
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Saturday, June 30, 2018

06-30-2018 于家一些相关事情中我所不能理解的 (What I don't understand about Yu's families)

06-30-2018 我对于家一些故事的不理解 (What I don't understand about Yu's families) 

听说了今天早上所谈的于家。(Heard this morning's talk about Yu's families)
我的回应:我听说的是于家1964年已经开始查询我爷爷在香港的钱财藏在哪里,1965年已在想办法将我爷爷的上海财产转入于家自己名下,我爷爷在1965年时在上海报警是我父亲的弟妹们可以顺利拿到我爷爷的遗嘱所分配家产的原因。(My response: I heard Yu's family had been sniffing around where Hong Kong money had been in 1964 and intended to transfer my grandfather's Shanghai money into Yu's family's bank account. My grandfather called Shanghai law enforcement was the reason my father's siblings inherited their inheritable according to my grandfather's wills.)

我听说的是我爷爷1965年向上海警方报警时不承认这位于姓私人助理的妻子是我爷爷自己的骨肉血脉小孩。我听说我爷爷1965年在向上海警方报警时一字未提香港信托。我听说于姓私人助理是从我父亲弟妹处得知我爷爷有钱放在了香港。(I heard my grandfather denied his fatherhood to the wife of his private assistant Yu in his account to the Shanghai law enforcement and he did not mention Hong Kong money at all. I heard the private assistant Yu heard about Hong Kong money from my father's siblings.)

我最近听说,根据DNA鉴定,我爷爷的于姓私人助理和我曾祖父的于姓保镖是亲生父子关系(听说两人不是户籍父子关系)。(I heard recently that my grandfather's private assistant was the biological son of my great grandfather's security Yu by DNA test result. I heard they were not legally registered as the father and son.)

这些都是可以通过当年警方的档案及DNA鉴定予以核实的,所有材料的真伪也都是可以做司法鉴定的。(All these should be able to be verified by the police records as well as the DNA test results, and the authentication of the documents can certainly be verified by forensics.) 

我就是不太明白这个于姓私人助理为什么会和我爷爷要钱,为什么会将我爷爷的钱全算成他自己的,闹到我爷爷要报警的地步,于姓私人助理是个拿工资受雇佣的私人助理,怎么会去想我爷爷的钱?就像现在这个美国公司的事情,于家不屑解释他们当年凭什么扣留了我的生活费用却一再高调强调他们就是应该继续拿钱,凭什么呀?(I just don't understand this:  Being an employed private assistant, a work relationship person to my grandfather, why private assistant Yu would demand my grandfather's wealth? why this private assistant would consider my grandfather's wealth to be his own so seriously enough that prompted my grandfather called Shanghai law enforcement's help? Why would he feel so comfortable he should want my grandfather's wealth? Just like current American Fund company's story, Yu's families have no need at all to explain why they detained my providing but strongly argue with emphasis that they should continually receive good money to be provided by the American company, why is this?)

但我也听说了我母亲的结婚礼物就是在1966年时由这个于姓私人助理送到了南京,只是我母亲没有拿到而已。(But I also heard my mother's wedding gift was sent to Nanjing to my mother by this same private assistant Yu in 1966, my mother did not receive it because of other reasons.)

我听说的是:我奶奶因为食物造成不适是被于姓私人助理发现后送进医院的,据说于家认为我们一家应该就此永远感恩不尽,可我奶奶进了医院就再没回家而是在医院去世了,没因为被于姓私人助理发现就捡了一条命活着回家,我奶奶没有因为于姓私人助理而活着回家,我们家凭什么就因为于姓私人助理拿着工资做了他该做的一份工作就应该对于家永远感恩不尽啊?(What I heard is: My grandmother was discovered and sent to the hospital by this private assistant Yu when my grandmother got food related discomforts. I heard Yu's families think my grandmother's family should appreciate this permanently forever, but my grandmother did not survive the discomforts but died in the hospital. It was not like my grandmother survived because this private assistant found her on time, the truth was my grandmother never left the hospital but died there. Why my grandmother's family should appreciate private assistant Yu so greatly and so forever because he was the one found her and did his paid-job to send her to the hospital during his paid working-time?)

我听说的是:我曾祖父的故事也是这个情况,因食物造成不适,由当时拿着保镖工资的于姓保镖发现而送医或者是叫了医生,隔夜就去世了。凭什么说我们就欠了于家的?(What  I heard is: My great-grandfather was a similar story that he got food related discomforts, and he was discovered by the security Yu, and either sent to the hospital or called in a doctor by security Yu during security Yu's paid shift. My great-grandfather died overnight or so. Why my family owes this Yu's family because of this?)

我听说的是:我爷爷在1948年在香港办理信托后,就把上海大部分的财产放在了我奶奶的名字下面,我奶奶一住院,我爷爷就赶紧把钱转回他自己名下结果我奶奶还是去世了。(What I heard is: After my grandfather set up the Hong Kong Trust, my grandfather transferred the majority of his wealth to my grandmother's name. When my grandmother was hospitalized, my grandfather hurried to transfer the wealth back to his own name but seems did not save my grandmother.)

我就是不明白啊。就像昨天在广播剧里,于家就是一副已经很不耐烦的口气,好像是我在无理取闹才硬要说钱是我的,是美国公司在蛮不讲理才坚持不给他们于家想要的美国钱,可他们于家和美国公司一点关联都没有的,于家从来就不是什么投资人也不是什么生意往来户,于家就是个什么都不是。怎么就这么凶啊?(I just don't understand any of this. Just like yesterday's broadcasting, Yu's families sound like they are so fed up with all these already. as if I am being so annoying to insist on stating that is my money, the American company has been so ridiculous insist on not to continue providing them the money, but Yu's families got nothing to do with the American company, not investing associated nor business associated, basically is not associated at all. Why this tone?)

我爷爷在香港所设立信托的委托书里所指定的唯一受益人是我父亲的胎记掌纹支所生的胎记掌纹女,我是1967年出生有着和我父亲一摸一样的双掌胎记掌纹的他的掌纹女,是我父亲所生所育的他的骨肉女,是我父亲靠他自己的工资收入辛苦养大的他的亲生女,我方敏是我父亲唯一的女儿,我爷爷的掌纹儿子所生所育的唯一掌纹女。(My grandfather's settler's letter of the Hong Kong Trust entity stated that the sole beneficiary person should be the female-palm from his eldest son Fang, Wenhai‘s (方文海) palm-line. I was born in 1967 with birthmarks on my both palms exactly the same after my father, I am my father's own blood, I am my father's own girl he had raised by his hard-earned own making, I am my father's only biological daughter, my grandfather's birthmark son's only female birthmark-palms.)

06-06-2018 Rumors I heard about my family


Friday, June 29, 2018

06-29-2018 My inherited is part of my wallet that is never subject to spy (我的钱包包括我所继承的,从来都是不容盯梢)

06-29-2018 My inherited is part of my wallet that is never subject to spy (我的钱包包括我所继承的,从来都是不容盯梢)

Heard this morning's talk about one Rockefeller family's money confusion.(听说了今天早上谈到有关一个洛克菲勒家庭的钱困扰)
My response: I have no idea how come it became confusion after I left the meeting of July 1st, 2004. (我的回应:我就是不明白怎么2004年7月1日会议后这花钱的事怎么就变成了R家困扰。)

I only authorized David Petraeus' wife Holly on July 1st of 2004 to keep an eye on if her husband would pay for my glass house cancer treatment because the decision was I would pay it myself and she was employed by the medical treatment provider system in 2004.  The fact that I could self-pay for my medical expense which was "well-known very expensive in 2004" should mean she would have no need to keep an eye on my daily living expenses and I was either a homeless or living on welfare before my medical expenses were paid since October(or November) of 2014. She was never authorized to spy on my wallet and she is no longer authorized to keep an eye on my medical spending on glasshouse cancer treatment as David Petraeus announced.(我在2004年7月1日那天只授权了David Petraeus的老婆Holly看着我的脑控癌治疗费用账户以确定是不是她自己的丈夫在替我付钱,这是因为在这授权之前就已经决定了这治疗费用会由我自己支付而她本人2004年当时又在提供治疗的医疗系统上班。只要我有能力自己支付在2004年当时公认很昂贵的脑控癌治疗费用是事实,就意味着她就应该没有任何需要盯着我的生活费用给付,而且在2014年10月或者11月我的脑控癌治疗开始付费前,我要么是没钱的流浪汉要么靠美国政府的救济综援生活。她从来未被我授权盯着我的钱包,她现在也没有我的授权也不再可以盯着我的医疗给付了,就如今天早上David Petraeus所说明的一样。)

