
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, June 15, 2018

06-15-2018 Why a so-so rich deserve to search a much richer? For what they already have self-produced for their own self-enjoyment?

06-15-2018 Why a so-so rich deserve to search a much richer? For what they already have self-produced for their own self-enjoyment?

Heard this morning's shocking broadcasting.
My response: The search-threat announcer is a common salary rich in reality, not even a hedge fund manager rich nor any superior rich to be this loud.

This entire time, it seems a lot of criminal activities defined by the U.S. criminal laws as well as the Chinese criminal laws have been promoted on this radio program as privileges and been constantly called upon "to make it happen" in the name of "practicing to be a politician".

I assemble some examples I have complained about, please correct me if I am wrong:

1: Money's lawful ownership is publicly challenged by the willingness to own the money which resulted in actual illegal money ownership transfer.
2: Intellectual Income is challenged to be re-categorized as sexual-intercourse income which also resulted in actual illegal money ownership transfer.
3: Reality broadcasting or news reports is challenged to be re-defined as "Announce the wish to make it a Reality" through promotion after each broadcasting which resulted in illegal hate-promoting and illegal harassment-organizing, I heard it is intended to achieve illegal property(valuables) ownership transfer.
4: "Politician or Politician-to-be" is not in-office to serve the people but to practice superior privileges in front of all laws, and to enjoy sex & money as well as privileged biological reproduction, and to expect to be financially handsomely supported by tax-collected from the people?

----June 15th, 2018

In China, only one major group that is known for politicians' training organization: Chinese Communism Youth Party. I heard tons of people that have some stories on this blog are currently professionally associated with this Chinese Communism Youth party.

"First-born daughter", "Ex-girl friend's" family, Private assistant's family, 2004's prominent Chinese males' and their possible true loves, etc. A lot of them have demanded money publicly on this radio program without any legal ground, some resulted in actual illegal money ownership transfer.

----June 15th, 2018