
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

06-12-2018 Wives frustration presented in this featured story of "who is who, what is what"

06-12-2018 Wives frustration presented in this featured story of "who is who, what is what"

Heard yesterday's episode was reacted as ugliest arrogant from the audience.
My response: The problem was because this episode did not introduce the background of how this two irrelated groups could possibly have this kind of talk at all.

It is the similar issue to another featured story almost a year ago regarding how a foreign female who insisted on to have a child with an American rich could actually have the opportunities to approach to personally demand to have sexual intercourse to be conducted just because she wants to have a rich American's child.

How this two irrelated group or persons, who don't share any office space or any social event to meet at all, can be arranged to sit down have this "catch the moment and catch the lifetime opportunity" to approach to personally demand money or sexual intercourse is what has been missing in the radio program.

----June 12th, 2018

Heard this morning's broadcasting of "who is who, what is what".
My response: I heard it takes the entire bar's eye-witnesses to say that was an innocent comforting hug to the crying one to comfort the agitated wife. I heard the severe frustration was that it was a hug from an apparently very handsomely young and attractive but truly senior-already man to an apparently very young and pretty but truly in my late-thirties girly cry.

I was lucky I met two cousins from the same great family in just two days, and I was not lucky because we all got some youth-GENE from our mothers that made me so frustrated for all these females' frustration all these times.

I heard the frustration I felt with the audience of this radio program has been from wives of the cousins who either got this youth GENE or didn't. The frustration range from the anger why the same "aged" cousins can be obviously "so attractively" young and handsome to the frustration of the others that facing the obvious strong competition because of this "so attractive".

By the way, the Hong Kong Trust I inherited from my own birth grandfather (my father's father)  is actually never a shabby on at all as a lot of people have impressed from my blog.

This Hong Kong Trust has been the original $15Million US Dollar Trust-Investor to the current 香港长江实业(集团)有限公司(Hong Kong's Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited) since 1949 or so.

This Hong Kong Trust was set up by 5 Million Silver Dollar in 1948 as I published before, the exchange rate in 1948 that I did not publish was 1 Silver Dollar =  $3 US Dollars, this $15Million US dollar was in this This Hong Kong Trust's registry record and has been in its business investing since 1948.

My grandfather had left himself about $450,000 U.S. dollar (150,000Silver Dollar) when he set up this Hong Kong Trust, he had been miserable because of his decision to keep his wealth in the Silver Dollar instead of in the U.S. dollar. The Silver Dollar's collecting rate from the People's Republic of China in 1949-1950 was fixed to 1 Silver Dollar = ¥1 Chinese RMB, and the exchange rate had been fixed to ¥1 Chinese RMB = $1 US Dollar since 1949 till 1980 or so.

My grandfather's wealth shrank to 1/3 of what he had planned for himself caused my great-grandmother a lot of tears to watch her son doing the living expenses calculation. Her own wealth,  which was the similar size of what my grandfather had at that time, was in the same situation but she only needed to support herself and my father at that time. I heard her younger son was in similar financial stress because he had hand-in the majority of his wealth to the Chinese Communist Party as the Party-member Fee. My great grandmother did not give a penny to my father whom she had raised since birth but all to her own born three children (2 sons and 1 daughter).

Well, this Hong Kong Trust was set up for me by the youngest generation grandfather of mine so I would assume the impression that this Trust is the most shabby gift I have received won't be an issue to all those grandfathers of mine who have blessed me, well,  they were father & grandfathers to my grandfather as well to expect my grandfather to behave respectfully not to complain about this shabby gift impression. So, I just take it easy.

----June 12th, 2018