
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

01-23-2018 I have eye-witnessed my loving birth mother has been my father's spoiled-rotten lawful wife (我的成长见证了挚爱着我的生母才是我父亲宠坏了的结发妻子)

老爸爸,你其实是被我给信托了, 我所信托的财产很安全,你也很安全,请尽快和我联系,或者联系南京紫台025-8333-2227,或者和美国上海领事馆联系要求美国公民的紧急联络服务(021-8011-2400, 属美国公民服务),我已经和他们都联系过了,美国上海领事馆也已经打电话和我取得联系,他们有我的有效联系方式。(联络信息在01-19-2018的文章里)

01-23-2018 I have eye-witnessed my loving birth mother has been my father's spoiled-rotten lawful wife (我的成长见证了挚爱着我的生母才是我父亲宠坏了的结发妻子)

Heard this morning's talk about my father's "real true love"(中文附后).
My response: I heard the reason my father went to Beijing in 1965 was to visit a current radio program Chinese team's producer's mother who my father had dated in Chinese Style when he was in Nanjing University between 1954-1957.

This female has been a major producer representing Chinese producing team since June in 2017 or so. She was born in December of 1967 or January of 1968 as the fourth child of her mother.

Her mother's confusion has been since her own graduation in 1959 or so. She was assigned to a Science Academy's Institute in Beijing. In 1965, my father had insisted on to go to Beijing was because she took my mother's wedding gift from my mother's eldest sister. It was an expensive watch that my grandfather's associated had sent. My mother's eldest sister took the rest of what my grandfather's associated had sent. My mother never even heard of this. When I was 3-4 years old already, my mother heard that her wedding gift, a new silk quilt cover, from her sister in Beijing was swapped by her eldest sister with a used one. Now, this.

Why would her mother felt so comfortable to take my mother's wedding gift after her mother already mothers three of her own husband's children? She graduated a year after my father's graduation, her first child with her own husband was born about two years after she left Nanjing. And it had been 7-8 years after she went to Beijing when my parents getting married, why would she feel so comfortable to take my mother's wedding gift after 7-8 years?

Do you remember the "first-born daughter" story? this is possibly the reason that 'first-born daughter's" mother fought that my father should buy her a dress instead of me. Why would they have this illusion that she could be so valuable after she already mothers three of her own husband's children in 1965? That is even if my father had touched her sexually before her marriage. She was the person went on getting married to another man, why she felt as if my father owed her?

I heard the daughter producer's theory is the producer's eldest brother should be understood as my father's real first-born, or the producer would be the heir of my grandfathers if her mother was the one who married my father.

First of all, I heard the producer's eldest brother was conceived after her mother's marriage and my father never touched her mother after her mother decided to marry someone else. I believe this can be verified from the satellite images. My father did not have much chance to visit Beijing in the 1960s. So, most likely, this Chinese female producer's eldest brother is not my father's biologically related.

Second of all, if this Chinese producer's mother did marry to my father, according to the common senses, since her mother's seeder is a different man, nobody would know who the production would be. Talking about fate, her mother is not the person has the fate to mother my grandfathers' heir because she did not recognize my father's value, which is the most important thing to those who love my father dearly. It is purely an illusion to fancy my grandfathers or their-associated would support that Chinese producer's mother because my father had touched her mother sexually, and my grandfathers' associated knew for certain that the Chinese producer's mother is not my father's first woman.

My mother is well-known married to my father into a bachelor's house that full of stacked-up paper boxes only. My mother did not even receive any wedding gift that is new, from her own maiden family or from my grandfathers' associated, which made her known for "not really unwanted". I am the daughter grew up watching my parents getting old, and my complaints about my father has been my father has spoiled my mother too rotten that I frequently need to do "some corrections" on my father's behave  to stop my mother's "I want to have this or that" regardless what that may mean to what I want (my father never has his own wants), and my complaints have also been about how my mother needed my help to make the ends meet to cover her over spending of my father's money.

My mother is the person my grandfathers would cherish as a daughter-in-law for her caring to my father and our family, even if that is out of love being doubted. My mother has been the person taking good care of the family ever since the day she got married, my mother has been the person always put my father and me in front of herself. My mother has been a maid alike to my father and me with her full heart willingness and complete ignorance of who we are. If any of my grandfathers is still alive, I am confident my mother is the idealist daughter-in-laws in their wildest dream come true.

I am the heir of my grandfathers, this is no confusion at all to any of my grandfathers’ associated. I am the girl with their full support because who I am to my grandfathers. No one from my grandfathers’ associated would choose that Chinese producer or her mother over me, this is not just the confidence but a true statement in reality. I am birth-mothered and raised by my father's lawful wife and I stand by my loving birth mother always.

Why I need to be like this? If you heard rumors that she might be the reason my mother lost her human resource records(人事处档案) permanently in 1988 that made my mother a miserable undocumented, that she might be the reason made me lost my communist youth party membership record in 1994 or so permanently that cause so much controversy in Nanjing Institute of Drug Control, and that she may have routed out to herself my father's pension from Science Academy Beijing Headquarter since it has been "stopped in Nanjing local institute because of the fake death claim of my father's", after you heard this Chinese producer has been the major force to produce all these Chinese government's announcements through this radio program to denounce who I am including the announcement that I am not even allowed to step on P.R. China's soil, what would you do after you called laws help?

----January 23rd, 2018





你们还记得那个“头胎女儿”的故事吗?这可能就是为什么她的妈妈就是吵着质问我父亲凭什么只给我买裙子而不给“头胎女儿”买裙子的原因吧。 他们怎么就认定了在这个前女友已经是她自己丈夫三个孩子的母亲的情况下还会如此被我父亲珍惜啊?就算我父亲在这个前女友结婚以前碰过她身子,恐怕也不会这么金贵吧。是这个前女友她自己选择和别的男人结婚的,怎么就认定我父亲会觉着欠了她的似的?



其次,如果这个女制作人的母亲是和我父亲结婚的那一个,根据常识,给她母亲下种的人不同了,生下来的就不知道会是谁了。 既不会是我也不会是她兄妹几个。谈到命运,就冲着这个她母亲根本不懂我父亲的价值,她母亲就没有替我爷爷们生得出女继承人的那个命,懂不懂我父亲的价值可是对那些挚爱着我父亲的我爷爷们来说最重要的事了。如果认为就冲我父亲曾经碰过她母亲的身子可能是事实,就认定我爷爷们及我爷爷们的朋友会选择支持这个女制作人及她的母亲的话,那就是在幻想啦,我爷爷们的朋友很清楚这个前女友不是我父亲的第一个女人。