A Chinese female's self-claim to voluntary spying on my wallet on July 1st of 2004 was understood by me as prostituting effort which I never had (and never will have) a penis to be responsive. My irresponsiveness never meant authorization but meant I am a female who doesn't have a penis to respond. I have and I will continuingly report any effort on spying my wallet to the law enforcement. My Trust entities I lawfully inherited are part of my wallet that is not subject for anyone to spy. (还有一个华人女子在2004年7月日当天声称自愿盯着我的钱包,我的理解是这个女人是在卖淫而我根本就没有男睾具可以回应。我当时的没有任何回应从来不是默许授权而是因为我是个女人根本就没有男睾具可以竖起来回应回应。我已经就我的钱包被莫名其妙的盯梢而报警处理,我今后就此报警也永远不会犹豫。我所合法继承的这些信托从来都是我私人钱包的一部分也从来不容盯梢。)

The rumors that the Senior couples would pay for my financial demands are ridiculous. David Petraeus' family has no reason to pay for any of my financial demands. I have requested tons such demands to my own entrusting attorneys & accountants, but never to the Senior couples of the Petraeus' family. (有关长者夫妻应该会为我的财务要求付费的传言真是莫名其妙。David Petraeus的家里没有任何理由为我的任何财务要求付费。我确实是提出了一堆的财务要求,但都是向我自己的信托律师及会计师提出,从来不是向David Petraeus家里的长者夫妻提出。)

----June 29th, 2018

听说了于家强烈表达他们没有责任义务向我谈他们当年如何使用所扣押款项。(Heard Yu's families expressed their annoyedness strongly that they are not responsible to explain anything to me.) 
我的回应:(My response:)

于家有责任义务向美国或者中国执法相关机构谈他们当年为何非法扣押我的生活费用给付及如何使用该款项, 我作为于家当年非法扣押生活费款项事件的受害人会实事求是的向美国执法机关说明 1:特殊年代, 2:时间久远。(Yu's families are responsible to explain to the law enforcement from the United States' or the People's Republic of China on why they illegally detained my living expenses providing and how they spent the detained money. Being the victim of their illegal detention of my living expense providing, I will truthfully explain to the law enforcement of the United States that 1: 1967 was the year of Chinese Red Guards culture revolution time,  2: It has been a long time and my growing up has been smooth.)

我需要强调于家扣押我的生活费用海外汇款从来不是于家的什么合法权利,也从来不是因为我爷爷方智仁或者我的曾祖父母(方智仁的父亲母亲)欠了他们于家什么。(I need to emphasize the detention of my living expenses providing has never been Yu's families' lawful rights nor their privileges, and it was never because of any debts owed by my grandfather Fang, Zhiren nor my from my great-grandparents (Fang, Zhiren's   parents.)

我所听说的是:于姓私人助理的丈母娘和我爷爷方智仁从未有过任何恋爱关系,于姓私人助理的妻子也从来不是我爷爷的血脉骨肉。于姓私人助理是在我父亲方文海1949年当兵之后才成为我爷爷的私人助理的。 1961年时我爷爷支付于姓私人助理每月的工资是¥196.00元人民币。(What I have heard are: Private assistant' Yu's mother-in-law never had any romance with my grandfather Fang, Zhiren, private assistant Yu's wife was never my grandfather's own blood. Mr. Yu became my grandfather's private assistant was after my father joined the Chinese Army in 1949. The wage my grandfather paid to this private assistant Mr. Yu in 1961 was¥196.00 per month which was $196.00 because the exchange rate was $1 U.S.dollar = ¥1 RMB in 1961.)

我个人认为于家今天的表态是因为我昨天的博文强调了于家和该汇款美国公司没有任何关联后,这表态其实是于家想和该美国公司搭上关系的努力。当年的每笔汇款,从1967年7月第一笔汇款开始,都是通过香港中介银行转送往上海,直到1996年我离开中国后停止汇款,于家从不清楚汇款美国公司的任何情况,于家就只知道在1996年10月以后就再没收到过汇款。(My personal opinion, Yu's families expression today was because my blog article stated that they never had any association with the American company who wired the money, this expression was out of the efforts that intended to create a communication channel with the American company to have some association. All these wires had been through a Hong Kong media bank to redirect to Shanghai since the first wire in July of 1967 till the wire stopped immediately after I left China in October of 1996. Yu's families never knew anything about the wiring American company this entire time, Yu's families just knew there had been no wire after October of 1996.)


Thursday, June 28, 2018

06-28-2018 Those no-money Fang's offspring should accuse their own grandfathers instead of swearing about me(那些没钱的方家后人应该去指责他们自己的爷爷而不是对我谩骂)

06-28-2018 Those no-money Fang's offspring should accuse their own grandfathers instead of swearing about me (那些没钱的方家后人应该去指责他们自己的爷爷而不是对我谩骂)

听说了今天早上方家后人对我的中文谩骂。(Heard this morning's swearing from Fang's offspring)

我的回应:哪里来的这份愤怒?又不是他们家的爷爷当年没有分到家产。他们家爷爷把钱都给花光了,赌钱赌光了,玩女人玩光了,关我什么事?我所继承的是信托也就是格外给我的一份礼物而已,又没拿了一分一毫他们所分到的家产,把气撒我这里干嘛?(My response: Where this anger come from? It was never their own grandfathers did not get any share of the family inheritance. Their own grandfathers might have spent it all on women, or on gambling, etc.  what this got to do with me at all? Trust entities I inherited are the gifts given to me, not a penny from their grandfathers' any share of inherited, why I am the one being blamed?)

从唐太宗李世民以第四子继承了他父亲唐高祖李渊的皇位开始,就已经是举世皆知我们家从来不是长子继承而是家族胎记掌纹继承。我的爷爷我的父亲和我这一支是我们家里的继承人一支,这是我爷爷方智仁把他大部分的钱都办了信托给我父亲的掌纹支所出的掌纹女儿(也就是我)的最主要原因。虽然我是我这一代的继承人,但方智仁爷爷1948年给我的信托,就象其他爷爷给我的一样,也还是给我的礼物。我爷爷方智仁1965年去世前给他所有子女的遗嘱是我爷爷方智仁所做的去世前的财务安排也就是分家产。直到去世,方智仁爷爷都从未更改他于1948年所立的信托委托书,方智仁爷爷1965年给他所有子女的所有遗嘱里也都没有更改信托意愿。(Since the Second Tang dynasty Emperor Taizong(唐太宗李世民), the fourth son of his Emperor father, became the crown prince because of his palm-birthmarks, it has been historically well-known my family's inheriting rule is never the first-born son inheriting but the family birthmark inheriting. My grandfather, my father and I are the family's palm-birthmark heir line, this was the major reason my grandfather used most of his wealth to set up the Hong Kong Trust entity for me who is my father's palm-birthmark line's palm-birthmark daughter. Even though I am my generation heir of the family, but my Trust entity my grandfather set up for me in 1948 was still a gift to me from my grandfather, the same as my other upstream grandfathers' gifts to me. Before my grandfather Fang, Zhiren (方智仁) passed away in 1965, he had written his last will to each of his four children about his financial arrangement for each of his child which was the family inheriting of my grandfather's generation. Till his death, my grandfather never changed his settler's letter of the Hong Kong Trust entity he had set up, and he never mentioned this Hong Kong Trust entity in all his 1965 letters to all his children. )

我相信每一代爷爷去世前,都有给各房子女做好财务安排。我们家是一夫多妻家庭都已经有一两千年了,也一直都有母凭子贵母后娘娘皇太后的传统,家里确实都是一直只有一房二房称谓,从无大房偏房之称。我相信爷爷们在分家产时可能会有对这房那房孩子的一些特别偏爱,有继承人与非继承人的区别,但从来就没有什么所谓大房偏房的区别。(I tend to believe that when each generation of my grandfathers was about to leave this world, each of them had made financial arrangement for each of his children and each of his wife. My family has been polygamist marriage family for over 1000 years already, and the entire time my family has this tradition of privileges for the mother of the heir as the Mother of the King or Queen Mother, so my family always had the first wife, second wife but never a concubine wife. I would believe my grandfathers might have some favored this or that child from this or that wife, some difference between the heir-son and the non-heir sons when it comes to how to decide the shares of his wealth inheriting among his own children, but not out of if the mother was the first one married to him).

