
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Thursday, January 11, 2018

01-11-2018 Origin of my Private Wealth and My College Education

01-11-2018 Origin of my Private Wealth and My College Education

Heard this morning's broadcasting about my college education(中文附后).
My response: I speak up here what I heard early last year when I was trying to apply my current MBA with an undergraduate and graduate school records. I sent out 2 emails, multiple addresses each time, but I did not get any response.

It was already rumored around if I had any college education since 2016's radio program announcement from P.R. China's government that Shanghai Medical University was no longer existed (because of name change) but broadcasted with editing technique to produce the public impression of a fake college.

What I heard was Chinese Premiere Li went to Fudan University Shanghai medical college with a group of people one day that is sometime after 2012, and practiced some performing arts of "shred alumni's school records and burn them all". I used records because I heard there were four alumni's school records were destroyed permanently in this way that day. I did not hear how often this way of practicing performing arts had been performed nationwide in the People's Republic of China.

Fudan University Shanghai Medical College is currently addressed at 138 Yixueyuan Rd, Xuhui Qu, Shanghai, P.R. China, it is the same address of the Shanghai First Medical College I was enrolled in 1985 and it is same address of the Shanghai Medical University I graduated from in 1990.

Luckily, like I said this morning, I do not need their lies about my education. Tons of countries can use their own satellite image records to verify my saying of "went to Shanghai Medical University since 1985, went to classrooms and/or test lab daily, and lived daily in an 8-persons a room's student dorm till graduation in 1990."

I also heard similar stories of this kind performing art practicing in the United States. The performing objects were accounting books and related records, the practicing of performing was to shred and burn it all after taken those records out of a safe box. I did tip law enforcement when I heard other related rumors.

I heard tons of rumors this kind. I am apparently completely cured of the anxiety disorder. I am apparently very well protected by the Laws.

----January 11th, 2018

Other rumors I heard about what else this Chinese Premiere Li did in China.
My response: There are tons of rumors about my father.

I speak up here what I have heard:
I heard it was broadcasted on the radio program that my father had walked out of a hospital and went missing, what else I heard was, sometime after that, Chinese Premier Li invited my father to get on to his chauffeur equipped car, but once the car started moving, my father was pushed out when the car door opened. It was in public place with bypassers watching my father fall to the ground. *I heard this was verified from satellite images already.

My father was in his 80s already when this happened (born in 1932).

That is not the only rumor I heard how my father had been abused. I did ask laws help on my father after I heard fake news from my younger brother in 2015. My whereabouts have been well-known in Chinese community since 2004, I should be able to hear any news about my father if the news is important. Chinese Community is not all evils.

----January 11th, 2018

Heard this morning's talk about the origin of my private wealth.
My response: I published this on somebodyinBoston.blogspot.com in 2016.

My family wealth originated from Emperor Private Wealth which was generated by 3% tax collecting. The tax collecting is similar to modern tax laws 1% tax incentive to reward patron's great contribution to regional economic growth. There is no special collecting for this modern 1% incentive tax but reward by the government from already collected tax, the same no special collecting for Emperor 3% tax but 3% of all collected tax transferred into Emperor's private wealth. As modern tax laws to condition tax incentive by evaluating contributions to regional economic growth, being an Emperor to earn this 3% tax as income is not easy at all either. Being the head of an Empire, an Emperor needs to perform the tasks as to keep the Empire in peace, to stimulate economic growth and culture prosperous, to make subjects in Empire happy being Emperor's subjects, to make neighbor countries have no complaint but admire of Empire prosperous., etc. It is never an easy job for a CEO of any company to ensure company keeps growing in fierce competition, it was not easy to achieve these things on a large scale like a big country as China. "Golden Years" and “Keiyuan Spirit" are the performance evaluation given to my ancestor grandfathers by Chinese history. My family wealth origins are, like nowadays government employees paychecks and benefits, well deserved hard earned private wealth. *Note: 3% is an example tax rate. Emperor tax rate was not a fixed value rate but vary by Dynasty and/or by Emperor.
(----published in early 2016)

I repeat what I said this morning in Chinese, all these historic taxes rates and Emperor's share in collected taxes were all recorded in Chinese historical books. I do not need to explain.

It is well-known to all countries that have a government, Royals' private wealth is separated from the Kingdom's Central Bank's Reserve. A state-run company's savings is separated from its CEO's own money. I don't need to explain either.

----January 11th, 2018

我家的财产最早是起源于占税收3%的皇家税。这皇家税的征收办法是和现代税收里的1%增进地区经济发展税是一样的,不另外特别征收,而是从已征收的税收中拨转已征税收总额的3%至皇家私库,属于皇家私有财产。就像现代税收里这1%的奖励税是需要通过特别审批才有资格获得一样,皇家要挣到这3%的皇家税也不容易。作为一国之君,一个皇帝需要做到的事包括:保障帝国的疆域安全,促进帝国的经济发展文化繁荣,让帝国子民快乐幸福而实现国泰民安,让邻国艳羡推崇帝国的繁荣昌盛但不嫉妒怀恨抱怨,等等。就像一个企业的总经理要想在一个竞争激烈的环境里领导企业发展从来就不是一个很容易的事一样,要想在更大的作为一个国家的中国的范畴内有如此成就更是一点都不容易。中国历史上的“贞观之治” 和“开元盛世”就是中国历史对我爷爷们治国表现的推崇。我的私有财富的起源,也就是源自于现代社会所说的政府公务员的工资和福利,都是来自国家征收的税收收入却是100%辛勤工作挣到的合法私人财产。*注:3%的税率是一个假设的数字做解释使用。皇家税率不是固定的,因朝代和皇帝而异。


