
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, June 5, 2018

06-05-2018 All about what is Trust Inheriting and related (都是有关信托继承及其相关的)

06-05-2018 All about what is Trust Inheriting and related (都是有关信托继承及其相关的)

Heard this morning's talk about American "Pejoves" Fund Company (中文附后).
My response: This was referring the U.S.government's rescue financing during 2008 financial storm to the auto industry. The American "Pejoves" had received U.S. government's help together with the Ford Auto as one of its investors. It was in the newspaper that all these financings on Auto industry have been paid back with interests. And Ford Auto is famous for it only needed a few financing helps and it was when the interest rate was more comfortable. The American "Pejoves" Fund is still a 100% private company.

Owning a car or owning a house need to be registered with the RMV or the local government to pay auto tax or property tax, owning a company also has a company registry as well to pay the company taxes. I heard in the government record, this company has been registered 100% fully owned by its British Investor Fund company, and its British Investor Fund company has been 100% fully owned by a French company. All since the year 1600 or so. O'Connors' confusion is similar to this.

I had experienced the feeling of the similar, it was when I found out my ancient grandfather (唐玄宗) was not the last Emperor of the Tang dynasty as I had so comfortably thought, there were over ten Tang dynasty Emperors after him.

----June 5th, 2018

Heard this morning's talk about the conflicts between my grandfather's offspring and his private assistant.
My response: It was rumored that there were 1/3 of the bank savings that my grandfather's left behind had been transferred to this private assistant's bank account. My father's siblings had experienced "annoyed" attitude from this private assistant when they went to ask financial help and they had eye-witnessed the huge difference of the financial situations ever since my grandfather's death. My father was similar, especially that my mother has been a low-income wife who is not good at managing family finance.

I heard my grandfather had given my father and my father's siblings a letter(last will) in 1965, each in person, and I heard my father did not receive a bank note or a check as his siblings had was the reason my father threw out my grandfather's letter. So, I don't know if this 1/3 of the bank savings was given by my grandfather.

I heard my grandfather had entrusted 5 Million Silver Dollar to the birthmark girl from his eldest & birthmark son's line (my father's line) which left himself only 150,000 Silver Dollar to support his family in 1948 when my father, being the eldest, was still a high school student.

I heard my grandparents had been kept rejecting my father's any demand but spoiling my father's siblings' for anything financially ever since. I had made the financial arrangement about my father's health care and emergency support ever since the day I inherited my Trusts and I will be the one to comfort my father if that bank transfer to the private assistant was indeed from my grandfather's wish.

I have expressed my willingness to gift my father's siblings ¥500Million each, each is about 10% of what that 5 Million Silver Dollar in 1948 worth today. I heard my great grandmother who raised my father was often in tears to see all her children had to calculate the money to make the ends meet, so I am willing to gift my grandfather's siblings' families the same size gifts. I am not willing to gift those who I never met nor heard of even if they are my father-side cousins by blood, because I did not take their money, and I did not owe them any money nor them any caring.

Like I stated before, I am stilling listening instead of accusing immediately regarding what happened to the ¥9,000monthly providing since my birth because all my grandfather's offspring had been safe during the difficult time of the Culture Revolution (Red Guards Revolution).

----June 5th, 2018

Heard this morning's talk about what means inheriting.
My response: This confusion has been pissing me off all this time. Since June 30th of 2004, I kept saying I inherited and I was kept being told that I have to know this or that living person refuses to give me money.

Yes, I inherited Trusts means I got my money from some deceased persons who were my own birth grandfathers from different generations.

----June 5th, 2018


买车买房要向政府RMV注册登记交纳车税地税,办个公司也要向政府注册登记交纳公司税。我听说这家公司的政府注册登记的记录是从成立至今,这家公司都是100%归其英国投资公司所拥有,其英国投资公司是100%被更上级的法国投资公司所拥有。让欧家困扰不已的那家美国基金公司也是类似情形, 且都是从1600年左右成立就如此。