每一代做父亲的去世前,也都是给每一个孩子以及他所有孩子们的母亲做好安排,也从来都是各房拿各房自己的钱,年纪小的也都有办理一份信托等成年后再兑现,没听说有哪家没分到家产的。估计家里一直也都有所谓的如何分家产的祖规,大差不差的,所以每一代分家产的时候各房也都算是安静,从来就没听说家里有那一代有为了分家产而有哪一房闹得上吊跳崖的故事,怎么现在跑我这儿撒气来了?(At the time when each generation of my grandfathers about to leave this world, the financial arrangements always had been for all his wives and each of his children, it always had been each cluster of the children took their own shares with their mother's own share, young aged would have a Trust set up for him to cash when reaching the adult age, there never had any family stories about who did not get a penny. I assume my family may even have some inheriting-share-arrangement rules to apply since ancient time which must have been proven to be fair enough for each generation's inheriting. For the past over 1000 years' time, the family inheriting had been smooth without any family stories featuring which desperate wife did what dramatics with her entire or partial clan after "any unfair inheriting". Why all of sudden there is such angry against me from at least 4th-cousin away?)

我拿到的是礼物,就拿今天广播里所讲的这个信托来说吧,今天早上所提到的据说和美国“Pejoves”基金公司是同一个爷爷(南唐中主李璟)所设信托的投资, 南唐中主李璟爷爷在公元916年左右送给了我这份礼物,可我自己的父亲我自己的爷爷都统统没份分享,我所拿到的这份礼物哪里会和其他各代各房的子女有任何关系啊?我所继承的的信托都是我100%独自完全拥有的礼物。(What I inherited are gifts to me, such as the Trust entity featured in this morning's broadcasting which is the investor of this morning's mentioned company as well as the American "Pejoves" Fund company. this Trust entity was set up for me by the Southern Tang dynasty Emperor Lee, King ( or Li, Jing 李璟) in the year 916AD that even my father Fang, Wenhai (方文海)and my grandfather Fang, Zhiren (方智仁) don't have any share in it, how could this gift possibly have anything to do with any offspring from any generations' grandfather's other wives ? The Trust entities I have inherited are all 100% solely owned by myself.) 


有说一些方家后人想打官司争取信托但没有遗嘱可以作为法律依据上法庭。(Heard there are some Fang's offspring intend to file lawsuits but no such Will can be the legal ground for them to do so.)

我的回应:确实如此。((My response: This is a true statement. )

因为这些信托从来都只是作为礼物为家里的胎记掌纹继承支的胎记掌纹继承女(也就是我)所设立,设立信托时的委托书从来都是给我这个唯一的受益人的,从来不是给任何其他方家后人的,连我自己的父亲爷爷也没有。我是这些信托的唯一受益人是由设立信托的爷爷们在信托委托书里所指定的也从未更改的,方家其他后人不可能有相关遗嘱。(It is because all these Trust entities are set up as gifts only to me who is the family palm-birthmark heir-daughter from the family palm-birthmark heirs' line as the specified the sole beneficiary person in each of these Trust entities' settlers' letters, each of these Trust entities was never intended to be a gift to anyone else even my own father and my grandfather. I have been the sole beneficiary person of each of these Trust entities by each's settler's letter which has never been changed ever since the set up of each of these Trust entities. None of those Fang's offspring could have such a Will.)

方家的其他后人。每一代分家产时,方家血脉都有分到很体面的份额。(I did not take any money from other people's inheritable, and I won't feel as I owe anyone only because I got these gifts from my own birth grandfathers. All Fang's offspring of each generation had their own decent shares at their inheriting time.)

举个例子,国民政府时期的国民教育部当年筹资中央大学系统时的三代最大的捐款人的第一代,也就是我曽曾祖父这一代,我听说血缘传承的每一非继承子所分家产平均是10万大洋左右,也就是在1905-1920年期间,我曽曾祖父的每一非继承子是分到了30万的美金(如果汇率是1大洋=3美金)。这一份家产规模在当年就是足够在上海开一家银行的资本。我得强调血缘传承的非继承子,否则来一堆没父子血缘关系甚至没有任何血缘关系的扯着嗓门的叫唤没拿到钱。(For example, the first generation of the three generations biggest donors to the Education Department of the Republic of China for establishing Chinese colleges, my great-great-grandfather's generation, I heard each biological non-heir son's share averaged 100, 000 Silver Dollar which means the average size for each biological non-heir son of my great-great-grandfather was $300,000 U.S. Dollars if the exchange rate was 1 Silver Dollar = $3 U.S Dollar in the 1905-1920 time. This was the size that could open a bank in Shanghai at that time. I have the great need to emphasize this "biological non-heir son" to avoid myself from being yelled at "never" by those who are either not from this great-great-grandfather of mine or not even biologically associated.)

再比如我听说1965年我爷爷方智仁去世时给我父亲弟妹的每人一万元人民币,就是上海一个街道储蓄所的全部现金储备,也就是1965年的这一万元钱可以在上海开一家街道储蓄所了,如果当时一元大洋还是三元美金的汇率,这钱在美国可能也可以开一间类似街道储蓄所啦,方智仁爷爷给的也不差啊。(Another example, I heard the amount of ¥10,000 RMB that my grandfather Fang, Zhiren gave to each of my father's sibling in 1965, was the total amount of the cash reserve needed for a local bank's branch in Shanghai which means the ¥10,000 RBM my grandfather gave to each of my father's siblings was a good size to open a bank's branch in Shanghai in 1965, possibly in the United States as well if the exchange rate was 1 Silver Dollar = $3 U.S. dollar. )

每代都是如此,至于钱怎么处理,就是分到家产的子女自己决定的啦。现在没钱啦,就对我连吼代叫想从我收到的礼物里狠狠咬上一口,凭什么呀?我是坚决拒绝睬都不睬。再加上我父亲母亲在2004年后的经历,除了我自己父母,我是谁都不欠。(Each generation has been like this, how the young generation would spend this inherited money, of course, would be the young generation's own decision. So, now their offspring just swearing at me because they run out of their inherited money and expect to bit into my gifts? I refuse, I refuse, I refuse, I refuse, I refuse, I refuse, I refuse. I don't owe anyone else other than my own parents after my parents' experiences since my inheriting of the gifts in 2004.)

我是真的不会理睬现在这些对我个人拿到礼物的谩骂而不指责他们自己爷爷的做法,这种做法真是莫名其妙的紧,岂有此理的很。(I truly won't listen to these swearing at me while their own grandfathers should be their accusation. This has been ridiculous enough and absurd enough.)


