
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, January 16, 2018

01-16-2018 Sexually supported by the Chinese Government made the Voice Loud and What is the family wealth referred to at this morning?(中文附后)

01-16-2018 Sexually supported by the Chinese Government made the Voice Loud and What is the family wealth referred to at this morning? (中文附后)

Heard this morning's talk about my uncle's "death penalty equivalent" privilege.
My response: I only need to express my true reaction "unlikely that is to remove any barriers to pave the way for me."

The rumor is when my younger brother was enjoying his "radio marriage" sexually, his legally registered wife has the support from the Chinese government offered in sexual relationship format by Chinese Premier Li at her maiden hometown area. The rumored sexual relationship was open-door, curtain-down experience. This is the style fits rumors of how the Taiwanese Miss Li got conceived to mother Chinese Premier Li's sons in front of his secret service agents'(警卫员) widely opened eyes.

What I heard the reason for this style is that this is the only way to be convincing that he mated the female sexually. She has eyewitnesses offered by the Chinese Premier Li and her own recorded tapes. I heard the Taiwanese do have very hard time to convince the People's Republic of China's government that she is the birth mother of the Chinese Premier Li's birth sons. Heard there are still some arguments how could possibly she mothers his children.

You did hear my younger brother's wife is the voice that is supported by the People's Republic of China's government on my father's welfare on the other day's radio broadcasting.

 It is rumored that the other female who participated "radio marriage" has the same support from the Chinese government offered by the same person in same having eye-witnesses way. And you did hear her voice loud and loud on the radio earlier, right? But, but there are also rumors she father the same person's office staff's some relative's child is the reason.

I say to my uncle, I know you only have one child(a son) and if you are willing to let you daughter-in-laws to be supported, unlikely you can keep your own house you bought by your own savings. I am still searching for your elder brother. Now, he got "death penalty equvalent"privileged because of against, do you say which one he should choose, support to be kicked out from his own home, or this?

I am a female, but I already have everything and supported by Laws and those who are my grandfathers' entrusting groups, as well as my own entrusting groups. And I refuse to have any Chinese government's support offered in such disgusting way.

I do believe that "radio marriage" is Chinese Government to pay for allowing this to happen on the People's Republic of China's soil. How actresses need to have sexes with my younger brother and mother another married person's child, if all those rumors are true, can be categorized into practicing performing arts? I refuse to pay their compensation or their practicing performing arts fees.

----January 16th, 2018

Heard this morning's argument of splitting my family's wealth has to be fair equally.
My response: My father went missing currently, and my father is well-known has not inherited anything. All my father has are his apartment he was kicked out from together with his life savings robbed. My father has been lived on his monthly-paid pension ever since the day he was kicked out from his own home.

My grandfather, who father my father, died in 1965, splitting of my grandfather's wealth happened in 1965 by my own grandfather's arrangements.

My great-grandfather, who fathered my grandfather, died in 1930, the splitting of my great-grandfather's wealth happened in 1930 by my great-grandfather's own arrangements. My great-grandfather died of over-night sudden death and all his children were birth-mothered by my great-grandmother.

Exact, which family wealth that is referred to as my family wealth in this morning's broadcasting that needs to be split fair equally?

What I received is what my grandfathers specially allocated for me being an heir girl, what I received is my wealth, my wealth got nothing to do with any of my grandfathers' any other children including their heir sons that includes my father Fang, Wenhai.

I refuse any request to split my any marriage partner's family any wealth as well as my own wealth.

----January 16th, 2018


海外传言是: 当我弟弟在享受“广播剧婚姻”的性爱关系时,我弟弟的婚姻注册妻子也在享受着由中国总理李克强以性交媾所表达的中国政府所提供的支持,据说性交媾是拉上窗帘但房门打开方式,就在女方的娘家居住地附近。这倒是很符合前几年海外所传台湾李姓小姐就是这样在中国总理李克强的两个警卫员的圆睁大眼的密切紧盯之下被李克强总理公开下种而孕育了李克强总理的两个亲生小孩。

我听说这种性交方式是唯一可以向别人证实他确实有和女方发生性交关系的方式。那台湾女人是有由男方提供的警卫员做为人证及她自己录制的性交影带做为物证。就这样,我是有听说那台湾女人可是花了好大的力气向中国政府证明她自己确实是中国总理李克强亲生孩子的亲生母亲, 听说就她是否是男方亲生孩子的亲生母亲,现在还是备受争议。


听说了另外一个参与“广播剧婚姻”的女性,听说也受到了同样由同一个人提供的,同样有人证在场方式所表达的支持。你也是在广播剧上听到她的声音是响亮又响亮, 是吧?不过也听说了她是男方的办公室工作人员的亲戚的孩儿妈是原因。

我就想对我叔叔说,我很清楚你就只有一个小孩, 是个儿子,你要是愿意让你的儿媳妇也被中国政府用同样方式支持支持,你自己积蓄买下的房子恐怕就很难保住咯。我现在可是还在四处找你的大哥呢。瞧瞧,中国政府要么支持就是支持他被赶出自己的家门,要吗反对就成了让他有“死刑犯同等待遇”。你说我叔叔他应该是选择被中国政府的支持还是被中国政府反对啊?










