
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, January 20, 2018

01-20-2018 Denial through Public Media is a Scheme and Swap under a Virtual Umbrella is a Scheme as well

老爸爸,你其实是被我给信托了, 我所信托的财产很安全,你也很安全,请尽快和我联系,或者联系南京紫台,或者和美国上海领事馆联系要求美国公民的紧急联络服务(属美国公民服务),我已经和他们都联系过了,美国上海领事馆也已经打电话和我取得联系,他们有我的有效联系方式。(联络信息在01-19-2018的文章里)

01-20-2018  Denial through Public Media is a Scheme and Swap under a Virtual Umbrella is a Scheme as well

Heard this morning's talk about "you don't have the money" from China.
My response: I am fed up with these kinds organized harassment through public media.

The real reason is the confidence of through denying my wealth on public media, and with organized relentless private harassments of demanding my money from all fronts, that even if I can’t be manipulated through glasshouse cancer to "willingly" give out every penny of my money, some money can be expected to be routed out to demander "willingly" by those relentless efforts.

I have to say I am healthy enough to refuse to give out a penny of my money to this kind of criminal efforts.

The scheme is through infecting a victim of glasshouse cancer to manipulate the "willingness" to give out victim's own money. I heard if being manipulated through infected glass house cancer, the amount can be every penny of life savings and every penny of income whenever it comes in.

My advice to everyone who might concern what this means to their own finance to call law enforcement's help if you think this already has happened to you.

And try to make some arrangements about your own finance so that even if you are in danger of being exposed to this type of situation, you cannot give out what you are not truly willing.

----January 20th, 2018

.How about the reason why there are some many confusion who father this or that female's child?
My response: It is similar to the above scheme with a plus of a "swap" scheme.

Through denying my existing romance on public media, through confusing information of who is whom, through enhanced emphasis on "possibility of moving on" propaganda, through exaggeration of "health reality", and through bombarding organized decent match-making, through prostituting-ring harassment efforts, through persuasion power, through glass house cancer manipulation power, through abused "government official's power or government officials' power", through  abused "hard-earned good reputation power", through swapping the "romance partner" to mix-match a female with a male in a "virtual" romance relationship, to break an existing romance and to achieve a new romance that start off from impossible. 

The idea is similar to the swap game that an used-car can swap a $250,000-house, but full of criminal activities in order to create "swap opportunities and willingness to swap or to be swapped".

It is more scary if a "virtual" heir of a rich can be the swap-game to swap a person from this person's own biological family's wealth.

----January 20th, 2018