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

06-27-2018 Laws are at work already, Just listen to the radio program (法律已经在工作,你就听广播剧吧)

06-27-2018 Laws are at work already, Just listen to the radio program (法律已经在工作,你就听广播剧吧)

Laws are at work already to ensure the freedom of speech does not mean confusing

Heard this morning's talk of the confusion about tax laws. (听说了几天早上提到有关税法的困扰)
My response: I heard which certainly means may not be accurate, that according to the United States tax laws, the investor tax is paid when the money is transferring out of the investment for personal usage. So, it is lawful for a U.S. citizen investor not to reveal the total size or detailed size of any combination of investments as an investor. But by law, an investor needs to report the actual amount of the money being transferred out of the investment purpose at the same time of the transferring. (我的回应:我听说也就是说不一定准确啊,按照美国法律,投资人税是在投资款项被转出投资目的用于非投资目的时支付。所以,投资人是美国公民的话,是可以合法不公开投资综合及项目细节。但是按照法律,一个投资人必须在款项转出投资目的时如实汇报转出投资用途的款项数额。

If so, what will happen if there is any unlawful investment activity? The law enforcement enforcing laws by tracking down who is the investor of the discovered unlawful activity. (那如果有非法投资活动哪?一旦发现非法活动,警方执法是倒追谁是该非法活动的投资人。

My Trust entity has been registered as an entity for investment and I am a U.S. citizen, so it is lawful to refuse to reveal any investment activities of my Trust entity. (我的信托是注册为投资目的法人机构, 我又是美国公民,所以拒绝公开我的信托的投资活动是合法权利。)

I heard this morning's anger was because the insist-on request for a Spanish company's accounting information was from an American who is never associated to the Spanish company in any way.(我听说今天早上的愤怒是因为坚持要求西班牙的一家公司的提交该公司业务账目信息的这个美国人和西班牙的这家公司是一点关联都没有。)

----June 27th, 2018

Heard about this morning's confusion from the Mr. "Amusing Incident".(听说了今天早上还在困扰中的“乌龙事件”主角)
My response: It sounds like the Mister is still confused. It is not a surprise if you heard how confused some Miss Os and some Mister Os are, I heard they are still really confused.

I heard the family confusion of Mr. "Amusing Incident" was clarified according to laws in the radio program for a four-days-time between June 7th of 2018 -June 10th of 2018, and June 11th-14th of 2018 broadcasting was the "freedom of speech" of what else has been confusing to them after the 4-days major clarification according to the laws. What you heard today is the impact of what else has been so confusing. It won't be surprising if there is something else still very confusing. Just listen to the radio program.

I believe laws are already at work on the radio program's producing. Being the majorly impacted major-featured-person of this radio program, I did keep on calling law enforcement's help as well to make sure the radio program is reporting these types of important matters, not scripting nor patching-up and nor over-writing after the lawful clarification.

Freedom of speech, granted by the United States' Constitution, is the right to express any opinions without censorship or restraint. Freedom of speech is the right to verbally express, never the right to verbally take over any format of any physically existing entity nor any financial valuables.(美国人的言论自由是由美国宪法赋予美国公民的权利。言论自由的权利是可以不受压制不受限制的用语言来表达的权力, 从来不是用语言来夺取合法被其他人所拥有的任何物质存在及任何财产财务的权利。)

06-07-2018 Amusing incident (乌龙事件)

----June 27th, 2018

听说了于家就是没法明白。(Heard Yu's families are so confused)
我的回应:我现在还在听究竟于家是个什么故事。(My response: I am still listening exactly what has been the story.)

于家认为他们当年可以把钱留下,该美国公司既没有追究也没停止付款,就已经表明了于家就是应该继续拿钱。Yu's families think the American "Pejoves" Fund company did not stop wiring the money the entire time fully aware of Yu's families had kept all the wired money to themselves should mean granting Yu's families to own the money.

该美国公司其实对此已经说的很清楚. (The American company already clarified this clearly:)
  1. 这钱从1967年7月开始支付是汇给我方敏的,从来不是汇给于家的。(The wire started in the July of 1967 immediately after my birth, none of these Yu's families was the wire's intended recipient)
  2. 在我方敏1996年10月离开中国,公司向中国的此项汇款就立即停止了。(The wiring to China stopped immediately in October of 1996 when I left China to the United States.)
  3. 从1997年1月起,公司已经用我方敏的名字作为支付该每月1万美金的账务支付理由。(My name Min Fang has been booked as the reason for the $10,000 monthly check payment in the American company's accounting record since January of 1997)

我个人认为公司在1967年7月至1996年10月期间,在明知我方敏及我父母从未收到该项汇款的情况下,从未停止支付该项汇款的原因:(My personal opinion regarding the reasons that the American company did not stop the wiring after aware of my family never received any money:)
  1. 是为了保障如果我方敏有需要紧急用款的情况下,公司可以通过中国政府协助在中国当地想办法尽快拿到钱款。我父母两人当时的工资一共只有40元左右,美国公司的汇款是每月一万美金。(It is to ensure if I would be in any kind of emergency, with the Chinese government's help, the company could reach out to get emergency funding locally. My parents' joint income was only about ¥40 ($40) per month when I was born. The wire was $10,000 per month)
  2. 在中美两国1967年没有建立外交关系的现实情况下,一切为了保障我方敏的最大利益。(It is for my best interest to do so when there was no diplomatic relationship between the United States and the People's Republic of China.) 
  3. 在于家从未与该美国公司有过任何工作生意业务及其他任何关联是事实的情况下,在于家和该汇款美国公司也从来没有任何投资及被投资关联也是事实的情况下,于家要求该美国公司继续向于家付款实属莫名奇妙,于家这一莫名其妙的要求居然会由中国的这一届政府在支持更是离谱至极。(It is ridiculous for Yu's families to request the American company to continuingly providing money to them when it has been the truthful facts that none of Yu's families ever had any business association nor investing association with the American company, it is more absurd when this ridiculous request could be supported by this administration of the People's Republic of China.)


Tuesday, June 26, 2018

06-26-2018 我方敏从未反对中国共产党,我方敏从未反对中华人民共和国的法制建设

06-26-2018 我方敏从未反对中国共产党,我方敏从未反对中华人民共和国的法制建设。

I, Min Fang, never against Chinese Communist Party's ruling over the land of China.

I, Min Fang, never against China to be a lawful country.

I, Min Fang, inherited Trusts from my own deceased birth grandfathers on June 30th of 2004.

I, Min Fang, never demand any living male's penis money, and I never receive any penis money nor voluntary compensation for any sort of abusivenessIt is well-known no-secret to the entertainment industry since July of 2004 that "there was never any prominent penis associate to this radio program" to confuse anyone as if I have been the major featured person from any penis business. 

I, Min Fang, refuse to provide financial assistance specially &intentionally to anyone who is convicted by the Laws of the People's Republic of China.

I, Min Fang, refuse to let any unauthorized person spend my money.

I, Min Fang, refuse to let anyone spend my own money against my own wish.

中华人民共和国信托法: 中华人民共和国信托法 
中华人民共和国继承法 中华人民共和国继承法 

----originally published May 9th, 2018, updated on June 26th, 2018

05-09-2018 我方敏从未反对中国共产党,我方敏从未反对中华人民共和国的法制建设。

我方敏从未反对中国共产党对中国960万平方公里土地的管理和统治权, 我方敏从未反对中国共产党,我方敏从未反对中华人民共和国的法制建设。




我方敏坚决反对阻碍中华人民共和国法制建设的任何行为, 我方敏坚决拒绝特意向违反中华人民共和国法律的人士提供任何财务资助的任何企图。


4: 请出示我方敏必须按照中国法律和美国法律必须归还本应由你及你的家人予以继承的财产的事实依据及法律条款依据(中国法律和美国法律)。


7: 请回答为何不上民事诉讼法庭解决所有这些民事法庭上就可以依据法律解决的金钱纠纷?我方敏的态度是一定会追究这种坚决不上民事法庭却通过恶意制造负面社会舆论对我方敏实施敲诈勒索的行为的刑事责任。

中华人民共和国信托法: 中华人民共和国信托法 
(中华人民共和国继承法 中华人民共和国继承法 


Monday, June 25, 2018

06-25-2018 Chinese Premier Zhou and my $10, 000 monthly providing (中国的周恩来总理和我每月一万元的生活费用给付)

06-25-2018 Chinese Premier Zhou and my $10, 000 monthly providing (中国的周恩来总理和我每月一万元的生活费用给付)

Heard this morning's broadcasting of Chinese Premier Zhou.
My response: The reason why only one line of harsh saying "Premier Zhou is childless" was broadcasted is possibly to imply I am the similarly, but I do have my biological children.

I heard the producer of this line was Jessica O'Connor who mothers a Miss Ford, the 2013 presented girl who tends to fall into sleep holding her father's sleeve. The problem this Jessica O'Connor with me is the same problem a "Matilda Shimmel" has with me, but surely none of my business problem.

