
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, June 13, 2018

06-13-2018 Do I have money in the United States? Yes, of course, I Do.

06-13-2018 Do I have money in the United States? Yes, of course, I Do.

Heard the confusion if I indeed came from a rich Chinese family to have money. 
My response: Well, I append some information here. 

This grandfather Fang, Zhiren(方智仁)is in the U.S. government's records as part of my immigration document. My father's name is Fang, Wenhai(方文海). This Trust should be listed in Hong Kong's Registry. I do have money in the United States which are provided by some of my up-stream grandfathers' Trusts.

The Reference about my Hong Kong Trust that set up for me in 1948. 

My grandfather Fang, Zhiren(方智仁)passed away in 1965. His name is in my U.S. immigration record as my birth grandfather who fathered my birth father Fang, Wenhai(方文海).

This Hong Kong Trust my grandfather set up for me has been the original $15Million US Dollar size Trust-Investor to the current 香港长江实业(集团)有限公司(Hong Kong's Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited) since 1949 or so.

This Hong Kong Trust was set up by 5 Million Silver Dollar in 1948, the exchange rate in 1948 was 1 Silver Dollar =  $3 US Dollars. This $15Million US dollar($150,000,000) was in this Hong Kong Trust's registry record and has been in its business investing since 1948.

*I heard the $15Million U.S. dollar($15,000,000) in 1948 was the amount of the famous afterwar thrift budget-approved in the year of 1948 for the entire U.S. Military.

I heard there is confusion about this Hong Kong Trust's registry data.

1: it was updated in 1971.
My response: This is invalid update if there is such update. The reason is the settler Fang, Zhiren (方智仁)passed away in 1965 and no inheriting yet. I am the sole beneficiary person of this Trust.

2: There is another update in 2007.
My response: I inherited in 2004, this 2007 update may reflect my inheriting.

3: If that is my grandfather's younger brother or some other person's money.
My response: This is a 5 Million Siver dollar($15,000,000 U.S dollar) Trust on the entrusting date of 1948, my grandfather's younger brother's family has been stating he had sent 10,000 Silver Dollar($30,000 US dollar) to HongKong in 1948. 

The two amounts($15,000,000 vs $30,000) are no comparison at all to be confused. This is my money because I am the sole beneficiary person according to the will of Fang, Zhiren方智仁) and I inherited it on June 30th of 2004.

4: The confusion of the $500Million transfer from this Trust to the U.S in 2004-2007.
My response:
The check was initially written by an account payable/receivable specialist (a Book Keeper) from an operating account of this Trust's business investment instead of the capital account of this Trust's in the business investment, and associated afterward had caused confusion if this $500Million U.S dollar transfer is legal. This $500Million U.S. dollar transfer was never some money laundry scheme, the account payable/receivable specialist is a bookkeeper instead of an accountant, and this $500Million U.S. dollar written-check was adjusted between bank accounts, not the accounting accounts.

----June 13th, 2018