
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, January 3, 2018

01-03-2018 Sexual harassment is a Crime for very good reasons and who my father and grandfather resemble (性骚扰是犯罪行为及我爷爷和我父亲长得像谁?)

01-03-2018  Sexual harassment is a Crime for very good reasons and who my father and grandfather resemble (性骚扰是犯罪行为及我爷爷和我父亲长得像谁?)

Heard this morning's broadcasting about not privileged to shit his relative no matter how agitated I am.(中文附后)
My response:Well, I heard the person saying so is actually a cousin to Albert Gore, the person who organized all these shits threw at me in order to illegally own my lawful wealth through radio-broadcasting all these shits towards me to perform this public robbery by using made up stories to belittle me and to arouse public hostility against me.

But let me apologize to the person I thought I was shitting and the family I shitted by mistake, and explain myself a bit here. In order to perform this public robbery, the scandal like radio program shamed my name to single out my biological children to be exposed as no mother's protection and unwanted by father side's relative to be such easy targets to be abused by whoever is willing. I have no choice but to make my voice heard that they do have a wealthy mother who does have their mother side's own resources to protect them even if they are unwanted by the father's side. The boy and girl are well known my biological children for real to everyone who has dealings with them. They are over seven years old now. And I appreciate greatly for all the efforts to shield them from becoming possible public targets.

Everybody in New York city may already be heard all those shits threw that intend to abuse my children are from some O'Connors. It is rumored that either this Miss O'Connor or that Miss O'Connor has to be his wife or my inheritance Fund has to be owned by O'Connors. I have been refusing all these kinds of threats I heard from rumors.

----January 3rd, 2018

Heard this morning's Jessica Lopez's such powerful curse.
My response: I heard this Jessica Lopez's powerful voice is not powered by the "rich husband" she announced on the radio, but powered by her sister being the wife to a cousin of Albert Gore.

----January 3rd, 2018

About my Ancestors featured in those paintings that were published in 2011 or so.
My response: There were four paintings published with year-certificate displayed as 1 year's old to tell they were just copies. Those painters copied them from originals' digital copies.

One of the huge problems I have with this administration of People's Republic of China's government is that a disk contains digital copies of all those published has been sent to them before those copied paintings were published. I had mentioned this on Boston 96.9FM in 2015 time.

In that disk, there were 6 painting featured with its originals' year-certificate and detailed zoom-ins to present techniques used in those paintings which certainly can be identified by historians who are specialized on these.

I am excited this morning because I heard the two not-published paintings included in that disk were to present my father's(方文海) resemblances to my ancient grandfather Emperor Xuanzong of Tang (唐玄宗李隆基)in that 6 boys painting. That generation there were 6 Princes. The other one who featured 4 Princes was to present my grandfather(方智仁)resembled my ancient grandfather Emperor Gaozong of Tang(唐高宗李治). If anyone can verify this would be really great.

I was like I finally realized that no wonder my father is known for blind-equivalent because of nearsighted with Retinal detachments since I was in high school, it is because I resemble extremely to the beautiful wife of my ancient grandfather Emperor Xuanzong of Tang (唐玄宗李隆基) who he resembles extremely.

My poor old man, he had been stationed in desserts alone when he was an enlisted bachelor surveyor-cartographer. After he has me, it has been all about what I want and how to stop me from squirring I want this or that, things I wanted had been ranged from food to everything else. I heard recently when he is already in his 80s, he was asked if he could recall any achievements from his profession of Astrophysics. And I published on this blog to tell him that I am his provider that providing him the same as myself on medical health related even that is our shared grandfathers' money I inherited. He knows I am the daughter he can live on.

----January 3rd, 2018