Jessica O'Connor has a daughter identically resembles another Miss Ford who is one of the four children broadcasted as all mothered by a British but a pair resembles the birth father's cousin. The confusion is the cousin don't resemble each other, the trick is they both partially resemble their great-great-great-great-great grandfather to the extreme.

So, whatever the birthfather's family have explained about the birth mother, this Jessica O'Connor just won't listen. I have screamed in my apartment a lot to say that my daughter, published in 2012, resembles me to the obvious, not her farther-side anyone nor O'Connor anyone. I hope someone can help her to get this.

----June 25th, 2018






      至于为什么只播出那一句“断子绝孙”,那是为了影射我, 是因为一个Jessica O’Connor小姐(一个福特孩子妈)认定我女儿和她的女儿共一个爹,就因为她孩子爹有个堂兄弟的女儿和她的小孩长得像亲姊妹。2012年发表的我的女儿影视录像已经很明显呈现了她长得像我不像爹。那个女孩的亲爹也已经在广播剧上说明了那个女孩的亲妈是个英国女人。这个O家小姐似乎就是不准我有自己亲生小孩的意思,根本就是一个变态精神病类似。

      就今天早上的毛周两个人的谈话内容是否和我有关,得看这是什么时候的谈话。那一万美金的生活费用是在中国政府同意后才由香港汇入中国, 中国政府知情是确定的。但我是这家公司的投资机构(信托)的唯一受益人这个事实只有在我出生后才能确定,所以这一万美金的生活费用汇入是在我1967年7月20日出生后才向中国政府提出的申请。




Sunday, June 24, 2018

06-24-2018 Inheriting Tax && 究竟是文艺演出还是严重违法违宪活动?

06-24-2018 Inheriting Tax && 究竟是文艺演出还是严重违法违宪活动?

Heard this morning's talk of my inheriting tax.
My response: Yes, my Trusts were not eligible for the estate tax (I was a foreigner inheriting foreign settlers' trusts), and Connecticut state I was a resident of was having tax free for AA type (grandparents-grandchild) inheriting on June 30th of 2004, so, this inheriting tax would be willingness-based inheriting tax paying.

I was told I could do this willingness-based tax paying on the inheriting day which was June 30th of 2004, but I was too excited that I could save inheriting tax so I answered happily: "why would I ever pay tax when I don't have to."

So, it is now.

----June 24th, 2018





这场所谓文艺演出的主题就是"你他妈的你以为你自己是谁?",  基本大纲就是只准痛骂我方敏是个单身女人独自生活就是个已经被事实证明了的没人要的东西,只准我方敏去捡垃圾否则不准有口饭吃,不准我方敏花我自己的钱,不准我方敏有我自己的生活,不准我方敏说话,就是不准,就是不准,就是不准。


有人说我应该向中国政府解释就不会这样了。解释什么? 我是因为脑控癌没有隐私所以一个人在美国麻州波士顿生活,中国政府应该很清楚我是一个人生活且已经居住美国20年了,什么时候开始单身华裔女人就成了中国政府应该组织人力物力进行谩骂羞辱的?这届中国北京中央政府究竟是一个犯罪团伙的组织机构还是一个法制国家的政府啊?


至于说我花了R家很多钱就是该被他们家的女人痛骂并把我的钱拿光的说法,我的解释是我是2017上半年在波士顿96.9FM广播电台上时才听说R家认为我2004年7月1日花的是R家的钱且是未经许可并利用公共场合进行勒索,我对此的公开回应当时就已经是我方敏从来没有花过R家的钱,我方敏2004年7月1日花钱当时就没开口跟R家要过或者问一声R家愿不愿意为我花钱,我在花我自己刚继承的钱,我问R家干嘛?我事后就没打过一个电话给R家要求R家任何人支付我的生活费用,我方敏也从来就不知道R家的银行账号信息,怎么花R家的钱? 更何况R家开的支票都是一些对娱乐业的投资项目像是百老汇歌舞剧以及街道医院等等,都是目前已知已经赚钱的投资。2004年7月1日那天非投资性的开销也就是我以及我的父母子女的医疗保安给付及我现在一直在找的我的生活费给付,都是我自己所继承的信托予以支付的开销。所谓我花了R家很多钱的误会目前都已经一切由我的律师予以处理了。可这和中国政府有什么关系啊?



Saturday, June 23, 2018

06-23-2018 Boston's Park Street Church and 1989's Chinese students' movement

06-23-2018 Boston's Park Street Church and 1989's Chinese students' movement

Heard about this morning's Boston's Park Street Church and 1989.
My response: Boston's Park Street Church is not a Catholic church, and I was never a patron visitor of the Boston's Park Street Church but a "homeless of its street-level open balcony" who never in any situation having an opportunity to introduce myself or to mention any name from the New York City, I was just the anonymous Chinese homeless who has a show on the radio with a name of Min Fang.

I have no idea why of this morning's anxiety and whom it regards, but I have been complaining of this organized "paid to shit" scheme since November of 2015 when the famous British Crown Prince and his famous wife started to patch up stories how I had intruded their private life in London of United Kindom of Britain when I was a "homeless" or a resident of the public housing in Boston, Massachusetts of the United States. I have accused the organizer of this "paid to shit" scheme Albert Gore has been intended to Murder for Money,  I am wondering other than the intellectual income this Albert Gore had stolen from me and others with invalid "Judge's ruling", where this payment to "shit me all over" should be expected from?

I heard 1989's students' movement was supported by this big group of participants of this "paid to shit" scheme, was I blamed for being the person who advised not to put tons of Chinese people into financial desperation in that special economic transition time of the 1980s? Why is this?

Does this group ever think from their own election system that free election does not mean the blindfold election that well-informed voters are absolutely necessary to have the fair election to choose a candidate from the expectation out of knowing who the candidate is and what the candidate can do for the voters? Does this group know these well-informed voters need to be informed by a system which can't be achieved overnight by the college students marching on the streets?

Does this group know when streets were blocked, there were tons of business in this situation may go bankrupt and 1989's China did not have the social welfare system to support the jobless, nor an open labor market to find a job? A bankrupt business in 1989 means the entire staff of the business would not have a single penny income for the rest of their lives to buy any food nor to support their families? China had started some policies to allow private small business in the 1980s was to ease this financial desperation situation that caused by the China's economic system transmitting fron the planned economy to the market economy, why this group still think as such today that this big population (6%) of Chinese people's potential financial desperation meant nothing at all to them to wish to severe it?

I was wondering why this group want the People's Republic of China to have such a government as the current administration who are famous now for their "Don't serve the People but get paid to enjoy the excessive powers & special privileges that never granted by the People's Republic of China's Constitution", why this group enjoy to see so much anger from the 1.3Billion Chinese People instead of their happy spirits?

I heard this group may say their understanding of letting Chinese people happy is to make my life bankrupt as they have participated, I say how do they know it is the Chinese 1.3 Billion People who want to kill me in order to have some money only worth their several months' salary each? Why this group would fancy that the Chinese people are not the hard working people willing to make their own money as they always have been?

Like I have pointed out, a creator of a movie is different with a producer, a director, or a scriptwriter, it is the same in a country's governing. The public posts are policymakers, the Congress is lawmakers, and the government employees are administrative & executive groups of the laws and policies.

Why I have been denied for who I am when my contributions to China such as Megacity subways, covered Green Farms, desert developing, etc are all originally my creative thoughts to benefit Chinese people which inspired these regional economic projects that have been administered by the local, provincial and central government of the People's Republic of China?

Exactly who is fighting this title of thought-creator of these economic projects from the People's Republic of China government?

