
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Thursday, June 28, 2018

06-28-2018 Those no-money Fang's offspring should accuse their own grandfathers instead of swearing about me(那些没钱的方家后人应该去指责他们自己的爷爷而不是对我谩骂)

06-28-2018 Those no-money Fang's offspring should accuse their own grandfathers instead of swearing about me (那些没钱的方家后人应该去指责他们自己的爷爷而不是对我谩骂)

听说了今天早上方家后人对我的中文谩骂。(Heard this morning's swearing from Fang's offspring)

我的回应:哪里来的这份愤怒?又不是他们家的爷爷当年没有分到家产。他们家爷爷把钱都给花光了,赌钱赌光了,玩女人玩光了,关我什么事?我所继承的是信托也就是格外给我的一份礼物而已,又没拿了一分一毫他们所分到的家产,把气撒我这里干嘛?(My response: Where this anger come from? It was never their own grandfathers did not get any share of the family inheritance. Their own grandfathers might have spent it all on women, or on gambling, etc.  what this got to do with me at all? Trust entities I inherited are the gifts given to me, not a penny from their grandfathers' any share of inherited, why I am the one being blamed?)

从唐太宗李世民以第四子继承了他父亲唐高祖李渊的皇位开始,就已经是举世皆知我们家从来不是长子继承而是家族胎记掌纹继承。我的爷爷我的父亲和我这一支是我们家里的继承人一支,这是我爷爷方智仁把他大部分的钱都办了信托给我父亲的掌纹支所出的掌纹女儿(也就是我)的最主要原因。虽然我是我这一代的继承人,但方智仁爷爷1948年给我的信托,就象其他爷爷给我的一样,也还是给我的礼物。我爷爷方智仁1965年去世前给他所有子女的遗嘱是我爷爷方智仁所做的去世前的财务安排也就是分家产。直到去世,方智仁爷爷都从未更改他于1948年所立的信托委托书,方智仁爷爷1965年给他所有子女的所有遗嘱里也都没有更改信托意愿。(Since the Second Tang dynasty Emperor Taizong(唐太宗李世民), the fourth son of his Emperor father, became the crown prince because of his palm-birthmarks, it has been historically well-known my family's inheriting rule is never the first-born son inheriting but the family birthmark inheriting. My grandfather, my father and I are the family's palm-birthmark heir line, this was the major reason my grandfather used most of his wealth to set up the Hong Kong Trust entity for me who is my father's palm-birthmark line's palm-birthmark daughter. Even though I am my generation heir of the family, but my Trust entity my grandfather set up for me in 1948 was still a gift to me from my grandfather, the same as my other upstream grandfathers' gifts to me. Before my grandfather Fang, Zhiren (方智仁) passed away in 1965, he had written his last will to each of his four children about his financial arrangement for each of his child which was the family inheriting of my grandfather's generation. Till his death, my grandfather never changed his settler's letter of the Hong Kong Trust entity he had set up, and he never mentioned this Hong Kong Trust entity in all his 1965 letters to all his children. )

我相信每一代爷爷去世前,都有给各房子女做好财务安排。我们家是一夫多妻家庭都已经有一两千年了,也一直都有母凭子贵母后娘娘皇太后的传统,家里确实都是一直只有一房二房称谓,从无大房偏房之称。我相信爷爷们在分家产时可能会有对这房那房孩子的一些特别偏爱,有继承人与非继承人的区别,但从来就没有什么所谓大房偏房的区别。(I tend to believe that when each generation of my grandfathers was about to leave this world, each of them had made financial arrangement for each of his children and each of his wife. My family has been polygamist marriage family for over 1000 years already, and the entire time my family has this tradition of privileges for the mother of the heir as the Mother of the King or Queen Mother, so my family always had the first wife, second wife but never a concubine wife. I would believe my grandfathers might have some favored this or that child from this or that wife, some difference between the heir-son and the non-heir sons when it comes to how to decide the shares of his wealth inheriting among his own children, but not out of if the mother was the first one married to him).

每一代做父亲的去世前,也都是给每一个孩子以及他所有孩子们的母亲做好安排,也从来都是各房拿各房自己的钱,年纪小的也都有办理一份信托等成年后再兑现,没听说有哪家没分到家产的。估计家里一直也都有所谓的如何分家产的祖规,大差不差的,所以每一代分家产的时候各房也都算是安静,从来就没听说家里有那一代有为了分家产而有哪一房闹得上吊跳崖的故事,怎么现在跑我这儿撒气来了?(At the time when each generation of my grandfathers about to leave this world, the financial arrangements always had been for all his wives and each of his children, it always had been each cluster of the children took their own shares with their mother's own share, young aged would have a Trust set up for him to cash when reaching the adult age, there never had any family stories about who did not get a penny. I assume my family may even have some inheriting-share-arrangement rules to apply since ancient time which must have been proven to be fair enough for each generation's inheriting. For the past over 1000 years' time, the family inheriting had been smooth without any family stories featuring which desperate wife did what dramatics with her entire or partial clan after "any unfair inheriting". Why all of sudden there is such angry against me from at least 4th-cousin away?)

