
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, June 2, 2018

06-02-2018 Do I dare to claim who I am after this morning's broadcasting? Yes, I do.

06-02-2018 Do I dare to claim who I am after this morning's broadcasting? Yes, I do.

Heard this morning's broadcasting of agitated cohort team.
My response: My personal opinion, if this is the cohort team I am a member of, why can't they confront me on the school blackboard? why the need to go the route of the radio program instead of getting the answer from me directly? I publicity is preferred, why not after confronting me and publish the answer together?

The great part is, this is the cohort team has technology person, several medical people, accounting person, a business professor, and a lot of them either are veterans or having Chinese colleagues or Taiwanese friends. The even greater one, this west coast college has a law school.

I already published some references on the blackboard in MBA506 to ask for the cohort team to confront me that I even sent out several emails asking, "please confront me". I am confident about my authentication regarding who I am, and I am a scientific-enough person to know it is realistic to adjust inaccuracy. I am comfortable confronting all these denials and seek the answer to why this organized denials regarding who I am? Why all these hostilities and who is trying to arouse these hostilities?

----June 2nd, 2018

Heard some agitation expressed this morning, I explain what I can.

1: Why the CEO refuses to talk about rumored "drag out" experience?
My guess: Possibly, the rumored experience is a pending lawsuit. If so, it is not a surprise because this is the United States.

2: Do I dare to claim I am a U.S. Military 3-Star General from now on?
My answer: Absolutely. The "verification" group is not the authenticating group nor any experienced investigating group so that their conclusion can't be the decisive one nor the authoritative one.

I was well-known recruited with a 3-Star rank in a teleconference in January of 2004 by the United States Military, I accepted with no pay and no station-office.
I was well-known asked to leave on July 1st of 2004 with the stars taken back in the teleconference.

I heard I was recruited as a 3-Star General Strategist of a research institute, a combat role.
I heard I have my rank kept because of my lifetime contribution.

So, I am a 3-star U.S. Military General Strategist.

3: Why I say I have children?
My response: Because it is announced with a published Digital Video that resembles me. I resemble my ancient grandmother of 7th or 8th century and I don't resemble any of my modern-time relatives.

The published girl resembles my grandmother from the ancient family painting that I have inherited, and she resembles me from a 2012-published 1997-recorded Digital Video. I heard she has a brother who also carries my blood.

I heard the broadcasted arguments were between some O'Connors and some Rockefellers, I heard both parties have been confused as the public and both are in-laws to some unrelated Fords, but how can that broadcasting be the reason that I should not have biological children? or how dare I say I have my biological children after that "so critical" broadcasting?

This entire time, this radio program has been ridiculous on who can have what sayings on what matters. In old saying, this is called "not behaving" or "not even educated" of the producing team, well, you heard the response that was broadcasted was they are the "proudly spoiled decisively powerful wantons".

----June 2nd, 2018.