
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, June 1, 2018

06-01-2018 My Own Birth Grandfathers' love I received is also the huge responsibilities I inherited

06-01-2018 My Own Birth Grandfathers' love I received is also the huge responsibilities I inherited

Heard this morning's talk about the Cohort team.
My response: I have expressed myself as "I go to school for education, not hyperthyroid". So, I do my explanation on this blog, and I will stay clear of the anxiety from the excited cohort members. I am a resident on the east coast so I really don't know why they are this excited on the west coast.

This refusal to have hyperthyroid is also the reason I stay clear from this or that name who have their own confused romances with this or that man whom I have nothing to do with romantically. I refuse to build up some allergy symptoms if the blackboard posts are from free spirits.

I had been accusing this or that name's romances kept on harassing me whenever I try to study, now I get the points expressed that the intention understood was I study academically is to take over this or that wealthy man's family businesses. Well, the ridiculous thing is this or that man are not the same persons who have associated with me romantically for their own romances to have this misunderstanding or anxiety.

Some insist on this or that is the same person who moved on already. Well, if this is the case, it was already clarified on July 1st of 2004 that I can be consulted by his family businesses because of the romantic association, but my decision won't be the final one nor mandatory. The person himself is the decision maker on his own business as well as his own family businesses. I am the decision maker on my own businesses.

Do I have my own businesses to study for or to make decisions about? Of course, I do. I have very handsome blessing from my own birth grandfathers, and I already inherited them on June 30th of 2004 when I was only in my thirties, unlike this or that person who can be this lucky enough to still be an apprentice to their own loving Senior to build up the experiences.

I am not this lucky to be shielded by the loving protective Senior, I have been guided but I have no shelter to my own responsibilities on my inherited. My father is the typical scientific scientist and my grandfather passed away before I was even born. I understand the huge inherited wealth also means the huge responsibilities to look after what I have inherited. I am lucky enough already to be guided all this time by the great entrusting groups, and I am learning to have the academic knowledge to understand them.

I haven't been enjoying the luxury of my wealth nor having the luxury to experience any normal romance. I know it had been my own fault that I was not interested in dating at all before my inheriting. I am working on to improve my life quality because I want to enjoy my romance life at the same time when I can academically understand my entrusting groups.

I hope my decision on taking care of my parents' health has protected them well so I can reunite with them soon, I hope it can be soon enough that I can really look young and healthy pretty as I have wished, and I hope my healthy children are well-beloved and well taken care of when I am not around. I have not been available to my parents and my children, but I have been the "Western Union -- Connecting families around the world" to them ever since I inherited on June 30th of 2004.

----June 1st, 2018