我拿到的是礼物,就拿今天广播里所讲的这个信托来说吧,今天早上所提到的据说和美国“Pejoves”基金公司是同一个爷爷(南唐中主李璟)所设信托的投资, 南唐中主李璟爷爷在公元916年左右送给了我这份礼物,可我自己的父亲我自己的爷爷都统统没份分享,我所拿到的这份礼物哪里会和其他各代各房的子女有任何关系啊?我所继承的的信托都是我100%独自完全拥有的礼物。(What I inherited are gifts to me, such as the Trust entity featured in this morning's broadcasting which is the investor of this morning's mentioned company as well as the American "Pejoves" Fund company. this Trust entity was set up for me by the Southern Tang dynasty Emperor Lee, King ( or Li, Jing 李璟) in the year 916AD that even my father Fang, Wenhai (方文海)and my grandfather Fang, Zhiren (方智仁) don't have any share in it, how could this gift possibly have anything to do with any offspring from any generations' grandfather's other wives ? The Trust entities I have inherited are all 100% solely owned by myself.) 


有说一些方家后人想打官司争取信托但没有遗嘱可以作为法律依据上法庭。(Heard there are some Fang's offspring intend to file lawsuits but no such Will can be the legal ground for them to do so.)

我的回应:确实如此。((My response: This is a true statement. )

因为这些信托从来都只是作为礼物为家里的胎记掌纹继承支的胎记掌纹继承女(也就是我)所设立,设立信托时的委托书从来都是给我这个唯一的受益人的,从来不是给任何其他方家后人的,连我自己的父亲爷爷也没有。我是这些信托的唯一受益人是由设立信托的爷爷们在信托委托书里所指定的也从未更改的,方家其他后人不可能有相关遗嘱。(It is because all these Trust entities are set up as gifts only to me who is the family palm-birthmark heir-daughter from the family palm-birthmark heirs' line as the specified the sole beneficiary person in each of these Trust entities' settlers' letters, each of these Trust entities was never intended to be a gift to anyone else even my own father and my grandfather. I have been the sole beneficiary person of each of these Trust entities by each's settler's letter which has never been changed ever since the set up of each of these Trust entities. None of those Fang's offspring could have such a Will.)

方家的其他后人。每一代分家产时,方家血脉都有分到很体面的份额。(I did not take any money from other people's inheritable, and I won't feel as I owe anyone only because I got these gifts from my own birth grandfathers. All Fang's offspring of each generation had their own decent shares at their inheriting time.)

举个例子,国民政府时期的国民教育部当年筹资中央大学系统时的三代最大的捐款人的第一代,也就是我曽曾祖父这一代,我听说血缘传承的每一非继承子所分家产平均是10万大洋左右,也就是在1905-1920年期间,我曽曾祖父的每一非继承子是分到了30万的美金(如果汇率是1大洋=3美金)。这一份家产规模在当年就是足够在上海开一家银行的资本。我得强调血缘传承的非继承子,否则来一堆没父子血缘关系甚至没有任何血缘关系的扯着嗓门的叫唤没拿到钱。(For example, the first generation of the three generations biggest donors to the Education Department of the Republic of China for establishing Chinese colleges, my great-great-grandfather's generation, I heard each biological non-heir son's share averaged 100, 000 Silver Dollar which means the average size for each biological non-heir son of my great-great-grandfather was $300,000 U.S. Dollars if the exchange rate was 1 Silver Dollar = $3 U.S Dollar in the 1905-1920 time. This was the size that could open a bank in Shanghai at that time. I have the great need to emphasize this "biological non-heir son" to avoid myself from being yelled at "never" by those who are either not from this great-great-grandfather of mine or not even biologically associated.)

再比如我听说1965年我爷爷方智仁去世时给我父亲弟妹的每人一万元人民币,就是上海一个街道储蓄所的全部现金储备,也就是1965年的这一万元钱可以在上海开一家街道储蓄所了,如果当时一元大洋还是三元美金的汇率,这钱在美国可能也可以开一间类似街道储蓄所啦,方智仁爷爷给的也不差啊。(Another example, I heard the amount of ¥10,000 RMB that my grandfather Fang, Zhiren gave to each of my father's sibling in 1965, was the total amount of the cash reserve needed for a local bank's branch in Shanghai which means the ¥10,000 RBM my grandfather gave to each of my father's siblings was a good size to open a bank's branch in Shanghai in 1965, possibly in the United States as well if the exchange rate was 1 Silver Dollar = $3 U.S. dollar. )

每代都是如此,至于钱怎么处理,就是分到家产的子女自己决定的啦。现在没钱啦,就对我连吼代叫想从我收到的礼物里狠狠咬上一口,凭什么呀?我是坚决拒绝睬都不睬。再加上我父亲母亲在2004年后的经历,除了我自己父母,我是谁都不欠。(Each generation has been like this, how the young generation would spend this inherited money, of course, would be the young generation's own decision. So, now their offspring just swearing at me because they run out of their inherited money and expect to bit into my gifts? I refuse, I refuse, I refuse, I refuse, I refuse, I refuse, I refuse. I don't owe anyone else other than my own parents after my parents' experiences since my inheriting of the gifts in 2004.)

我是真的不会理睬现在这些对我个人拿到礼物的谩骂而不指责他们自己爷爷的做法,这种做法真是莫名其妙的紧,岂有此理的很。(I truly won't listen to these swearing at me while their own grandfathers should be their accusation. This has been ridiculous enough and absurd enough.)
