
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Thursday, October 18, 2018

10-18-2018 The anger from cousins and friendly (方家亲戚以及一些友好人士的愤怒)

10-18-2018 The anger from cousins and friendly (方家亲戚以及一些友好人士的愤怒)

From my cousins(亲戚的愤怒):

1: Their family seniors were not cared for by me the same way as I cared for my parents.
My answer: My parents' marriage family is the poorest among my father-side relatives. In 2004, the understanding of my parents' health care was good health-insurance and some retirement pension which were both affordable to my father side relatives' own finance. In the meeting, the decision was they buy their insurances in China, and I gave them the gift of over $80Million in U.S. dollar in years later which would be around 2014 or 2015. They still have not received the gifts is beyond my control.

My anger is I only receive a Trust of $15Million in 1948, and I gave them each over $80 Million which is 5 times of the total of the year 1948's size for each, why it is ridiculous for them to buy their own insurance for the time being? All either can afford to have good one or having good company-offered insurance, either small business owner (“个体户”自己做生意) or college graduated having a good retirement.

Those Trusts I inherited were from my father-side grandfathers,  my mother side relatives are not who I owe which is not to say they are not my relatives,  other than my mother's eldest sister who had been nice to me before her own child-adoption which was when I was 12 years old. Her relentless fierce efforts after her own adoption to make her own home a clearly-owned place to her own adopted daughter had already pushed me very clearly in my own parents' place only, her husband passed away before 2004. So, as I stated early in my blog, as long as she had what she needed when she was sick, I am comfortable not being the one who should be around and I don't owe her family more than this because of her and her family's attitude towards my mother. My mother worked her food as a maid when she grew up in her eldest sister's place since my mother was 11 years old, but my mother was never a doomed-maid person to her eldest sister, nor to her eldest sister's family".

2: Why I refuse to give them that "over $80Million in U.S. dollars" in 2004.
My answer: That is a gift, not I owe. I do have the privilege to decide when and how to gift. I have the concern that they would get into some trouble that already existed in that meeting which was so many ridiculous demands to have some money.

I said in that meeting I have this gift allocated for my father's siblings and my grandfather's siblings because they were relatives to me and my father, and I asked them to try not to get involved with those who don't have this kind of gift from me. Those are the people I never owe a bit. All these noises you heard that they deserve to have some money were in that meeting to bilk and fiercely demand money already, all behaved as if I owe them. They are the people I never even heard of till they harmed me, I never owed them a penny and I never owed them any kindness that ever from them. Why would I ever reward those people I never even heard of just because they dare to harm for money or they dare to bilk for money?

My anger towards my father side cousins is why they can't consult laws to know that "over $80Million" is never what I owe but a gift.

From friendly(友好人士的愤怒):

They have been friendly to me without any expectation as conditions, but why I disappreciate them as such?
My answer: Never my intention but the reason I have called for laws' help.

Since 2004 which was soon after July 1st of 2004 if not immediately after the meeting, the enormous efforts I complained to laws about have been "who hates me or who is willing to harm me should deserve anything I lawfully own, and only negativenesses can be allowed to reach to those who have once been nice and friendly to me". I have complained to laws since 2015 when I myself has become a clear victim of this obvious hate crime.


----October 13th, 2018