
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Thursday, January 4, 2018

01-04-2018 Why all these willingness to pay for someone to trash me?

01-04-2018 Why all these willingness to pay for someone to trash me?

Heard this morning's broadcasting of my gifts been thrown out.
My response: I did hear this rumor before yesterday and I did send out a message asking if the dumplings I made as a gift would be thrown out. Anyway, she threw as she wishes and I did get the point this is not the person need my gift or my companionship.

Also, I heard this morning a Mr. Petroves announced $1000 monthly providing each to the same person and another person, it is of course as he wishes as long as that is this Mr. Petroves own money. This Mr. Petroves does not represent my inheritance Fund and he should not have his individual capital account in my inheritance Fund (agreed-upon providing is not in an individual's name but in the family name, one payment in full per year). He has no access to my money unless he makes an inappropriate phone call to the F holding's investor American Fund which is a British Fund's child Fund, and a French Fund's grandchild Fund. My capital accounts are not in these Funds but in my trusts that set up these Funds, and I did call law enforcement's help on a lot of rumored inappropriate phone calls of performing-arts of demanding money from business-spending-budget that made by some other people already.

The only curiosity is why this Mr. Petroves would willing to give money out to reward this two person who is willing to throw out my $20-$40 or so gifts. I only gave out two gifts this year. The other person is the one I adopted my cat from($150 adoption) last year. If he is a brother to a Jessica Petroves, why would this wealthy Mr. Petroves let his sister a Mistress equivalent to another wealthier person? I received this responding message:

This is the message I sent this morning after I heard rumors about radio broadcasting and I did remove the entry from my contact list: "Hello, I am so sorry I am not going to continue my Bible study with you. And I knew I made a very inappropriate promise yesterday about if I have money I will help you to have your own biological child while you are very certain I should not, so I take every word back. Please remove me from your contact list as I am doing now. Thanks for all those past Wednesdays"

 I received this responding message: "I don’t understand what you mean.  I never said that you shouldn’t have your own biological child!  I would never impose on you like that.  Frankly, I’m too old for a child, biological or otherwise... Well, I apologize for any misunderstanding we may have had.  It saddens me that we can’t have a conversation about it.  However, as you wish.  Truly, It’s been my pleasure to introduce you to the Creator of the Heavens and the earth. Take care of yourself ".

Heard this morning's argument about Petroves'(Pejoves?) money.

----January 4th, 2018

Heard the rumor there is a British entrusting attorney of mine is a notorious person's in-law.
My response: That person is notorious for organizing this shit-me-all over to make illegal financial gains. This rumored British entrusting attorney is most likely part of such scheme as well because this rumored attorney is expected to have the power to give out my money. Last year or so, there were some members of Chinese my inheritances supervision committee insisted on having saying over my spending, possibly the same scheme.

----January 4th, 2018

About so many confusions regarding my biological children.
My response: I did make my points on Boston 96.9FM in November or December of 2015 when it was rumored he is not good enough to be his father's heir and anyone who is willing can be called the father of my biological children.

My point I made was: If he does not need to be his own biological father's heir and he does not need to be the person who father my biological children, who he should be or where and how this radio program intend to place him?  I add my explanation about my point here: Is this means he can just be a worker with a new name to work in a factory to make some minimum wage for some food on the table? Also, who should be his replacement to his wealthy birth father? With all these confusion if I have biological children and who should be their father, exactly, who needs all these confusion and what is the purpose?

I have my own personal experience of how I should not enjoy my own hard-earned intellectual making or my own birth grandfather' hard-earned money I inherited, but to work in some restaurant for some food and live a beggar's life as you all heard from the radio program. I did call law enforcement's help constantly with this kind of personal experiences.

For my own experiences, it is rumored that there is a radio program's director, a Shanghainese, who thinks that I do not need anything at all to be my ancient Emperor grandfather's heir. And I did respond to this rumor that this Shanghainese director certainly does not need his biological limbs (his arms & his legs) as well as his hip section with his buttocks and his penis) at all to be a director of this radio program and beyond.

It also rumored that this Shanghainese director is an in-law to the female who mothers several most important Chinese national leaders' only child. The rumor means the only child for each most important person, of course.

----January 4th, 2018