
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Monday, October 22, 2018

10-22-2018 Boston's Almighty Highness Magic 106.7FM radio station

10-22-2018 Boston's Almighty Highness Magic 106.7FM radio station

Boston's magic 106.7FM radio station is the almighty highness radio station who so deserves to supervise all business in greater Boston area if I happen to be a client of, this has been my complaint to law people since 2015.

This supervision style is to keep an eye on my every move in that business including every interaction, even eye contacts, between me and the staff of the business that is under this radio station's so deserved supervision. It has never been just microphones all over the places but cameras.

I heard this co-operative under-supervision has been established by these business' public relation offices, in responding to this radio station's promoting radio program efforts. And this promoting effort radiate from Boston to every corner of the world by its global marketing team to anyone if curious about this radio program's major featured person. The promoting theme has always been: "That Chinese woman Min Fang is a never-wanted fake talent who has no money of her own and don't deserve any money at all from the radio program's over 10 years worldwide successful broadcasting as well, and don't ever listen to anything this Chinese woman Min Fang says." This morning, if you know the channel that still broadcasting the radio program, you should have heard all the reasons why they have been so dedicated doing all these to me after I have made so much money for this radio station's company.

In 2015, my income of major featured person fee from this radio program's worldwide broadcasting had accumulated to over $4Billion, the radio company's profits from this radio program have accumulated to over $12 Billion which does not include those other broadcasting radio companies profits. Till today, I have not received a penny but all these abusiveness in my life in Boston of Massachusetts and all those curses and blackmails you have heard on the radio since 2014.

I heard this morning's broadcasting was sparked by my yesterday's blog article of new treatment technology for Alzheimer patients which has already been available to commercial hospitals. One of this radio station's anchor host Nancy Quill has been dedicated to promoting Alzheimer's awareness, so I was accused that why I am the person announce such a great news on my blog which I responded with: "As if I am still eligible to contact anyone at all from this almighty highness Boston's Magic 106.7FM radio station."

I heard the reasons given by this radio station's staff in this morning's broadcasting are:

1: I spend Rockefellers' money in 2004 which is what they are revenging on behave of.
My response: I have complained about Rockefellers about this matter to U.S. General Attorney's office because I never intended and I never spent any of Rockefellers' any money.

2: I did not participate in producing efforts of the radio program is the reason I don't deserve major featured person fee no matter how profitable this radio program has been.
My response: The fact that my share is the same as the producing team was decided based on the fact that producing team would produce this radio program independently but based on my life experiences and audio materials I myself provided. Most of the stories featured before 2015 have been my life experiences before 2004 which were based on the abstracts from my own security tapes that I myself bought from an agency, not a security company, for a total of $400Million in 2004.

3: Being the radio station's staff, they know the truth of all these fake romances.
My response: Why they ignore the facts who are the liars told all these fake romances?

4: Being the radio station's staff, they won't tolerate me to spend other people's money in any place for any reason.
My response: In the United States, a radio station has never been privileged to be equivalent to a law enforcement unit. And I never spend other people's money. My horrifying experiences have been they stalk me everywhere I have any dealing with.

----October 22nd, 2018