
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, January 28, 2018

01-28-2018 My Grandfather's Romances(我爷爷的浪漫)

老爸爸方文海,你其实是被我给信托了, 我所信托的财产很安全,你也很安全,请尽快和我联系,或者联系南京紫台025-8333-2227,或者和美国上海领事馆联系要求美国公民的紧急联络服务(021-8011-2400, 属美国公民服务),我已经和他们都联系过了,美国上海领事馆也已经打电话和我取得联系,他们有我的有效联系方式。(联络信息在01-19-2018的文章里)。你如果智能手机以及可以使用无线上网的电脑(一体机电脑,手提电脑,平板电脑等),可以使用手机上的《移动热点》功能通过电脑的《无线上网》功能上网。

妈妈王博贤,听说了你有收到我的信托提供给你的健康照顾,我相信你很好,我会想办法如何可以和你取得联系。爸爸目前和我也失联。你要是能看到这个博客,就去图书馆办个图书馆卡用somebodyinma@gmail.com 和我联系。用手机上的《Email(电邮)》功能就可以。我已经种了韭菜,荠菜,马兰头,菊花脑,豌豆苗,蚕豆,萝卜,蒜苗,香菜,香椿,还养了一个爱吃肉肉的猫阿妹等你团聚。我现在在读工商管理硕士(MBA).

01-28-2018 My Grandfather's Romances(我爷爷的浪漫)

Heard this morning's talk about the romance of the most famous Chinese female writers Zhang, Ailing(张爱玲) and Zhang, Lingyu(张玲玉).
My response: I heard this morning's broadcasting was soundtrack extracted from original videotape recorded in the 1940s.

My grandmother's maid family name is Mao(毛), a junior high graduated.

She was betrothed to my grandfather before they both even born by my great-great-grandfather. She married my grandfather when he was 18 years old in 1930 and my father was born in 1932. My father is my grandfather's birthmark palms heir. My grandparents had shared 4 children together, my father is 10 years older than his brother Xiahai(侠海) who is the youngest child.

My father's elder younger sister resemble my grandmother a lot. My grandmother was not a beauty is a true statement. And she had very rough dark skin and chubby body.

My father's junior younger sister resembles my grandfather. I heard he was about my father's height and Shanghai style of handsome and cute young man.

I heard that my grandfather's younger brother's name is Zhiqing(智清) who married an elementary school graduated.

Both my grandfather and his younger brother were college graduated.

I will correct my own saying of how faithful my grandfather was to my grandmother. My grandmother had been very happy in her marriage. I heard her advise to her elder daughter before her wedding was "a marriage is matched by God".

----January 28th, 2018


我奶奶的娘家姓毛(被误称为芒或茅), 她是初中毕业的, 不是小学毕业。


我父亲的大妹妹文美长的像极了我奶奶。我奶奶长的非常不漂亮这种说法真是一点都不假, 她还很黑很胖皮肤也很粗。




