
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Monday, July 31, 2017

07-31-2017 That Fund was Setup by My Birth Grandfather's Money

07-31-2017 That Fund was Setup by My Birth Grandfather's Money 

Heard Tina O'Connor's tears this morning.
My response: My heart drenched whenever I heard my daughter was crying because of this Tina O'Connor. This Tina O'Connor's tears means nothing to me.
----July 31st, 2017

Heard Tina O'Connor's tears was out of her frustration why that fund is not her family wealth.
My response: What I heard of is: There were only two generation attorney grandfather of Tina O'Connor  had worked as full time Fund's representing attorneys. The second generation Attorney O'Connor already left Fund's Legal department office to run US Senate's office. Ever since  that grandfather of Tina O'Connor's left that Fund's legal office, her following grandfathers including her father have not been in that Fund's legal department office but in a Senator's office to make her family so proud of 6 generation already Senators family.

That fund is not her family wealth purely because of the fact that the Fund is setup by my birth grandfather's money and her family had been representing the Fund as Attorneys.
----July 31st, 2010

Heard Tina O'Connor's points of her family overseeing the fund by hiring people should make the fund her family wealth.
My response: Her family's contribution has been greatly appreciated, but it won't changed the fact that her family had been part of the Fund's hired group. It was not her family hired people to look after the fund, but her family had been hired by the Fund to look after the Fund. Her family had been part of the people that have been hired by the Fund.
----July 31st, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting saying  a female was agitated how could possibly her husband father children from me after their 2007's public wedding.
My response: I got fed up with all these confusion as well. Why would she think anyone whose name is Charles Schnieberg is her husband? The person who father my children have the real family name Ford is what I thought had been broadcasted by the radio program in 2009-2010 already. If she insist on that is the same person, what was she doing in 2009-2010 time? My children were born in 2010. I do inherited my own wealth that were entrusted before I was born and I do have my own attorneys who are decent. The Fund that Tina O'Connor has been so confused about was entrusted 600-800 years ago, I can inherited this Fund in 2004 already make it a matter of facts that I do have very decent attorneys.
----July 21st, 2017

**Some said Tina O'Connor dated this Charles Schnieberg before 2004.
My response: She dated tons of guys during her 7 years time as an ex-roommate to another Charles Schnieberg (real named Charles Ford broadcasted on radio) between 1997 to 2004. She was never her ex-roommate Charles Schnieberg's sex partner when they sharing that two-bedroom. Her one and only sex experience with her ex-roommate Charles Schnieberg was before she became a roommate. This is what I heard.
----July 31st, 2017

Sunday, July 30, 2017

07-30-2017 Whole Biological&Private, Jealousy O'Connor&Chinese(完全的活人/隐私,妒忌的O'Connor/华人

07-30-2017 Whole Biological&Private, Jealousy O'Connor&Chinese(完全的活人/隐私, 妒忌的O'Connor/华人。

I have been harassed for the past several days for somebody's "show" excuse(中文附后).
I elaborate: Why it is an excuse instead of necessary? Because otherwise I should be able to hear the original radio broadcasting from a radio if all are so necessary? I have not been informed if broadcasting channel is not 106.7FM or broadcasting time is not 6:30AM daily, and I do have 2 clock radios at home. The current situation is I turn on my clock radio at 6:30AM on Channel 106.7FM, all I can hear is music and some hosts' chats. If all are necessary, I would be informed either correct channel/time information or there are no-tricks on my clock radio.

So I concluded: Any effort to use radio program to delay my medical treatment or postpone/alternate my medical treatment plan should be considered as abducting effort through medical technology.
----July 30th, 2017

Some said if so, how about my this blog?
My response: If you do not see me updating my blog as "I heard", then you know glass house cancer can be treated completely and effectively. I may or may not write "I can no longer hear (via glass house cancer)" specifically on my web blog for a lot of reasons. You certainly know I can still hear piss-me-off harassment won't be the case. Plus, I do have good intention to improve my English writing first to consider write more. So, maybe, one day you won't see my blog's new entry which would possible mean that I am on my way of being a whole biological healthy person privately.(**You may also hear a lot of people are so frustrated that they can no longer share my thoughts, not just my blog articles, from their computers. That's even better.)
----July 30th, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting that there are a lot of Attorney O'Connors and I was asked what this means to me?
My response: That is of course all her free attorneys understood. But I do have my own wealth to afford tons of Attorney Not-O'Connors, and there are tons of great attorneys provide volunteer attorney services as well. (I already have 1800 number that is my attorneys contact number published via radio program on May 16th, 2017. The email address published at the same time is nothing to do with me email address.  There was or were some 1800 number published several days later or ago that has(have) nothing to do with me.)

