
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, October 23, 2018

10-23-2018 Some power to "Drag you to death" is from the Chinese community in West Coast

10-23-2018 Some power to "Drag you to death" is from the Chinese community in West Coast

It is well-known to the entire world that I have been a victim of a ridiculous Chinese government who insist on threatening me to demand money without any legal ground, I took every bit of those swears and blackmails that this 2012- administration of the Chinese government helped to broadcast worldwide through the American radio company to be intentionally malicious, but how this 12-hours flight-away government can be so almighty powerfully impact my life in the United States?

By the United States government's help? of course, one would imagine there would be some. But obviously, it has been emphasized the United States is a lawful country because I am protected by laws. Some of the evidence are: 1)I haven't been evicted from my current residence as well as the United States. 2:) I received the handsome medical treatment providing that I needed. 3) My living expenses providing have been in process of validating if lawful money, and first 3 years already have been clarified lawful. 4:) My 2004 inheriting has been validated lawful.

Also, with so many countries which includes Britain and France have declared their determination to stay as lawful countries, with the evidence that I am still the tolerated individual to be the most famous French financier of the most famous British East India Company, what could be the possible reasons that I can be so impacted by the may-be-very-evil Chinese government so far away?

I have stated some time ago that I am comfortably quiet now because I am protected by laws obviously, and I only have two major sources of own money which are my intellectual incomes and my yearly living expenses providing as a beneficiary to my Trusts. By the way, I heard the Chinese government's anger is why my intellectual incomes can be claimed by whoever but not them from China? I have to say it is illegal to claim-to-own my intellectual incomes in the United States and I heard what happened has been under law-investigation already.

But, with all my intellectual incomes already "taken" at the moment whenever any new incomes are available to be collected, why I am still under the pressure as if to be "drag to death"?

Also, I have denounced myself from the China and Chinese communities abroad in March or so this year of 2018, because being the heir to my ancient Tang dynasty Emperor grandfathers, all my grandfathers and my father and myself don't owe China nor Chinese communities abroad this hate that my father and I have experienced since 2004, but why still this pressure after I sent the denouncement letter to the Chinese government?

After I heard two "drag to death" stories, one from Shanghai, China and one from San Francisco, the United States, I started paying attention to who has this confidence that kills a sole beneficiary person to de-own a Trust can be a route to get money from that Trust. I kind of getting the impression this confidence is from the United States West Coast Chinese community, Los Angels and San Francisco areas to be specific. Evidence: 1) The Chinese director of this radio program, a rumored Boston resident currently, a fourth generation Chinese immigrant came from San Francisco area who also rumored participated such story. 2:) Current dragging-on powerhouse on radio program related is from the rumored 3rd or 4th generations immigrants from the San Franciso or Los Angels area. 3:) In that two "drag to death" stories, both rumoed victims were sole beneficiary persons to the Trusts set up in Hong Kong in the 1940s. 4:) Tons of Chinese rich person have settled in Los Angels and San Francis area after they fled China around the year 1948-1949.

----October 23rd, 2018