
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, June 3, 2018

06-03-2018 Wanton producers' whore curiosity can't be mistaken as the public curiosity

06-03-2018 Wanton producers' whore curiosity can't be mistaken as the public curiosity

Heard this morning's talk about why it takes law enforcement's help to have a providing check signed.
My response: Well, because there was some confusion if that British Investment in America is an independent American company or owned 100% by a British investor company.

I heard in the government records, this American company has been registered as a British Investment in America as well as paying taxes as a British Investment in America since the year 1600 or so.

I heard this confusion caused the American company refuses to sign the providing check as instructed by its British Investor was the reason for law enforcement's help to have the British Investor's instructed providing check signed.

I don't know a lot, but I am comfortable because what I heard tells me that my Trust is an investor from up-stream has been acknowledged and I have been protected by laws. I don't know anything beyond that there is some confusion but I am protected.

----June 3rd, 2018

Heard this morning's curiosity about how I provide for my children if I do have biological children?
My response: I heard that was the office-mate Raquel from Janus Associates. The intellectual income was the software based on Secure_Transport prototype that was broadcasted as the cool software that can transmit data securely together with video.

I heard my share of intellectual income from this software prototype has been either in investment on my behave with good intentions or have been "deserved taken with an announced ruling" which I have called law enforcement's help.

My biological children should have been provided for their daily expenses, and they should also have been covered by mine for emergency protection and special concerns such as skin care and cotton dresses. The arrangement for my side coverage was decided as not from my intellectual income.

----June 3rd, 2018

Exactly what is the public curiosity regarding my biological children?

My response: I heard there are "public curiosity" who is the exact "seeder" to them and exactly which bank accounts pay for them, I doubted this can be from any public curiosity, so I did call law enforcement's help on this possible child abuse intended and harassment intended.

From my understanding, the efforts to dig-out all from this producing group's curiosity is beyond normal or ordinary already, and all these intentions are to manage the "seeder's" underwear or to gain access to the "seeder's" underwear to trash the children and to have access to the bank accounts to steal or to publicly rob the money.

It is already well known they are not on any radio program producers' personal spending. It is never any wanton producer's deserves to know their exact whereabouts nor their exact financial situation, nor to express the wanton producers' own opinions on who can better serve their "seeder's" underwear, nor how unworthy the children can be to have a father who loves them only.

This is entirely the whores' curiosity, never a public curiosity.

----June 3rd, 2018

Heard producing team felt being dis-appreciated.
My response: How could I appreciate them? I can totally imagine what it is like when I heard those Fords' wives complaints broadcasted publicly on the radio program was "without searching the entire house, the process to verify that child is not associated with their marriage just can't finish." Why this is necessary? What kind public curiosity can it be?

She was announced in 2012 in the most comfortable way for all parties, for the best interest of that published girl as well, why searching everyone's house to impress the public just to publicly trash her as so unwanted by any Ford anyone ever heard of can be necessary to produce a radio program?

I heard there was some confusion if that is a physically biologically realistic child or just a painting is the reason for verification, well. why verifying it is a video of a biologically realistic child is not enough?

Why identify the birthfather, to interview the birth father and introduce the birth father to the public is so important? it is to whom it is so necessary that the birth father has to be presented?

For the best interest of that child, why the fact that the mother has own financial resources to support the child is not enough?

If there is any private curiosity or confusion, why this female or that female can be so privileged to ignore the fact that the United States laws forbid to abuse the child nor to harass the birth father in any way nor by any means? How dare this can be said as a public interest?

----June 3rd, 2018