
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Monday, June 18, 2018

06-18-2018 Why the lawful ownership means nothing just because "the deserved money-wanter is announced on the radio"?

06-18-2018 Why the lawful ownership means nothing just because "the deserved money-wanter is announced on the radio"?

Heard this morning's cry and child talk.
My response: I heard this "Jessica O'Connor" is one of the mothers of "the British-broadcasting announced six children", a "Matilda Shimmel" is another one.

Nothing new of this morning's intensified clarification from the agitated leftover-sucker of the crying one.

I have absolutely nothing to do with all above patrons at all. The only reason for this group to have this broadcasting is to deny the fact I do have my biological children who got nothing to do with this group biologically.

I heard this Jessica O'Connor's child is a girl who was born in mid-2010 as well. I don't know how cheap this Jessica O'Connor can be that she needed to compete with a surrogate mother, but I don't need a child to get my living expenses provided. So, I have no such children nor such child biologically associated with this morning's featured any patron.

Basically, this morning's broadcasting is to say I am not allowed to have any biological children or child because this Jessica O'Connor said so. But she may be just a woman who needs a child to get some money, why I need her permission when I am a financially independent wealthy female who should be disgusted by leftovers?

This malicious intention to deny my life to potentially abusively harmful to my biological children through this effort of building up this public denial from the biologically irrelevant group, this maliciousness intention is the reason I called law enforcement's help on this morning's broadcasting.

I already noticed, the technique-in-use is to untie my biological children with me through this public media propaganda and possibly intended to tie their own biological child or children with my inherited wealth through this building up the public impression efforts, to achieve the purpose to abuse me together with my biological children in order to take over my wealth through the public confusion.

This technique-in-use is the reason I accused the organizer intends to murder for money because I would be the one in the way for them to get my money once the public gets so confused who owns what money.

The entire efforts of this broadcasting are to impress the public that lawful ownership of the money means nothing at all, the deserved money-wanters who have the control of this public media are the patrons who should have the money because "it is announced so loudly on the radio".

So, some said, "but you don't look like you have any money in Boston of Massachusetts, and you don't sound like you have any money on the radio as well, why you keep saying you have money and wealth?"

For one, why you think there are so many efforts and necessities are needed to tell the public I have no money when it is obvious that I have no illegal means to access any money? Why it is so impressive that I have been obviously hunted on the radio and in my daily residential living in Boston of Massachusetts?

I say I am wealthy is because I lawfully own what I have announced on this web blog.  My announcements about my wealth are not accurate but all lawful according to laws of the United States, the United Kingdom of Britain, the People's Republic of China and etc.

02-01-2018 Happy to be the person that not Stuck-in there

----June 18th, 2018

Regarding the proud "as long as you are fuching, A woman deserves to come to your house to fuch the penis to get your money."
My response: This proud has been since 2004, supported by the People's Republic of China's prostituting gang grouped government and some prominent American rich or associated powerful home-pussy. I was so shocked to learn the rich of being so proud to be able to afford to have some home-pussy.

I say as long as that penis is my leftover and it is from the penis' own willingness, why would I ever care? But I won't hesitate to call 911 to drag both of you out of my any private place or to prevent the penis been rapped, and to send you to the criminal court if you dare to touch my money or to fancy you can get my money via the penis.

I was even asked, "would you invite the women to your house, or introduce any woman to the penis you are fuching for that matter?"

I say being a traditional polygamist, I can certainly introduce if that penis is a leftover to me already and it is from the penis' own willingness to be introduced, but it won't be my trick to throw out a faithful life partner. I am telling you that no woman can be invited to my house for that matter but I will call the house-staff to help out the packing at the first second when the penis is introduced. No compensation would ever be arranged.

----June 18th, 2018