06-09-2018 The difference between government federal reserve and individual private wealth (政府国库和一个公民私有财产之间的区别)
My anger has been it is never my intention to promote myself to the government level, and I refuse my private wealth to be abused in the name of politics.
My understanding:
To improve people's lives are the sworn responsibilities of those who are devoted to serve the people, never any individual person's voluntary power to invade any individual citizen's private life;
What the best interest of the people might be is often the debates in the government and the Congress, never any individual citizen's lawful private wealth's ownership;
A lawful private wealth is part of an individual citizen's life, never the funding capitals to better the common of the nation, nor any group of any privileged.
My understanding:
To improve people's lives are the sworn responsibilities of those who are devoted to serve the people, never any individual person's voluntary power to invade any individual citizen's private life;
What the best interest of the people might be is often the debates in the government and the Congress, never any individual citizen's lawful private wealth's ownership;
A lawful private wealth is part of an individual citizen's life, never the funding capitals to better the common of the nation, nor any group of any privileged.
----June 9th, 2018