
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, June 6, 2018

06-06-2018 Rumors I heard about my family

06-06-2018 Rumors I heard about my family

Heard this morning's talk about who is my family.
My response: Well, I am the family birthmark girl of my birth mother's lawful husband's line.

----June 6th, 2018

Heard about the frustration regarding my grandfather's wealth.
My response:

I contribute some rumors I heard about, I will update this page if I hear more.
  • 1-1: Great-grandfather passed away in 1930, because of food-caused-discomforts related incidence and sort of overnight death.

  • 1-2: My grandmother passed away in 1955, also because food-caused-discomforts related incidence and died in the hospital. She was found and sent to the hospital by my grandfather's private assistant.
  • 2-1: My great-grandfather passed away after his massive wealth arrangement in 1930. My great-grandmother passed away in 1955 or so.

  • 2-2: My grandfather entrusted most of his wealth in 1948 to the birthmark girl from his eldest & birthmark son's line.

  • 2-3: My grandmother died a year after my great-grandmother's death. My great-grandmother was known wealthier than all her children at the time. 

  • 2-4: My grandfather passed away in 1965, this morning's frustration was about what exactly happened around his death.
  • 3-1: My great-grandmother was my great-grandfather's second wife and mother all my great-grandfather's children, the first wife was barren.

  • 3-2: My grandfather married in a year of my great-grandfather's death according to Chinese culture. My grandmother was betrothed to my grandfather before they both born and mother all his children.

  • 3-3: I heard my great-grandmother's last name was Yu (于), my great-grandfather's head security guard's last name was Yu (于), my grandfather's private assistant's last name was Yu (于). All these Yu are not related to each other. *I really don't know my great-grandparent's names. 

  • 3-4: All these Yu have families and relatives involved in this radio program producing. I am the major featured person. Head security guard Yu's offspring is in Shanghai entertainment. Private Assistant Yu's offspring and almost all his sibling's offspring are heavily involved.

----June 6th, 2018

06-30-2018 我对于家一些故事的不理解 (What I don't understand about Yu's families) 

听说了今天早上所谈的于家。(Heard this morning's talk about Yu's families)
我的回应:我听说的是于家1964年已经开始查询我爷爷在香港的钱财藏在哪里,1965年已在想办法将我爷爷的上海财产转入于家自己名下,我爷爷在1965年时在上海报警是我父亲的弟妹们可以顺利拿到我爷爷的遗嘱所分配家产的原因。(My response: I heard Yu's family had been sniffing around where Hong Kong money had been in 1964 and intended to transfer my grandfather's Shanghai money into Yu's family's bank account. My grandfather called Shanghai law enforcement was the reason my father's siblings inherited their inheritable according to my grandfather's wills.)

我听说的是我爷爷1965年向上海警方报警时不承认这位于姓私人助理的妻子是我爷爷自己的骨肉血脉小孩。我听说我爷爷1965年在向上海警方报警时一字未提香港信托。我听说于姓私人助理是从我父亲弟妹处得知我爷爷有钱放在了香港。(I heard my grandfather denied his fatherhood to the wife of his private assistant Yu in his account to the Shanghai law enforcement and he did not mention Hong Kong money at all. I heard the private assistant Yu heard about Hong Kong money from my father's siblings.)

我最近听说,根据DNA鉴定,我爷爷的于姓私人助理和我曾祖父的于姓保镖是亲生父子关系(听说两人不是户籍父子关系)。(I heard recently that my grandfather's private assistant was the biological son of my great grandfather's security Yu by DNA test result. I heard they were not legally registered as the father and son.)

这些都是可以通过当年警方的档案及DNA鉴定予以核实的,所有材料的真伪也都是可以做司法鉴定的。(All these should be able to be verified by the police records as well as the DNA test results, and the authentication of the documents can certainly be verified by forensics.) 

但我也听说了我母亲的结婚礼物就是在1966年时由这个于姓私人助理送到了南京,只是我母亲没有拿到而已。(But I also heard my mother's wedding gift was sent to Nanjing to my mother by this same private assistant Yu in 1966, my mother did not receive it because of other reasons.)

我听说的是:我奶奶因为食物造成不适是被于姓私人助理发现后送进医院的,据说于家认为我们一家应该就此永远感恩不尽,可我奶奶进了医院就再没回家而是在医院去世了,没因为被于姓私人助理发现就捡了一条命活着回家,我奶奶没有因为于姓私人助理而活着回家,我们家凭什么就因为于姓私人助理拿着工资做了他该做的一份工作就应该对于家永远感恩不尽啊?(What I heard is: My grandmother was discovered and sent to the hospital by this private assistant Yu when my grandmother got food related discomforts. I heard Yu's families think my grandmother's family should appreciate this permanently forever, but my grandmother did not survive the discomforts but died in the hospital. It was not like my grandmother survived because this private assistant found her on time, the truth was my grandmother never left the hospital but died there. Why my grandmother's family should appreciate private assistant Yu so greatly and so forever because he was the one found her and did his paid-job to send her to the hospital during his paid working-time?)

我听说的是:我曾祖父的故事也是这个情况,因食物造成不适,由当时拿着保镖工资的于姓保镖发现而送医或者是叫了医生,隔夜就去世了。凭什么说我们就欠了于家的?(What  I heard is: My great-grandfather was a similar story that he got food related discomforts, and he was discovered by the security Yu, and either sent to the hospital or called in a doctor by security Yu during security Yu's paid shift. My great-grandfather died overnight or so. Why my family owes this Yu's family because of this?)

我听说的是:我爷爷在1948年在香港办理信托后,就把上海大部分的财产放在了我奶奶的名字下面,我奶奶一住院,我爷爷就赶紧把钱转回他自己名下结果我奶奶还是去世了。(What I heard is: After my grandfather set up the Hong Kong Trust, my grandfather transferred the majority of his wealth to my grandmother's name. When my grandmother was hospitalized, my grandfather hurried to transfer the wealth back to his own name but seems did not save my grandmother.)