Second of all, Attorneys licences are not certified by names but professional standards.

Third, if law firms are invested by money from my inheritances, those law firms can not be considered as O'Connors invested law firms, even that happened during her family representing time. As long as the investment money is not from their agreed-upon-providing account number but from my inheritance Fund, the invested law firms can not considered owned by O'Connors.
----July 30th, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting about my problems with China.
My response: What will you swear when you are facing a government's power, government's resources, etc to fight against your private romance life or your private owned wealth? This is what you heard from radio and from your Chinese friends: "She is unwanted.", "Why she say she has her own money?" You may share the same wanderings, but why Chinese government should involved as a government? All those angers have been all about my butts and my money.

Like I said, I immigrated to US in 1996 which totally means I left Chinese people in China 20 years ago. My money I claimed are all entrusted before 1949. They are all local funds just like the American fund featured in "O'Connors Confusion" story you heard of. Why Chinese government have to have a saying of this fund's ownership at all? They are the government established in 1949. That fund has been in US (America) for 400 years. People's Republic of China is only 68 years old which is too young for its government to have saying over this 400 years old American fund.

Like I said, I have been in US for almost 21 years. Who in People's Republic of China would care about my butts activity? that would means those "caring of my butts" are from 13 hours air-flight time away places considering where I live. You heard all these angers from your Chinese friends or on the radio, why my butts is their huge anger? why they can be so angry on behave of Chinese citizen who live in People's Republic of China? That would be 13 hours air flight time long stretched anger over my butts in US. Who are they? Why they behave like so jealous as if it is the matter of their own butts? Won't you call them psychos if you are in my situation knowing it is not the same penis that goes into their butts? Why all these Chinese people need to yell at me that "He got nothing to do with you." Why it is their obligation to yell knowing it is not the same penis goes to their butts for certain? Why someone who is a Chinese should equivalently means a penis fighter from all those Chinese "representatives"?

Will you call them prostitutes/whore born/mother fxxxer/ father sucker/etc., even if you have not heard the rumor of "brothel tribe Chinese producing team"?
----July 30th, 2017

我解释:明明是需要啊,为什么说是借口啊?如果是需要,我就应该可以从收音机里听到原版啦。至今就没人跟我说广播剧播出屏道不是106.7FM 或者时间不是早上6:30AM, 而且我还有2个收音机闹钟。我现在的情况是在6:30AM打开收音机调到106.7FM,就只能听到音乐和偶尔主持人的三言两语。如果是需要,我就应该可以知道正确的播出屏道和时间,或者是通过收音机能听到。










Saturday, July 29, 2017

07-29-1967 PRC80's Characteristics(80年代上下家的语言特色)

7-29-1967 PRC80's Characteristics(80年代上下家的语言特色)

Heard this morning's broadcasting of a Chinese diplomat in Britain saying(中文附后).
My response: She is just not big enough for anyone to report to for her to hear anything that is none of her business. I said it is "Non Chinese Business" because who owns that fund is either British Internal Affair or US Internal Affair. It is never any China's affair for a Chinese diplomat to be reported to.

 In the morning, I cut her "saying" in half when I heard the rumor. Because it is not necessary to wait for her to finish. Her tone already told you that is negative. With this, I can afford to assume she is hostile to react accordingly to assume she meant to say "she herself never heard of it herself even she is in Britain". You heard my answer and now my written response.
----July 29th, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting of a "representative" saying how come he himself have not heard of it.
My response: His ears radius is too small because he can not say who he haven't heard from.
Rumors that he is a O'Connor's illegitimate child is what I heard of, he never heard of the fact I am the lawful owner because O'Connors are who he listen to, not the US laws. (He is most likely the replacement of Tina O'Connor's father that referred by Tina O'Connor's father. Tina O'Connor's father was asked to leave representing post because of O'Connors confusion who owns that fund several months ago after my $400 Million spending )

This response is out the "no one can afford to assume anything out of expectation of people's decency" reality or situation. He did not mention who he never heard of from =>Implies tons of tricks on who he listen to. He did not make a lie, he just did not hear anything that is not from O'Connors.
----July 29th, 2017

Heard this morning's imply I am in this situation because I am a whore to those.
My response: Why it's my money (checks titled in my name) illegally deposit to their associated? According to Chinese government supported radio program production, woman's value only on butts and breasts but deserves big money or recognition as real leader of China for sexual intercourse activities.
So according to whore‘s and prostitute's dictionary definition, classic or radio program promotion, I am not the woman value on butts or breasts to be implied in anyway or anyhow as a whore.