----June 23rd, 2018

Friday, June 22, 2018

06-22-2018 我和华裔社区的矛盾究竟是什么(1)

06-22-2018 我和华裔社区的矛盾究竟是什么(1)








我的回应:我就是在这个Jennifer夫妻俩的公寓房里于1996年认识了Charles Schnieberg (Charles Ford). Jennifer 的这个女儿已婚不和父母同住是Jennifer当年可以收留我入住的原因。我是最近才听说了她母亲Jennifer的离世,希望他们一家一切都好。

认识Charles Schnieberg (Charles Ford) 当时只有我和Jennifer在场,但我认识的这个人是个福特就是这个女儿发现的,所以昨天是由这个女儿在广播剧上说明我没有可能会和福特家的任何人有任何关系。我本人不清楚真相但也不是太在乎我自己的亲生孩子是否和福特这个名字有血缘上的关系。Like I said, I understood "the same size as Rockefellers" I was told on June 30th of 2004 as "With that s appended (not certain if appended or 's), I am a Rockefeller richer who is much wealthier than a Ford", why would I care?

至于她的愤怒可能和她被广播剧于2011年前后宣布而无奈离开她所喜欢的银行工作可能有关, 但我不是太清楚广播剧如此宣布的原因是什么。





Thursday, June 21, 2018

06-21-2018 那一片960万平方公里土地是一个共和国还是已经私家拥有?

06-21-2018 那一片960万平方公里土地是一个共和国还是已经私家实质拥有?






05-09-2018 我方敏从未反对中国共产党,我方敏从未反对中华人民共和国的法制建设。



R家的财产是在1900年前后在美国开始发展兴旺,我所继承的信托是在1600年前后开始在美国投资茁壮成长并见证了美国这边土地由移民(殖民*)垦荒变成了美利坚合众国的历史。 双方财产没有重叠但有由专业经理人员进行的公司合作投资关系,我本人没有也不会直接参与公司的投资业务及经营管理。



Wednesday, June 20, 2018

06-20-2018 Why radio program has been so destructive? (为什么这个广播剧就是要砸,要毁坏?)

06-20-2018 Why radio program has been so destructive? (为什么这个广播剧就是要砸,要毁坏?)

Heard this morning's U.S. military's announcement.
My response: I heard it is requested and it is official.

----June 20th, 2018

Heard this morning's talk about why this radio program is so destructive.
My response: I don't know what really happened but I have understood the destructiveness regarding who I am has been intentional and led by the central government of the People's Republic of China.

The Chinese community abroad, especially the Chinese mainland, join this destructive effort to self-promote own local advantages is my assumption.

I have already denounced myself from the Chinese community abroad.
I have announced I already I have no association with the People's Republic of China.

----June 20th, 2018








我方敏是唐太宗李世民的血脉传承的继承人是真实,我方敏是1996年离开中国的,我现在已经是美国公民了。我方敏是否有政治立场已经和中华人民共和国及海外华裔社区没有任何关系, 请不要以任何借口认为我方敏没有中华人民共和国或者海外华裔社区就难以生存以避免不必要的误会。我方敏会捍卫我方敏自己作为美国公民的合法权利和利益,我方敏也绝不会就此犹豫妥协。如果任何人认为有需要向北京政府或海外华裔社区广为告知我方敏对此事实的态度,我方敏不会阻拦。

----published in April, 2018 (标题"没有了你们永远都不意味着失去")



Tuesday, June 19, 2018

06-19-2018 华人世界的困扰 (The anger of "Why Americans only willing to give me money, not other former or current citizens from the same People's Republic of China")

06-19-2018 华人世界的困扰 (The anger of "Why Americans only willing to give me money, not other former or current citizens from the same People's Republic of China")

My explanation: This or that money is from this Trust or that Trust that I inherited, never from the American people, nor the American companies, nor the U.S. government.


现在吵得天翻地覆的就是由美国“Pejoves”基金支付的那个4亿美金。“乌龙事件”,于姓私人助理及于家故事,一个福特孩子妈Jessica O'Connor,今天的波士顿中国城超市,都是在反映究竟是谁不准我方敏花这4亿美金,究竟矛盾是什么。









3: 继承信托和兄弟分家产(即继承遗产)的区别是什么。









Monday, June 18, 2018

06-18-2018 Why the lawful ownership means nothing just because "the deserved money-wanter is announced on the radio"?

06-18-2018 Why the lawful ownership means nothing just because "the deserved money-wanter is announced on the radio"?

Heard this morning's cry and child talk.
My response: I heard this "Jessica O'Connor" is one of the mothers of "the British-broadcasting announced six children", a "Matilda Shimmel" is another one.

Nothing new of this morning's intensified clarification from the agitated leftover-sucker of the crying one.

I have absolutely nothing to do with all above patrons at all. The only reason for this group to have this broadcasting is to deny the fact I do have my biological children who got nothing to do with this group biologically.

I heard this Jessica O'Connor's child is a girl who was born in mid-2010 as well. I don't know how cheap this Jessica O'Connor can be that she needed to compete with a surrogate mother, but I don't need a child to get my living expenses provided. So, I have no such children nor such child biologically associated with this morning's featured any patron.

Basically, this morning's broadcasting is to say I am not allowed to have any biological children or child because this Jessica O'Connor said so. But she may be just a woman who needs a child to get some money, why I need her permission when I am a financially independent wealthy female who should be disgusted by leftovers?

This malicious intention to deny my life to potentially abusively harmful to my biological children through this effort of building up this public denial from the biologically irrelevant group, this maliciousness intention is the reason I called law enforcement's help on this morning's broadcasting.

I already noticed, the technique-in-use is to untie my biological children with me through this public media propaganda and possibly intended to tie their own biological child or children with my inherited wealth through this building up the public impression efforts, to achieve the purpose to abuse me together with my biological children in order to take over my wealth through the public confusion.

This technique-in-use is the reason I accused the organizer intends to murder for money because I would be the one in the way for them to get my money once the public gets so confused who owns what money.

The entire efforts of this broadcasting are to impress the public that lawful ownership of the money means nothing at all, the deserved money-wanters who have the control of this public media are the patrons who should have the money because "it is announced so loudly on the radio".

So, some said, "but you don't look like you have any money in Boston of Massachusetts, and you don't sound like you have any money on the radio as well, why you keep saying you have money and wealth?"

For one, why you think there are so many efforts and necessities are needed to tell the public I have no money when it is obvious that I have no illegal means to access any money? Why it is so impressive that I have been obviously hunted on the radio and in my daily residential living in Boston of Massachusetts?

I say I am wealthy is because I lawfully own what I have announced on this web blog.  My announcements about my wealth are not accurate but all lawful according to laws of the United States, the United Kingdom of Britain, the People's Republic of China and etc.

02-01-2018 Happy to be the person that not Stuck-in there

----June 18th, 2018

Regarding the proud "as long as you are fuching, A woman deserves to come to your house to fuch the penis to get your money."
My response: This proud has been since 2004, supported by the People's Republic of China's prostituting gang grouped government and some prominent American rich or associated powerful home-pussy. I was so shocked to learn the rich of being so proud to be able to afford to have some home-pussy.

I say as long as that penis is my leftover and it is from the penis' own willingness, why would I ever care? But I won't hesitate to call 911 to drag both of you out of my any private place or to prevent the penis been rapped, and to send you to the criminal court if you dare to touch my money or to fancy you can get my money via the penis.

I was even asked, "would you invite the women to your house, or introduce any woman to the penis you are fuching for that matter?"

I say being a traditional polygamist, I can certainly introduce if that penis is a leftover to me already and it is from the penis' own willingness to be introduced, but it won't be my trick to throw out a faithful life partner. I am telling you that no woman can be invited to my house for that matter but I will call the house-staff to help out the packing at the first second when the penis is introduced. No compensation would ever be arranged.

----June 18th, 2018

Sunday, June 17, 2018

06-17-2018 King Lee is the ancient pronunciation-translation of my ancient grandfather's name Jing Li (南唐中主李璟, 916-961AD)

06-17-2018 King Lee is the ancient pronunciation-translation of my ancient grandfather's name Jing Li (南唐中主李璟, 916-961AD)

Heard this morning's talk about "Pejoves" Fund.(中文)
My response: "The investor is not allowed to own" is voiced by the People's Republic of China.

The anger is not related to the modern Business Administration's understanding which recommends investors to be separated with the managerial & administrative power of an investment to enhance the professionalism on business investment's management.

