
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, January 13, 2018

01-13-2018 My Father is Safe now and about O's frustration

01-13-2018 My Father is Safe now and about O's frustration

Heard this morning's broadcasting that my father is safe now.
My response: I am so happy to hear this. BIG THANKS. I can't wait to reunite with him.

* I heard I might be demanded by 1980s style's "thanks need to be paid not just said", "happy need to be expressed visibly not just felt invisible".
I would respond with, that is if I am demanded, "I am expressing my happy feeling in word "happy" visibly on this blog, and I am paying my attention of thanks properly."

----January 13th, 2018

Heard this morning's broadcasting that I can only invite my father when I no longer live on Massachusetts(MA) taxpayers.
My response: It was never my intention to live on anybody. And I have been provided with my own money all these time I have been helped. Currently, only my apartment has been covered by my first year's paid providing. My first year's providing was paid in 2014 by the Fund that I asked Albert Gore's uncle's and father's attorney firms to represent on July 1st of 2004. They are no longer representing that Fund since mid of 2015.

I did email Massachusetts' General Attorney's office to tip what I know about my inherited wealth and my possible Intellectual Incomes. Being an MA resident, my Intellectual Incomes are subjected to MA income tax and it is my responsibility to report.


----January 13th, 2018

Heard this morning's broadcasting of a "two children".
My response: I made myself very clear already, no need to express myself further on what this means.

I never lived on this person's money and I am providing for my own biological children handsomely but invisibly. I can totally provide them handsomely and visibly as well.

----January 13th, 2018

Heard this morning's broadcasting was associated with some O's real frustration.
My response: I can imagine their frustration, each family's financial change is about $100,000 - $ 1Million a year a household. Of course, a lot Os are imaginably jumpy frustrated.

I was asked why it has to stop?
I answered, "Because there is no reason to continue."

I was asked why not in 1970s time when there was no reason to continue already?"
I answered: "Because of this expected frustrations. It was not  just Os but all who were born into the similar storied families were expected to be impacted."

I was asked why some adjusted well and some not?
I answered: "That's is certainly imaginable. Some may have started to pay attention to invest since 1970s, some may not good at financial planning."

I was asked will it be possible till everyone adjusted?
I answered: "That is unlikely. I can imagine the frustration. From my own experiences of running my own roof in a place that I call foreign and have no relatives around which certainly means there is no easy solution to make the ends meet, I would think it is better to rationalize what financial anxieties might be and focus on what can be done about them."

I heard a lot of mothers' frustrations of "I want my kids to have this or that and now I might not be able to afford them".
I answered: "I would make this or that as part of the list of what needed to be done and prioritize them, then focus on how. I would think financial managers or professionals may have a lot of advice on this kind of how-s".

I heard "I am the person providing comforts but not sharing the frustration when I was told if the bonus is a fair evaluation, now..."
My response: "I would put this feeling into the list of what needed to be done and prioritize it, then focus on how to get this feeling back. I would think financial managers or professionals may have a lot of advice on this kind of how-s as well"

----January 13th, 2018