
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, January 10, 2018

01-10-2018 About this morning's "a mother since 18 years old" and the joke of "Are you sure she has any money"?

01-10-2018 About this morning's "a mother since 18 years old" and the joke of "Are you sure she has any money"?

Heard this morning's broadcasting of a woman who mothers a rich person's child since 18.
My response: As long as he fathers another woman's child or children, he is a none of my business people. I don't care who that woman might be, young or old, ugly or pretty.

I was never provided by this rich person. I have lived on my own wealth that I inherited from my own birth grandfathers. I don't care how well he can provide for whoever. I am provided well by my own birth grandfathers' blessing.

----January 10th, 2018

Heard this morning's joke about a Mr. Jimmy Geithner.
My response: The joke is because this Jimmy featured in this morning's broadcasting was on July 1st of 2004's meeting as well.

I am the person not sure who is the one I called "my finance guy" which means "my accountant".  I was correctly understood by everybody who heard me introducing "I have an accountant" proudly on June 30th and July 1st of 2004. The original wording is "That is my finance guy". I introduced this "my accountant" to a group of Taiwanese after Smartphone related chats on June 30th of 2004.

I heard the person who signed out my providing checks since 2004 that including my $400 Million medical treatments spending and my current housing that I am residing in is the person I assumed my accountant. I am much relaxed now even though I have not received my food & cash providing yet from the same check that covers my current housing.

I did hear this morning's "joke" with the question "Are you sure she has any money?" has happened often and frequently since 2004 to the person I introduced as my accountant. He has been insulted all this time, and I had been agitated to be called a stuck-on beggar all this time.

----January 10th, 2018

The difference between Royals, me and Don Quijote de la Mancha.
My response: Well, I have some ancient titles and wealth entrusted since ancient times but both inherited, not some craziness out of my fancy ideas to practice some ancient-hood.

I did joke about hiring some security guys in my own self-designed uniforms to perform some marching on my own private property, and have all my kids watching this "phenomena" on a balcony with titles I lawfully entitled them.

But there are huge differences between me and Royals, or me and Don Quijote de la Mancha.

Royals are residing in a country with respectful subjects, Royal laws, and Nationally acknowledged Royal Privileges, etc.

I live a modern life in my own properties on the soil of a country I am a same equal citizen of. But I do have some inherited, and ancient, and valid, and lawfully respected titles I can entitle my own children.

Don Quijote de la Mancha lived in his own invented fantasy of practicing knighthood in his adventures.

----January 10th, 2018