
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, June 27, 2018

06-27-2018 Laws are at work already, Just listen to the radio program (法律已经在工作,你就听广播剧吧)

06-27-2018 Laws are at work already, Just listen to the radio program (法律已经在工作,你就听广播剧吧)

Laws are at work already to ensure the freedom of speech does not mean confusing

Heard this morning's talk of the confusion about tax laws. (听说了几天早上提到有关税法的困扰)
My response: I heard which certainly means may not be accurate, that according to the United States tax laws, the investor tax is paid when the money is transferring out of the investment for personal usage. So, it is lawful for a U.S. citizen investor not to reveal the total size or detailed size of any combination of investments as an investor. But by law, an investor needs to report the actual amount of the money being transferred out of the investment purpose at the same time of the transferring. (我的回应:我听说也就是说不一定准确啊,按照美国法律,投资人税是在投资款项被转出投资目的用于非投资目的时支付。所以,投资人是美国公民的话,是可以合法不公开投资综合及项目细节。但是按照法律,一个投资人必须在款项转出投资目的时如实汇报转出投资用途的款项数额。

If so, what will happen if there is any unlawful investment activity? The law enforcement enforcing laws by tracking down who is the investor of the discovered unlawful activity. (那如果有非法投资活动哪?一旦发现非法活动,警方执法是倒追谁是该非法活动的投资人。

My Trust entity has been registered as an entity for investment and I am a U.S. citizen, so it is lawful to refuse to reveal any investment activities of my Trust entity. (我的信托是注册为投资目的法人机构, 我又是美国公民,所以拒绝公开我的信托的投资活动是合法权利。)

I heard this morning's anger was because the insist-on request for a Spanish company's accounting information was from an American who is never associated to the Spanish company in any way.(我听说今天早上的愤怒是因为坚持要求西班牙的一家公司的提交该公司业务账目信息的这个美国人和西班牙的这家公司是一点关联都没有。)

----June 27th, 2018

Heard about this morning's confusion from the Mr. "Amusing Incident".(听说了今天早上还在困扰中的“乌龙事件”主角)
My response: It sounds like the Mister is still confused. It is not a surprise if you heard how confused some Miss Os and some Mister Os are, I heard they are still really confused.

I heard the family confusion of Mr. "Amusing Incident" was clarified according to laws in the radio program for a four-days-time between June 7th of 2018 -June 10th of 2018, and June 11th-14th of 2018 broadcasting was the "freedom of speech" of what else has been confusing to them after the 4-days major clarification according to the laws. What you heard today is the impact of what else has been so confusing. It won't be surprising if there is something else still very confusing. Just listen to the radio program.

I believe laws are already at work on the radio program's producing. Being the majorly impacted major-featured-person of this radio program, I did keep on calling law enforcement's help as well to make sure the radio program is reporting these types of important matters, not scripting nor patching-up and nor over-writing after the lawful clarification.

Freedom of speech, granted by the United States' Constitution, is the right to express any opinions without censorship or restraint. Freedom of speech is the right to verbally express, never the right to verbally take over any format of any physically existing entity nor any financial valuables.(美国人的言论自由是由美国宪法赋予美国公民的权利。言论自由的权利是可以不受压制不受限制的用语言来表达的权力, 从来不是用语言来夺取合法被其他人所拥有的任何物质存在及任何财产财务的权利。)

06-07-2018 Amusing incident (乌龙事件)

----June 27th, 2018

听说了于家就是没法明白。(Heard Yu's families are so confused)
我的回应:我现在还在听究竟于家是个什么故事。(My response: I am still listening exactly what has been the story.)

于家认为他们当年可以把钱留下,该美国公司既没有追究也没停止付款,就已经表明了于家就是应该继续拿钱。Yu's families think the American "Pejoves" Fund company did not stop wiring the money the entire time fully aware of Yu's families had kept all the wired money to themselves should mean granting Yu's families to own the money.

该美国公司其实对此已经说的很清楚. (The American company already clarified this clearly:)
  1. 这钱从1967年7月开始支付是汇给我方敏的,从来不是汇给于家的。(The wire started in the July of 1967 immediately after my birth, none of these Yu's families was the wire's intended recipient)
  2. 在我方敏1996年10月离开中国,公司向中国的此项汇款就立即停止了。(The wiring to China stopped immediately in October of 1996 when I left China to the United States.)
  3. 从1997年1月起,公司已经用我方敏的名字作为支付该每月1万美金的账务支付理由。(My name Min Fang has been booked as the reason for the $10,000 monthly check payment in the American company's accounting record since January of 1997)

我个人认为公司在1967年7月至1996年10月期间,在明知我方敏及我父母从未收到该项汇款的情况下,从未停止支付该项汇款的原因:(My personal opinion regarding the reasons that the American company did not stop the wiring after aware of my family never received any money:)
  1. 是为了保障如果我方敏有需要紧急用款的情况下,公司可以通过中国政府协助在中国当地想办法尽快拿到钱款。我父母两人当时的工资一共只有40元左右,美国公司的汇款是每月一万美金。(It is to ensure if I would be in any kind of emergency, with the Chinese government's help, the company could reach out to get emergency funding locally. My parents' joint income was only about ¥40 ($40) per month when I was born. The wire was $10,000 per month)
  2. 在中美两国1967年没有建立外交关系的现实情况下,一切为了保障我方敏的最大利益。(It is for my best interest to do so when there was no diplomatic relationship between the United States and the People's Republic of China.) 
  3. 在于家从未与该美国公司有过任何工作生意业务及其他任何关联是事实的情况下,在于家和该汇款美国公司也从来没有任何投资及被投资关联也是事实的情况下,于家要求该美国公司继续向于家付款实属莫名奇妙,于家这一莫名其妙的要求居然会由中国的这一届政府在支持更是离谱至极。(It is ridiculous for Yu's families to request the American company to continuingly providing money to them when it has been the truthful facts that none of Yu's families ever had any business association nor investing association with the American company, it is more absurd when this ridiculous request could be supported by this administration of the People's Republic of China.)
