
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Monday, June 4, 2018

06-04-2018 Is this a Social Project or an Organized Crime?

06-04-2018 Is this a Social Project or an Organized Crime?

Heard producing team felt being dis-appreciated regarding their efforts to "teach me to behave when I am just an unwanted woman without a child".
My response: How could I possibly appreciate them? I can totally imagine what it is like when I heard those Fords' wives complaints broadcasted publicly on the radio program was "without searching the entire house, the process to verify that child is not associated with their marriage just can't finish." Why this is necessary? What kind public curiosity can it be?

Regarding "teach me to behave", this must be motivated by the proud decisive power wanton producers to match me with prostituting industry standards they so grow up with. Otherwise, how "unwanted" can be the teaching subject for a lesson to a financially independent female? The organizer's family education must be prostituting so that to confuse knowledge-teaching education with the prostituting practicing growing up experiences.

Regarding "throw the same kind to be a match in socializing", I heard it is so appreciated to be promoted as a home-pussy and expected to be the envied of in Chinese community. Well, I don't think this home-pussy proud can be very popular among Chinese who is not a born whore-beggar. Plus, I already denounced myself from the Chinese communities abroad. And because I am a non-lesbian female, so, I say, I refuse this kind of opportunities of being thrown a home-pussy at to let this whore-beggar proud to be appreciated by born whore-beggars.

Since ancient time, a polygamist marriage in China had been similar to a polygamist Muslim marriage in the Middle East. Only after 1920, in Republic of China time, a polygamist marriage means a Concubine wife was either a whore or a beggar. I heard this may be related to the 1920's New Culture movement(新文化运动).

I came from a traditional polygamist marriage that my grandmothers were all from decent families who were not married for food. Both my grandfather(married in 1930) and my father has only one wife.

I am the heir of my ancient polygamist family who is expected to be a male-privileged polygamist in my marriage. I am never the same kind to a Concubine wife. 

I expect my children to carry their fathers' names and to be part of their fathers' families if I have a polygamist marriage, so, my children's fathers will never be the same kind to a Concubine wife equivalent.

Regarding the barren. If a barren woman deserve to be trashed to make the trashing process a "social project"? I assume this is law professions' evaluation of what degree of the felony this can be. By the United States Laws, discriminating a female for barren in reproduction is forbidden, not to mention to make it a "social project" to trash a "barren" female so outrageously public.

Also, a barren can be helped by the modern medical technology of In vitro fertilization, and further helped by a surrogate mother to have a biological child. This is what I did to help myself to have my biological children. And I saw a lot of news reports how a maiden mother or sister reached out to help a barren to have a biological child. Why trashing a "barren" can be such a "social project"?

My daughter was announced in 2012 in the most comfortable way for all parties, for the best interest of hers as well, why public curiosity means searching everyone's house to impress the public "no such child", just to publicly trash her as so unwanted by any Ford anyone ever heard of, can be necessary to produce a radio program?

I heard there was some confusion if that is a physically biologically realistic child or just a painting is the reason for verification necessary, well. why it is already verified it is a video instead of a painting of a biologically realistic child is not enough?

Why identify the birthfather, to interview the birth father and to introduce the birth father to the public is so important? It is to whom it is so necessary that the birth father has to be presented?

For the best interest of that child, why the fact that the mother has own financial resources to support the child is not enough?

If there is any private curiosity or confusion, why this female or that female can be so privileged to ignore the fact that the United States laws forbid to abuse the child nor to harass the birth father in any way nor by any means? How dare this can be said as a public interest?

----originally published on June 3rd, 2018, updated on June 4th, 2018

Heard the confusion from Chinese community that what happened to me is just a social project.
My response: "The social project" must be referring to all these organized harassments and harms conducted to me, and public robbery conducted to my money, via the producing and promoting of the radio program, so I say this social project is the nickname stands for organized crime to kidnap me in poverty. and the organization that hosting this organized crime is the radio program producing & promoting related. No wonder I have to constantly contact law enforcement for help.

Organized crime is a category of transnational, national, or local groupings of highly centralized enterprises run by criminals who intend to engage in illegal activity, most commonly for money and profit (Wikipedia)

In the United States, the Organized Crime Control Act (1970) defines organized crime as "[t]he unlawful activities of [...] a highly organized, disciplined association [...]". Criminal activity as a structured process is referred to as racketeering. (Wikipedia)

----June 4th, 2018