
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Thursday, January 25, 2018

01-25-2018 Nanjing Institute of Drug Control and 1980 Style Understanding

老爸爸,你其实是被我给信托了, 我所信托的财产很安全,你也很安全,请尽快和我联系,或者联系南京紫台025-8333-2227,或者和美国上海领事馆联系要求美国公民的紧急联络服务(021-8011-2400, 属美国公民服务),我已经和他们都联系过了,美国上海领事馆也已经打电话和我取得联系,他们有我的有效联系方式。(联络信息在01-19-2018的文章里)

01-25-2018 Nanjing Institute of Drug Control and 1980 Style Understanding

Heard this morning's mention of "this radio program sucks".
My response: That was from a colleague from Nanjing Institute of Drug Control that I had worked with.

I had been getting along with almost everyone in that Institute other than the Boss, let me point out that I started working there in 1990 before I explain what possibly the issue can be.

Everyone who read this blog may already know what is PRC80 style talk which means "to understand verbal expression word by word according to dictionary definition", and another important part that keeps the conversation a conversation is the same style of response. It is not that I forgot to mention, I did not even know that is how I survived 1990-time China.

Let me give you an illustration.
Someone give me a $500 and said that this is because that person wants everyone to know that person wants nothing to do with another person.

I am the person have no idea of what the story has been or why, I am not in the situation that I would willing to do anything to ensure I can have that $500, and I don't really care if this person has anything to do with the other person or not, so I analyze this giving action as such following logic:

This person is willing to pay me $500 because I am one of the everyone group that needs to hear this person to express himself as "want nothing to do with another person", that seems OK.

So, I am not paid to ask why, and I am not paid to spread the word, and I am not paid to tell the other person, and I am not paid to ensure everyone else know I know this information in anyway and anyhow, and everyone else may also have this opportunity to have this same treatment of $500 as well which seems won't put me into any trouble or obligation to ensure that everyone knows this information, so it should be alright for me to pocket in this $500.

So, I take that $500 and respond to that person with "I hear you". And I finish the conversation completely and walk away with a $500 in a nothing-wrong-with-it tone.

This is possibly the reason I had with the Boss. He had been promoted a Boss in 1980, and his complaints about me have been "I understand everything he said but I don't give a shit about what he meant."

Now here comes this issue, most of the things he said were nothing to do with me things in my understanding. He tended to use examples of how he will do in a lot of situations to inspire me to react appropriately, but everything I heard was he had this or that issue of his own which shouldn't be my business at all. So, after this fully-aware-of-what-he-was-saying conversation, I walked away with my unchanged working style and never mentioned a word to anyone what he had said.

I heard his negative-ness against me was because he heard "I am a fake" from someone associated with that "firstborn" of "ex-girlfriend's child". I dislike his ridiculous negative opinions about me, and Chinese government may take what he did out of that negative-ness as his acts of revenge for 1989. He does have the character that made the other boss of the Institute as you heard on the radio.

I was famous after 1989, and a lot of people said why shouldn't I help with the Boss if he did have some issues in management, that is if I knew some managing.

Let me tell you that when I was an employee of that Institute, that Institute was perfectly human-resource-ly immune from most of the office politics.

I worked for pharmacology department which had three 2-persons each working groups. One group had one person who was very close to the department boss and this was balanced by the other person having the same seniority in the Institute as the department boss. My group was perfectly balanced one person who enjoyed taking the job as research with me disliked it. The third group was similarly balanced. Plus, the department boss had been balancing everyone's workload on a reason of "balancing bonus purpose" with everybody's full understanding. So, it had been noisy in my department but not really having any office politics.

Another department that we call chemistry department, most of its staff were single young girls that only 3 persons need to support a family. No issues at all for them.

The third department we call Chinese medicine department which had 4 peoples then. 2 females and two senior-in-age males. One female was a married sexy pretty and the other was a young cute school girl that both males willing to comprise themselves to make the other both happy. This was the department had no noise at all but harmony.

I guess what the Institute Boss had talked to me about were "frustrations" that may be from the only department that had not so balanced by human resource factor together with some other issues I considered none of my business.

If you still remembered what had broadcasted on the radio in 2007 or so, you probably would agree the broadcasting was reporting the Boss' negative-ness against me, etc.

----January 25th, 2018