
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, October 5, 2018

10-05-2018 More about my younger brother (更多和我弟弟相关的)

10-05-2018 More about my younger brother (更多和我弟弟相关的)

Some questions I heard of regarding my other day's post about my younger brother.
10-03-2018 My younger brother is never a beneficiary nor the next kin to any of my Trusts(对我的任何一个信托来说,我弟弟既不是其法定受益人也不是其法定继承亲属))

1: What if he really can't have a child of his own? (如果他真是已经不可能有他自己的孩子?)
My response: What I heard is either his wife or his wife's friend(s) may have harmed his male function that he may never have a child of his own if his wife's child is truly not his biologically. I have to ask everyone who has this question "What is your advice?"

2: Why not let him live with his wife as he chooses.
My response: Even without this rumor, I did not object his free will in living his marriage life as he prefers. I only stated I do not have any association with his marriage family, that's it.

3: Why not give him that gift of ¥500Million RMB.
My response: I refuse to reward him for not taking our parents as his relatives.

4: Why not move on when everyone insists on your parents died already, why not instead to cherish the only living brother?
My response: I moved on already so that I don't have such a living person need to be contacted or associated as a younger brother.
I am still caring whereabouts of my own possibly still living parents who have brought me up. They are mine to care for. Its none of anyone else's business how I care about them.

5: My younger brother was not brought up as a favorable child.
My response: Every family has a favorable child more or less. My parents had not abused him. I might have been spoiled financially by my ancient grandfathers' blessing somehow without my own parents' knowledge, which had also been beneficial to his grown-up experience compare to children in our neighborhood.

6: Why I was not "imported" to the U.S. if I am truly the sole beneficiary of big wealth and couldn't receive money in China?
My response: Well, I have not received my living expenses provided for four years now because of the confusion regarding the lawful ownership of my Trusts' investments which is after my lawful inheriting. I can imagine the confusion and I can imagine the obstacles and concerns if "importing" could be beneficiary to my overall well-being.
I myself have no grudge against my happy childhood grown-up experiences in not so rich China, and I am happy I was brought up by great Chinese culture that I am so proud to possess. My proud statement: I am truly the proud creator of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Game opening Ceremony.

7: Do I have any advice on how to help my younger brother?
My response: Hardly( please check the link above).
I think he can be helped to realize I truly not steal his lawful inheritable if China is indeed a lawful country.
I can't state anything on my parents behave but my parents' horrible experiences are the reasons I refuse to have any association with his marriage family, it is for my own safety and for my own well-being.

----October 5th, 2018

1: 如果他真是已经不可能有他自己的孩子?

2: 为什么不可以让他按照他自己的意愿选择和他的妻子继续他们的婚姻?

3: 为什么不把那5亿人民币的礼物给他?




6: 如果我真的在国外有大笔财产可继承,在中国又收不到生活费用给付,为什么没把我给“进口”到美国长大啊?