The anger is similar to "you pay for the house, but you are not allowed to own the house nor to occupy the house." (correct me if I am wrong)

The producing team is grouped by the private assistant's related and the "ex-girlfriend" family, which is the hijacker-group of my $9000 (¥9000) living expense providing paid-out from this American "Pejoves" Fund company since I was born in 1967 till I left China in 1996. Those threatening voices are from some actresses and their friend's Middle East romance, etc.

It seems this group doesn't think anything can be wrongful at all for what they did to me and my parents but still trying to get more as if the hijacking is this group's privilege. The reason they were used as the transmitting channel was because the People's Republic of China had severed diplomatic relations since 1949 until 1972 when President Nixon did the State visit to China, there was no money transfering service between the United States and the People's Republic of China. This group of people was not selected by any American nor any American company's employee.

矛盾问题就是,这一群人是我爷爷方智仁当年的于姓私人助理及兄弟姊妹的子女后裔,中国是从1949年开始和美国断交,1972年尼克松访华才恢复外交关系,1967年时没有美国向中国的银行汇款服务。这群人既不是由任何美国人挑选的,也不是由美国公司的任何雇员挑选的。 当年于姓私人助理是这家美国公司支付我的生活费的类似包裹快递的上海中转站,就像现在海外中国城都有的“中国包裹快递”这种,他们就是其中一站,但他们把包裹也就是生活费全部给扣下了,没给我父母,这包裹就是从1967年到1996年的每月9000人民币生活费。现在我成年了,人也在美国了,他们就在中国政府支持下跑美国来,必须要把这家美国公司在美国通过美国“快递公司”(美国财政部)交给我的生活费归他们所有,这不是像拦路抢劫还能是什么呀?

I heard the "thought" is this American "Pejoves" Fund company did not stop the pay-out even after the fact that my parents and I did not receive a penny was known should mean "the granting". This "continuing pay-out" has been the issue between my Trust and the American "Pejoves" Fund company. I can understand the American "Pejoves" Fund company's consideration for my best interest, at least some level if not all, and this is what I express to my entrusting group. For one, I got affluent providing on my food as a child growing-up which wouldn't be easy on my parents' joint-income of¥40-¥50 per month if the paid-out completely stop.

Regarding exactly who I am to this American "Pejoves" Fund company, well, I am the beneficiary-owner of my Trust, my Trust, which was set up for me by Jing Li( or King Lee, 南唐中主李璟) in 961AD or so, has been the up-stream investor-owner of this American "Pejoves" Fund company, as this American "Pejoves" Fund company has already clarified.

King Lee is the ancient spelling translation of 李璟, this ancient spelling translation has been used in Hong Kong as well until 1990. Jing Li is the current standard English spelling translation of the People's Republic of China for 李璟. His son (my grandfather) is the famous Chinese poet "King of the Ci Poem" Yu Li(or Yuk Lee, "词帝” 南唐后主李煜, 937-978AD).

Example: 李锦记公司英文名:Lee Kum Kee Food company, the standard spelling translation for 李锦 would be: Jin Li.

References for Hong Kong common pronunciations:


----June 17th, 2018

Some ask exactly what has been the issue between me and Chinese National Leaders' true & lifelong love stories.
My response: The same issue as the one I am having with some American big names.

"Why their love affair is my money to pay?" has been my scream this entire time. Why they got a true love who they owe their life-long devotions is the reason that my money should be transferred to their bank accounts without my own willingness.

----June 17th, 2018

Saturday, June 16, 2018

06-16-2018 就我的信托继承,我给方家后人和方家亲戚的一份说明

06-16-2018 就我的信托继承,我给方家后人和方家亲戚的一份说明

Heard this morning's talk about sexual intercourse money.
My response: Well, this morning's "objecting" group are, not were but have been, helping hands of what they are objecting, so, the "objecting" tones are very amicable.

----June 16th, 2018







我方敏所继承钱财被一些人在没有任何法律依据可以上民事法庭打财产纠纷官司的情况下, 莫名其妙就被要求我方敏必须就我所继承钱财给这些人一个非法律的说法,而且不用给钱方式解决这个矛盾就是不行,是我方敏就此报警的原因。我方敏报警就是在寻求执法人员协助保护我方敏的合法财产。



方智仁父亲的所有子女都是我曾祖母所出,方智仁的所有子女都是我祖母所出是方智仁的父亲这支从方智仁这一代才开始有亲戚走动的原因,我方敏从未听说方智仁的各代爷爷们所育的其他子女, 我方敏也从未和方智仁的各代爷爷们所育的其他子女有过任何往来。


Friday, June 15, 2018

06-15-2018 Why a so-so rich deserve to search a much richer? For what they already have self-produced for their own self-enjoyment?

06-15-2018 Why a so-so rich deserve to search a much richer? For what they already have self-produced for their own self-enjoyment?

Heard this morning's shocking broadcasting.
My response: The search-threat announcer is a common salary rich in reality, not even a hedge fund manager rich nor any superior rich to be this loud.

This entire time, it seems a lot of criminal activities defined by the U.S. criminal laws as well as the Chinese criminal laws have been promoted on this radio program as privileges and been constantly called upon "to make it happen" in the name of "practicing to be a politician".

I assemble some examples I have complained about, please correct me if I am wrong:

1: Money's lawful ownership is publicly challenged by the willingness to own the money which resulted in actual illegal money ownership transfer.
2: Intellectual Income is challenged to be re-categorized as sexual-intercourse income which also resulted in actual illegal money ownership transfer.
3: Reality broadcasting or news reports is challenged to be re-defined as "Announce the wish to make it a Reality" through promotion after each broadcasting which resulted in illegal hate-promoting and illegal harassment-organizing, I heard it is intended to achieve illegal property(valuables) ownership transfer.
4: "Politician or Politician-to-be" is not in-office to serve the people but to practice superior privileges in front of all laws, and to enjoy sex & money as well as privileged biological reproduction, and to expect to be financially handsomely supported by tax-collected from the people?

----June 15th, 2018

In China, only one major group that is known for politicians' training organization: Chinese Communism Youth Party. I heard tons of people that have some stories on this blog are currently professionally associated with this Chinese Communism Youth party.

"First-born daughter", "Ex-girl friend's" family, Private assistant's family, 2004's prominent Chinese males' and their possible true loves, etc. A lot of them have demanded money publicly on this radio program without any legal ground, some resulted in actual illegal money ownership transfer.

----June 15th, 2018

Thursday, June 14, 2018

06-14-2018 Happy Birthday

06-14-2018 Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my children, my darling, my sweethearts,
You are biological, you are my own blood,
You are biologically my blood no matter what others say,
You are mine, you are mine,
You are mine no matter what others say.

----from mother

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

06-13-2018 Do I have money in the United States? Yes, of course, I Do.

06-13-2018 Do I have money in the United States? Yes, of course, I Do.

Heard the confusion if I indeed came from a rich Chinese family to have money. 
My response: Well, I append some information here. 

This grandfather Fang, Zhiren(方智仁)is in the U.S. government's records as part of my immigration document. My father's name is Fang, Wenhai(方文海). This Trust should be listed in Hong Kong's Registry. I do have money in the United States which are provided by some of my up-stream grandfathers' Trusts.

The Reference about my Hong Kong Trust that set up for me in 1948. 

My grandfather Fang, Zhiren(方智仁)passed away in 1965. His name is in my U.S. immigration record as my birth grandfather who fathered my birth father Fang, Wenhai(方文海).

This Hong Kong Trust my grandfather set up for me has been the original $15Million US Dollar size Trust-Investor to the current 香港长江实业(集团)有限公司(Hong Kong's Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited) since 1949 or so.

This Hong Kong Trust was set up by 5 Million Silver Dollar in 1948, the exchange rate in 1948 was 1 Silver Dollar =  $3 US Dollars. This $15Million US dollar($150,000,000) was in this Hong Kong Trust's registry record and has been in its business investing since 1948.

*I heard the $15Million U.S. dollar($15,000,000) in 1948 was the amount of the famous afterwar thrift budget-approved in the year of 1948 for the entire U.S. Military.

