
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, June 29, 2018

06-29-2018 My inherited is part of my wallet that is never subject to spy (我的钱包包括我所继承的,从来都是不容盯梢)

06-29-2018 My inherited is part of my wallet that is never subject to spy (我的钱包包括我所继承的,从来都是不容盯梢)

Heard this morning's talk about one Rockefeller family's money confusion.(听说了今天早上谈到有关一个洛克菲勒家庭的钱困扰)
My response: I have no idea how come it became confusion after I left the meeting of July 1st, 2004. (我的回应:我就是不明白怎么2004年7月1日会议后这花钱的事怎么就变成了R家困扰。)

I only authorized David Petraeus' wife Holly on July 1st of 2004 to keep an eye on if her husband would pay for my glass house cancer treatment because the decision was I would pay it myself and she was employed by the medical treatment provider system in 2004.  The fact that I could self-pay for my medical expense which was "well-known very expensive in 2004" should mean she would have no need to keep an eye on my daily living expenses and I was either a homeless or living on welfare before my medical expenses were paid since October(or November) of 2014. She was never authorized to spy on my wallet and she is no longer authorized to keep an eye on my medical spending on glasshouse cancer treatment as David Petraeus announced.(我在2004年7月1日那天只授权了David Petraeus的老婆Holly看着我的脑控癌治疗费用账户以确定是不是她自己的丈夫在替我付钱,这是因为在这授权之前就已经决定了这治疗费用会由我自己支付而她本人2004年当时又在提供治疗的医疗系统上班。只要我有能力自己支付在2004年当时公认很昂贵的脑控癌治疗费用是事实,就意味着她就应该没有任何需要盯着我的生活费用给付,而且在2014年10月或者11月我的脑控癌治疗开始付费前,我要么是没钱的流浪汉要么靠美国政府的救济综援生活。她从来未被我授权盯着我的钱包,她现在也没有我的授权也不再可以盯着我的医疗给付了,就如今天早上David Petraeus所说明的一样。)

A Chinese female's self-claim to voluntary spying on my wallet on July 1st of 2004 was understood by me as prostituting effort which I never had (and never will have) a penis to be responsive. My irresponsiveness never meant authorization but meant I am a female who doesn't have a penis to respond. I have and I will continuingly report any effort on spying my wallet to the law enforcement. My Trust entities I lawfully inherited are part of my wallet that is not subject for anyone to spy. (还有一个华人女子在2004年7月日当天声称自愿盯着我的钱包,我的理解是这个女人是在卖淫而我根本就没有男睾具可以回应。我当时的没有任何回应从来不是默许授权而是因为我是个女人根本就没有男睾具可以竖起来回应回应。我已经就我的钱包被莫名其妙的盯梢而报警处理,我今后就此报警也永远不会犹豫。我所合法继承的这些信托从来都是我私人钱包的一部分也从来不容盯梢。)

The rumors that the Senior couples would pay for my financial demands are ridiculous. David Petraeus' family has no reason to pay for any of my financial demands. I have requested tons such demands to my own entrusting attorneys & accountants, but never to the Senior couples of the Petraeus' family. (有关长者夫妻应该会为我的财务要求付费的传言真是莫名其妙。David Petraeus的家里没有任何理由为我的任何财务要求付费。我确实是提出了一堆的财务要求,但都是向我自己的信托律师及会计师提出,从来不是向David Petraeus家里的长者夫妻提出。)

----June 29th, 2018

听说了于家强烈表达他们没有责任义务向我谈他们当年如何使用所扣押款项。(Heard Yu's families expressed their annoyedness strongly that they are not responsible to explain anything to me.) 
我的回应:(My response:)

于家有责任义务向美国或者中国执法相关机构谈他们当年为何非法扣押我的生活费用给付及如何使用该款项, 我作为于家当年非法扣押生活费款项事件的受害人会实事求是的向美国执法机关说明 1:特殊年代, 2:时间久远。(Yu's families are responsible to explain to the law enforcement from the United States' or the People's Republic of China on why they illegally detained my living expenses providing and how they spent the detained money. Being the victim of their illegal detention of my living expense providing, I will truthfully explain to the law enforcement of the United States that 1: 1967 was the year of Chinese Red Guards culture revolution time,  2: It has been a long time and my growing up has been smooth.)

我需要强调于家扣押我的生活费用海外汇款从来不是于家的什么合法权利,也从来不是因为我爷爷方智仁或者我的曾祖父母(方智仁的父亲母亲)欠了他们于家什么。(I need to emphasize the detention of my living expenses providing has never been Yu's families' lawful rights nor their privileges, and it was never because of any debts owed by my grandfather Fang, Zhiren nor my from my great-grandparents (Fang, Zhiren's   parents.)

我所听说的是:于姓私人助理的丈母娘和我爷爷方智仁从未有过任何恋爱关系,于姓私人助理的妻子也从来不是我爷爷的血脉骨肉。于姓私人助理是在我父亲方文海1949年当兵之后才成为我爷爷的私人助理的。 1961年时我爷爷支付于姓私人助理每月的工资是¥196.00元人民币。(What I have heard are: Private assistant' Yu's mother-in-law never had any romance with my grandfather Fang, Zhiren, private assistant Yu's wife was never my grandfather's own blood. Mr. Yu became my grandfather's private assistant was after my father joined the Chinese Army in 1949. The wage my grandfather paid to this private assistant Mr. Yu in 1961 was¥196.00 per month which was $196.00 because the exchange rate was $1 U.S.dollar = ¥1 RMB in 1961.)

我个人认为于家今天的表态是因为我昨天的博文强调了于家和该汇款美国公司没有任何关联后,这表态其实是于家想和该美国公司搭上关系的努力。当年的每笔汇款,从1967年7月第一笔汇款开始,都是通过香港中介银行转送往上海,直到1996年我离开中国后停止汇款,于家从不清楚汇款美国公司的任何情况,于家就只知道在1996年10月以后就再没收到过汇款。(My personal opinion, Yu's families expression today was because my blog article stated that they never had any association with the American company who wired the money, this expression was out of the efforts that intended to create a communication channel with the American company to have some association. All these wires had been through a Hong Kong media bank to redirect to Shanghai since the first wire in July of 1967 till the wire stopped immediately after I left China in October of 1996. Yu's families never knew anything about the wiring American company this entire time, Yu's families just knew there had been no wire after October of 1996.)
