
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, June 17, 2018

06-17-2018 King Lee is the ancient pronunciation-translation of my ancient grandfather's name Jing Li (南唐中主李璟, 916-961AD)

06-17-2018 King Lee is the ancient pronunciation-translation of my ancient grandfather's name Jing Li (南唐中主李璟, 916-961AD)

Heard this morning's talk about "Pejoves" Fund.(中文)
My response: "The investor is not allowed to own" is voiced by the People's Republic of China.

The anger is not related to the modern Business Administration's understanding which recommends investors to be separated with the managerial & administrative power of an investment to enhance the professionalism on business investment's management.

The anger is similar to "you pay for the house, but you are not allowed to own the house nor to occupy the house." (correct me if I am wrong)

The producing team is grouped by the private assistant's related and the "ex-girlfriend" family, which is the hijacker-group of my $9000 (¥9000) living expense providing paid-out from this American "Pejoves" Fund company since I was born in 1967 till I left China in 1996. Those threatening voices are from some actresses and their friend's Middle East romance, etc.

It seems this group doesn't think anything can be wrongful at all for what they did to me and my parents but still trying to get more as if the hijacking is this group's privilege. The reason they were used as the transmitting channel was because the People's Republic of China had severed diplomatic relations since 1949 until 1972 when President Nixon did the State visit to China, there was no money transfering service between the United States and the People's Republic of China. This group of people was not selected by any American nor any American company's employee.

矛盾问题就是,这一群人是我爷爷方智仁当年的于姓私人助理及兄弟姊妹的子女后裔,中国是从1949年开始和美国断交,1972年尼克松访华才恢复外交关系,1967年时没有美国向中国的银行汇款服务。这群人既不是由任何美国人挑选的,也不是由美国公司的任何雇员挑选的。 当年于姓私人助理是这家美国公司支付我的生活费的类似包裹快递的上海中转站,就像现在海外中国城都有的“中国包裹快递”这种,他们就是其中一站,但他们把包裹也就是生活费全部给扣下了,没给我父母,这包裹就是从1967年到1996年的每月9000人民币生活费。现在我成年了,人也在美国了,他们就在中国政府支持下跑美国来,必须要把这家美国公司在美国通过美国“快递公司”(美国财政部)交给我的生活费归他们所有,这不是像拦路抢劫还能是什么呀?

I heard the "thought" is this American "Pejoves" Fund company did not stop the pay-out even after the fact that my parents and I did not receive a penny was known should mean "the granting". This "continuing pay-out" has been the issue between my Trust and the American "Pejoves" Fund company. I can understand the American "Pejoves" Fund company's consideration for my best interest, at least some level if not all, and this is what I express to my entrusting group. For one, I got affluent providing on my food as a child growing-up which wouldn't be easy on my parents' joint-income of¥40-¥50 per month if the paid-out completely stop.

Regarding exactly who I am to this American "Pejoves" Fund company, well, I am the beneficiary-owner of my Trust, my Trust, which was set up for me by Jing Li( or King Lee, 南唐中主李璟) in 961AD or so, has been the up-stream investor-owner of this American "Pejoves" Fund company, as this American "Pejoves" Fund company has already clarified.

King Lee is the ancient spelling translation of 李璟, this ancient spelling translation has been used in Hong Kong as well until 1990. Jing Li is the current standard English spelling translation of the People's Republic of China for 李璟. His son (my grandfather) is the famous Chinese poet "King of the Ci Poem" Yu Li(or Yuk Lee, "词帝” 南唐后主李煜, 937-978AD).

Example: 李锦记公司英文名:Lee Kum Kee Food company, the standard spelling translation for 李锦 would be: Jin Li.

References for Hong Kong common pronunciations:


----June 17th, 2018

Some ask exactly what has been the issue between me and Chinese National Leaders' true & lifelong love stories.
My response: The same issue as the one I am having with some American big names.

"Why their love affair is my money to pay?" has been my scream this entire time. Why they got a true love who they owe their life-long devotions is the reason that my money should be transferred to their bank accounts without my own willingness.

----June 17th, 2018