, MA 02120.


