
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Monday, January 8, 2018

01-08-2018 Loud and Clear is the Voice of the Law People and a Mother's Obligation

01-08-2018 Loud and Clear is the "Voice of the Law People" and "a Mother's Obligation"

Heard this morning's broadcasting of "the voice of the law people"
My response: I am thrilled to hear "the voice of the law people" is now loud and clear on the radio program.

----January 8th, 2018

Heard this morning's talk about my biological children is a pair of my true statements.
My response: It is my obligation to tell the entire world they are my beloved.

----January 8th, 2018

Heard yesterday's talk of a Chinese Mr. Li.
My response: I heard this Mr.Li is a 3rd cousin to me by DNA test result which means his great-grandfather was my great-grandfather's half-brother. Mr. Li is very proud that his great-grandfather was one of the earliest group of students that studied in France and became earliest members of Chinese Communist Party.

I did not hear his great-grandfather had any inheriting abroad related rumors. My inheriting or my inherited wealth has nothing to do with this Mr. Li or his great-grandfather.

I heard his great-grandfather's hostility against my grandfather was a major reason that my grandfather was not popular among those earliest members of Chinese Communist Party. My grandfather decided to entrust wealth abroad was from the concern of widespread rumors that after 1949's liberation, " Chinese government would buy private wealth at the price that would be equivalent as private wealth had filed bankruptcy".

----January 8th, 2017

Heard this morning's talk about Rockefeller and O'Connor name.
My response: I heard it is from some American Rockefellers and some American O'Connors, together with an American Jessica Petroves and an American David Petroves that forbid the public to be aware that I have my own biological children.

It is my obligation to tell all these people that these two children do have a mother willing to let the entire world know that those participating Rockefellers and O'Connors have to be pig-borns to be so confused that these two children are never theirs to manage or to have any saying over. This is regarding the "insist-on efforts" to express the opinion of "should raise these two children in monk style living forever".

One of the rumors is there is a Miss, parented by an American Rockefeller and an American O'Connor, is in financial desperation that frantically intend to pick up a left-over old man who fathers these two children and truly consider this would be a huge financial victory if succeed because pretending rich means nothing practical. I say, if so, why not make it public that is just a beggar-raised Miss Poor. The only curiosity left is, why this she would think she is eligible to have this fake name-power to be in another person's consideration of matrimony? That is not a practical consideration at all but a stupid enough one.

Another related rumor is an American David Petroves is a cousin to an American Jessica Petroves. The funny thing about this rumor is this Jessica Petroves shares the same mother with her half-sister Jessica Lissettes (radio Jessica) but looks like identical twins. The rumor is the mother had two birth of twins, but the 4 girls look like quadruplets. How two children from the same mother but a different father can look so identical? If you haven't heard, the rumor is the famous Duane-Reade pharmacist like to practice the performing art of "magically hol-hol-raise a chair" with his 4 identical looking girls at outdoor space often.

I heard this "Jessica Petroves", not sure which one in these two twins,  kept on insisting to have this saying or that saying over my anything, I say I can't understand why she can insist on as if she has this power from I would want her sexuality desperately. I reject her illusion like such and I refuse to let anyone encourage her psycho fantasy like such.

The third related rumor, all these names have some power that related to "glass house cancer". I did call law enforcement's help regarding a lot of similar rumors.

----January 8th, 2018