
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, January 9, 2018

01-09-2018 All About my Imperial Ancestry and My Royal Titles

01-09-2018 All About my Imperial Ancestry and My Royal Titles

Heard this morning's broadcasting if I am the heir of Tang dynasty Emperor Taizong of Tang or just an Imperial offspring.
My response: I am the heir of Chinese Emperor Taizong of Tang.

----January 9th, 2018

Heard the confusion expressed this morning is the Chinese tradition of Firstborn Son Inheriting Custom.
My response: First Born Son inheriting is not the custom of Chinese Emperors' family.

West Han dynasty (西汉, 206BC - 8AD), East Han dynasty(东汉, 25AD-220AD), Tang dynasty(唐朝, 618AD - 907AD), Yuan dynasty(元朝, originated from Genghis Khan, 1279AD-1368AD) and Qing dynasty(清朝, 1644AD-1911AD) were having own inheriting rules that were not according to the firstborn son inheriting custom, especially Tang dynasty, Yuan dynasty and Qing dynasty are well known not firstborn inheriting. I do not know if Yuan dynasty or Qing dynasty had female heir disguised in male's appearance to inherit. I am the female heir of Tang dynasty Emperors and I had a grandmother crowned herself a Wuzhou Empress with the support from her Tang dynasty Emperor husband's heir son (my grandfather). Her Emperor husband was Emperor Gaozong of Tang(唐高宗李治)


西漢 (West Han dynasty)
(1) 漢高祖 劉邦 (前206-前195) (my grandfather)
(2) 漢惠帝 劉盈 (前194-前188)
(3) 漢高后 呂雉(漢少帝 劉恭,漢少帝 劉弘) (前187-前180) (a wife)
(4) 漢文帝 劉恆 (前179-前157)(竇皇后)(a wife)
(5) 漢景帝 劉啟 (前156-前141)
(6) 漢武帝 劉徹 (前140-前87) (possibly my grandfather, 东汉的开国皇帝是光武帝)
(7) 漢昭帝 劉弗陵 (前86-前74)
(8) 漢宣帝 劉詢 (前73-前49)
(9) 漢元帝 劉爽 (前32-前7)
(10) 漢成帝 劉驁 (前32-前7)
(11) 漢哀帝 劉欣 (前6-前1)
(12) 漢平帝 劉衍 (1-5)
(13) 孺子 劉嬰 (6-8)


----January 9th, 2018

Heard this morning's talk about Beauty Da (Daji?).
My response: Now everybody already familiar with PRC80 style talk.

What this morning broadcasted was: It was not because of her blood or there is an ancient painting to prove that she resembles the Beauty Da ( Daji?, 1766 to 1122 BC).(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shang_dynasty)

She is a "real beauty Da(Daji)" is because her lovers appreciated her with the words copied from a Chinese historic book that described the Beauty Da(Daji)".

----January 9th, 2018

Heard this morning's broadcasting of a grandmother's wish.
My response: This morning's broadcasting is not from the British Crown Prince William.

I don't care what that male's grandmother's wish is. I refuse to consider any romance possibility with that male.

I did not hear British Crown Prince William had made such saying. And the rumors about possible children between me and the British Crown Prince, which has been clarified untrue already, was because I am the owner of the British East India Company Financier. 

I reject any idea to match me with a male who is an old man to another woman's child or children already.

I was born with Royal titles with handsome wealth that set up together with my trusts. I do not need to consider matrimony to advance myself financially or socially, and I already worked very hard and already advanced myself academically very good.

I refuse to consider any romance with anyone that can be described as Old even that is a male of 20 years of age but a biological father of another woman's child already.

I do have a huge problem with the Radio company's management called-in all these people to produce such dry-cries of themselves to broadcast on a public channel's radio program.

----January 9th, 2018

How can a Royal title be set up with a Trust?
My response: Well, as part of the gift, as long as that is from an Emperor or a ruling Empress.

I am the first girl in 2500 years who shares my Emperors grandfathers birthmark.This family birthmark became my family's heir birthmark since East Han (25AD). This is the reason I received some trusts as gifts from my grandfathers.

It is publicly well known that a King or a Queen can entitle a subject, but the highest title in a hierarchy system that is equivalent to King or Queen can only be titled to themselves, or gift to the Crown Prince or Crown Princess with the condition set as valid upon inheriting.

I don't know if my ancient Emperor grandfathers had entitled themselves that can be inherited which I can refer to as family titles to differentiate with those associated with the Crown or the Emperium, and I don't know if my father had given-up his inheritable family titles at the same time he gave up his financial inheritable that made my grandfather had no choice but gifted all to me, I did inherit Emperor or Empress equivalent titles (such as Ingonyama) on June 30th of 2004 with the wealth that set up together in those trusts I inherited on June 30th of 2004.

----January 9th, 2018