
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, January 14, 2018

01-14-2018 Why it is my business to point out what is not Os families' lawful wealth?

01-14-2018 Why it is my business to point out what is not Os families' lawful wealth?

Heard this morning's broadcasting of why I need to point out that Fund is never O'Connors' money.
My response: Tina O'Connor, through the radio program and related promotional activities,  promoting the idea that I am not allowed ("not deserved") to be provided for by the Fund even the money is verified as lawfully paid for my exclusive usage, and she took every penny my second year's providing (for 2016) that paid by the fund to cover my daily living expense, etc. All these had made me a public well-know "fake rich person but a real beggar" that actually live on government's welfare is the reasons for all these clarifications.

Most likely, my first year's providing (for 2015) has been taken by Albert Gore or his related. My third year's providing (for 2017), rumored, taken by a "Jessica Pejoves" (one of the four or five daughters of the Duane-Reade retired pharmacist father and the actress mother Anne Pejoves).

Currently, I heard my one-bedroom apartment is "paid for 50 years but not allow to re-allocate" because Albert Gore is not going to "donate another payment". I have not seen a penny of my other two years' paid-out providing.

(*My first year's providing was paid in 2014 by the Fund that I asked Albert Gore's uncle's and father's attorney firms to represent on July 1st of 2004. They are no longer representing that Fund since mid of 2015.
----published on January 13th, 2018)

(*I needed to have new attorneys on that day was because my misunderstanding on why I was neglected to constant crying when I was in Janus Associates, a computer consulting company in Connecticut. I did realize in 2016 that I directed my anger wrongfully to the female attorney in 2004 and I sincerely apologize to her here again, this time is also from my understanding that let me safe inherit my trusts is more important than help to stop my cries.
----published on January 6th, 2018)

I heard all these payments was promoted by these people as some rich persons' donation that nobody would donate ever again and nobody would care if I am the beneficiary person of these "donations", because I really have nothing to do with any of these "donors" romantically, and it is unlikely they will have anything to do with me at all in the future after this "radio program's clarification of who the fxxx this Chinese woman is".  And the reason for these rich persons' willingness to make these donations was only because they have too much money and that is all.

This is another reason for all these clarifications that including clarification on this Jessica Pejoves who took my third year's providing is not the person owns that fund because her parents and herself were not born to have that fund nor inherited that fund. I inherited that fund by inheriting my trust that set up that Fund on June 30th, 2004.

I did call law enforcement's help on all these, and I did inform Massachusett's General Attorney's office about some of these rumors I heard of that related to the MA taxpayers' help I received and what I know about my inheriting and what was decided on my entrusting meeting that held on July 1st of 2004. I remembered one of the decisions was my providing would be appended to the regular donations in order not to let my providing eat into regular donations by mistake or by confusion.

----January 14th, 2018

I heard some confusion regarding what I said in the meeting about more investment instead of intellectual income.
My response: What I mean and what was understood was: I trade my intellectual income for some extra investment shares. The reason was invention fees has no comparison with possible returns from extra investment opportunities.

It means the company would not pay invention fees or patent fees if they gave me extra investment shares.

I was told at the meeting to accepted invention fees and I agreed that was a good idea because my inheritances' investment opportunities are my contributions to what my grandfathers had made but this invention fee is purely my own making. So, I did not trade my invention fees with more investment opportunities.

What happened was a lot of those companies either did not know which is my inheritance Fund or did not think I need some extra investment opportunities because too many people wanted those investment opportunities. So they did not trade investment opportunities with company's saving of some expenses on invention fees.

It is either the company not pay for invention fees but gave me extra investment shares, or the company pay for my share of invention fees and gave me my shares of investment opportunities. It was never that the company could just give out this money from company's expenses to whoever.

So, the result is I have intellectual Income hard earned.

----January 14th, 2018