I heard there is confusion about this Hong Kong Trust's registry data.

1: it was updated in 1971.
My response: This is invalid update if there is such update. The reason is the settler Fang, Zhiren (方智仁)passed away in 1965 and no inheriting yet. I am the sole beneficiary person of this Trust.

2: There is another update in 2007.
My response: I inherited in 2004, this 2007 update may reflect my inheriting.

3: If that is my grandfather's younger brother or some other person's money.
My response: This is a 5 Million Siver dollar($15,000,000 U.S dollar) Trust on the entrusting date of 1948, my grandfather's younger brother's family has been stating he had sent 10,000 Silver Dollar($30,000 US dollar) to HongKong in 1948. 

The two amounts($15,000,000 vs $30,000) are no comparison at all to be confused. This is my money because I am the sole beneficiary person according to the will of Fang, Zhiren方智仁) and I inherited it on June 30th of 2004.

4: The confusion of the $500Million transfer from this Trust to the U.S in 2004-2007.
My response:
The check was initially written by an account payable/receivable specialist (a Book Keeper) from an operating account of this Trust's business investment instead of the capital account of this Trust's in the business investment, and associated afterward had caused confusion if this $500Million U.S dollar transfer is legal. This $500Million U.S. dollar transfer was never some money laundry scheme, the account payable/receivable specialist is a bookkeeper instead of an accountant, and this $500Million U.S. dollar written-check was adjusted between bank accounts, not the accounting accounts.

----June 13th, 2018

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

06-12-2018 Wives frustration presented in this featured story of "who is who, what is what"

06-12-2018 Wives frustration presented in this featured story of "who is who, what is what"

Heard yesterday's episode was reacted as ugliest arrogant from the audience.
My response: The problem was because this episode did not introduce the background of how this two irrelated groups could possibly have this kind of talk at all.

It is the similar issue to another featured story almost a year ago regarding how a foreign female who insisted on to have a child with an American rich could actually have the opportunities to approach to personally demand to have sexual intercourse to be conducted just because she wants to have a rich American's child.

How this two irrelated group or persons, who don't share any office space or any social event to meet at all, can be arranged to sit down have this "catch the moment and catch the lifetime opportunity" to approach to personally demand money or sexual intercourse is what has been missing in the radio program.

----June 12th, 2018

Heard this morning's broadcasting of "who is who, what is what".
My response: I heard it takes the entire bar's eye-witnesses to say that was an innocent comforting hug to the crying one to comfort the agitated wife. I heard the severe frustration was that it was a hug from an apparently very handsomely young and attractive but truly senior-already man to an apparently very young and pretty but truly in my late-thirties girly cry.

I was lucky I met two cousins from the same great family in just two days, and I was not lucky because we all got some youth-GENE from our mothers that made me so frustrated for all these females' frustration all these times.

I heard the frustration I felt with the audience of this radio program has been from wives of the cousins who either got this youth GENE or didn't. The frustration range from the anger why the same "aged" cousins can be obviously "so attractively" young and handsome to the frustration of the others that facing the obvious strong competition because of this "so attractive".

By the way, the Hong Kong Trust I inherited from my own birth grandfather (my father's father)  is actually never a shabby on at all as a lot of people have impressed from my blog.

This Hong Kong Trust has been the original $15Million US Dollar Trust-Investor to the current 香港长江实业(集团)有限公司(Hong Kong's Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited) since 1949 or so.

This Hong Kong Trust was set up by 5 Million Silver Dollar in 1948 as I published before, the exchange rate in 1948 that I did not publish was 1 Silver Dollar =  $3 US Dollars, this $15Million US dollar was in this This Hong Kong Trust's registry record and has been in its business investing since 1948.

My grandfather had left himself about $450,000 U.S. dollar (150,000Silver Dollar) when he set up this Hong Kong Trust, he had been miserable because of his decision to keep his wealth in the Silver Dollar instead of in the U.S. dollar. The Silver Dollar's collecting rate from the People's Republic of China in 1949-1950 was fixed to 1 Silver Dollar = ¥1 Chinese RMB, and the exchange rate had been fixed to ¥1 Chinese RMB = $1 US Dollar since 1949 till 1980 or so.

My grandfather's wealth shrank to 1/3 of what he had planned for himself caused my great-grandmother a lot of tears to watch her son doing the living expenses calculation. Her own wealth,  which was the similar size of what my grandfather had at that time, was in the same situation but she only needed to support herself and my father at that time. I heard her younger son was in similar financial stress because he had hand-in the majority of his wealth to the Chinese Communist Party as the Party-member Fee. My great grandmother did not give a penny to my father whom she had raised since birth but all to her own born three children (2 sons and 1 daughter).

Well, this Hong Kong Trust was set up for me by the youngest generation grandfather of mine so I would assume the impression that this Trust is the most shabby gift I have received won't be an issue to all those grandfathers of mine who have blessed me, well,  they were father & grandfathers to my grandfather as well to expect my grandfather to behave respectfully not to complain about this shabby gift impression. So, I just take it easy.

----June 12th, 2018

Monday, June 11, 2018

06-11-2018 This morning's featured stories of Nanjing, China (南京的人和事)

06-11-2018 This morning's featured stories of Nanjing, China (南京的人和事)

I am happy to hear my father's news and I can't wait to see my father in person.

----June 11th, 2018

Some said why not give out random money to those who are demanding as "donations".
My response: Well, when the helpful-amount is limited, never unlimited of course, why I have to give a penny to those who shits me all over, wish me evil and being abusive to my beloved? Why I have to thrift a penny from what I can help to those who have been so nice to me and taking care of my beloved? I refuse to consider any donation to those who threaten me, harm me and being evil to me or my beloved.

Line-up marriage or marriage freedom,  both are none of my business nor my concern, by LAWS.

I reject any financial demanding related to this line-up marriage or marriage freedom story.

----June 11th, 2018







05-23-2018 请出示够资格向我索要钱财的法律条款及事实依据




4: 请出示我方敏必须按照中国法律和美国法律必须归还本应由你及你的家人予以继承的财产的事实依据及法律条款依据(中国法律和美国法律)。

6: 请回答为何不上民事诉讼法庭解决所有这些民事法庭上就可以依据法律解决的金钱纠纷?我方敏的态度是一定会追究这种坚决不上民事法庭却通过恶意制造负面社会舆论对我方敏实施敲诈勒索的行为的刑事责任。


Sunday, June 10, 2018

06-10-2018 我投诉中国政府的信件原文

06-10-2018 我投诉中国政府的信件原文

05-09-2018 我方敏从未反对中国共产党,我方敏从未反对中华人民共和国的法制建设。

我方敏从未反对中国共产党对中国960万平方公里土地的管理和统治权, 我方敏从未反对中国共产党,我方敏从未反对中华人民共和国的法制建设。




我方敏坚决反对阻碍中华人民共和国法制建设的任何行为, 我方敏坚决拒绝特意向违反中华人民共和国法律的人士提供任何财务资助的任何企图。





06-09-2018 The difference between government federal reserve and individual private wealth (政府国库和一个公民私有财产之间的区别)

My anger has been it is never my intention to promote myself to the government level, and I refuse my private wealth to be abused in the name of politics.

My understanding: 
To improve people's lives are the sworn responsibilities of those who are devoted to serve the people, never any individual person's voluntary power to invade any individual citizen's private life; 

What the best interest of the people might be is often the debates in the government and the Congress, never any individual citizen's lawful private wealth's ownership;

A lawful private wealth is part of an individual citizen's life, never the funding capitals to better the common of the nation, nor any group of any privileged.

----June 9th, 2018










05-23-2018 请出示够资格向我索要钱财的法律条款及事实依据




4: 请出示我方敏必须按照中国法律和美国法律必须归还本应由你及你的家人予以继承的财产的事实依据及法律条款依据(中国法律和美国法律)。

6: 请回答为何不上民事诉讼法庭解决所有这些民事法庭上就可以依据法律解决的金钱纠纷?我方敏的态度是一定会追究这种坚决不上民事法庭却通过恶意制造负面社会舆论对我方敏实施敲诈勒索的行为的刑事责任。
