
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Thursday, May 31, 2018

05-31-2018 Inheriting means money received is from a deceased who should be a dead body corrpse already, never from a living prominent

05-31-2018 Inheriting means money received is from a deceased who should be a dead body corrpse already, never from a living prominent

Heard this morning's talk about $400Million.
My response: Since this $400 Million is American money in confusion, so I use English to explain what I heard of.

First of all
, I said, "I inherited money" and I was never corrected the entire time on both June 30th and July 1st of 2004. Inheriting means I got my money from some already dead persons who died on or before June 30th of 2004. The intention to use the money ownership confusion theme to curse all these living prominent rich is never from me.

Second of all, I inherited is the Trust Inheritances, not the family inheritances. The difference can be illustrated as: A grandfather of mine gave me a gift of Trust as a Christmas gift on the morning of a Christmas day, and he died in a car accident on the next day which is the December 26th of the same year. Is that Christmas gift of Trust can be counted as what he left behind? Never, of course. The Christmas gift of Trust is what I inherited, what my grandfather left behind his death was the family inheritance. I inherited my Trusts from several generation grandfathers after their deaths so that these Trusts are my Trust Inheritances. I inherited each of my Trust inheritance as the sole beneficiary person according to the settlor grandfather's will.

Third, I heard there are actually 2 instances of $400 Million in this morning's broadcasting. One was transmitted on November 1st of 2014 which is the one currently in Connecticut's New Haven area, the other one argued that is still in Washington area is the one transmitted to Treasury Department on November 1st of 2016. Both have $400,000 service fee paid each month to the Treasury Department for a full year from the November 1of the paying year. These 2 instances of $400 Million are from two different Trust Inheritances of mine. This $400Million a year is my daily living expenses providing that Treasure Department agreed to help to transmit to me on July 1st of 2004.

Fourth, this morning's Chinese producing team, I heard, is heavily staffed with the offspring of the siblings of my grandfather's former private assistant. This private assistant's own offspring and related are also involved. I heard they have been involved in producing efforts since 2014.

I heard, this private assistant was the receipt person in Shanghai who had received ¥9000 RMB each month since the month I was born till I left China in 1996 when I was 29years old. My parents never received a penny from this ¥9,000 RMB monthly living expenses providing ever since I was born.

I heard, this ¥9,000 RMB per month had been part of the $10,000 U.S. dollar per month which had been paid by the American "Pejoves" Fund, the exchange rate had been fixed $1=¥1 till 1980 or so. I heard the amount of $10,000 has not been changed since it started in July of 1967.

My grandfather passed away in 1965 before I was born, I heard this private assistant became my grandfather's assistant since my father joined the Chinese Army in early 1949 and served my grandfather until his death. I heard this private assistant Yu(于) was a son-in-law to my grandfather romantically involved ex-girlfriend's cousin. I heard my grandfather never involved with this private assistant's mother-in-law. I heard the ex-girlfriend's marriage family as well as her child from the marriage, biologically, have been Hong Kong residents since 1948. The Trust this grandfather set up for me is the Hong Kong Trust which has nothing to do with any $400 Million in the U.S. Treasure Department stories but $500Million transferred from Hong Kong in 2004 story.

I was born in the crazy 1967 when China was having the Culture Revolution (Red Guards Revolution) and I grew up smooth are the reasons that I am listening what happened instead of accusing immediately. But you can hear from this radio program's broadcasting, it is all about who truly deserve this living expense providing instead of who lawfully own this $400 Million.

----May 31st, 2018