This is the response out of "word by word according to dictionary definition" rule. PRC80 is all about abusiveness. Abusiveness of other people hard earned reputation, abusiveness of decent language of word definition, abusiveness of decency expectation (you buy somebody's saying out of your assumption "this person won't mean(be) that bad", you would be in shit yourself. It would be commonly understood as why would you assume that person can be decent at all just by what? Why would you assume that person does not mean what being said word by word so clearly to you? You are suppose to look after yourself. It is all your own fault if you make any assumption knowing that person said everything so clearly to you already) (This rule fits all situations in everyone's daily life that one has to remember to follow in every turn).
----July 29th, 2017

Reference about PRC80 I had mentioned in my articles:

(Why I say Chinese community expert level audience? It is Scheme PRC80 (Chinese 1980 horrible trading scheme) style. In joking tone, in bluffing way and in laughs, everything said is actually a true statement. It means to take advantage and really mean it, it never sounds like only, Not a single syllable is a joke or non-sense. This style is in everybody's daily life more or less in China. 
----May 25th, 2017)

(In 1980's time in China, no one can afford to assume anything out of expectation of people's decency. I am currently in this mess that I already turned on "attorney's ears" to take in any "announcements" have been made on the radio program word by word according to its dictionary definition. You would know what I mean if you heard something like what I call PRC80.
----July 23, 2017)

(They say what they broadcasted on the radio like this is their truthful report? That is after they, by rumor, illegal took my money, making lies about my inheritances, ensured co-operations from those know-nothing-group using the reputation credentials from government employees', or decent names they share, or even hard earned reputation from other people's hard work like this radio program and its producing radio company. The result is I have no providing from my own income and no reached-out help but despise from everywhere, all done by their promoting radio program's fake announcements...This abuse of other people's hard earned group reputation credential for personal gain is what make me in the mess of Scheme PRC80 I call.
--July 27th, 2017)

Whore:  a woman who engages in sexual acts for money :  prostitutealsoinformal + offensive :  a promiscuous or immoral woman.
https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/whore (2017)

Prostitute :  to offer indiscriminately for sexual intercourse especially for money.
(https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/prostitute) (2017)

我的回应:那女的还没那么了不起,还没那么重要。她也就是在英国领土上的几百个平米的中领馆里呆着而已。英国很大,不是谁都需要或者会向她汇报跟她完全无关的事的。那英国基金是谁的叫英国内政,那美国基金是谁的叫美国内政,我说的是很客气的“非中国事务”,从来就不是什么事务需要向中国的外交官汇报。 她以为她自己是谁啊?


我倒是听说了他是那个O'Connor的私生子的说法。他从未听说过我是基金的合法拥有者是因为他只听到了O'Connor的说法, 而不是美国法律的说法。(他可能就是那个Tina O'Connor的父亲以为O'Connors家闹基金所有权而被要求离开那家基金后的由Tina O'Connor的父亲推荐的替换者。Tina O'Connor的父亲是在我花了那4亿美金之后才离开的。)




所以按照对于妓女和婊子的定义,传统或有广播剧所宣传的,我方敏都不是只有奶头和屁股价值, 就没有任何可能把我暗示成婊子。

这个回应就是根据“一字一句必须按其字典定义理解”规则。八十年代上下家(PRC80)就是一切滥用乱来。滥用一些易被大众认为利益共同的名字而破坏别人辛苦挣来的名誉信誉,滥用一些语言名词混淆视听,滥用大众对体面正经的信任(你如果自己估计“这人不会是这么坏吧”而相信这人的一些说法,你就是落到你自己吃不了兜着走的下场。大众(对你遭遇的)普遍反应会是“你自己为什么要认为那人是个正正经经的体面人哪?你凭什么会那么认为?” “你为什么会说那人说的不可能是那个意思?那人可是一字一句和你说的清清楚楚的啊?”你是应该自己看好你自己的利益的,而不是由别人负责。你如果明明已经很清楚被人一字一句对你说的是什么,你还自己估计这个估计那个,一切都是你自己的做,没什么好抱怨别人的。)(这是个日常生活任何场后都必须时刻牢记的规则)。


(我为什么说华裔社区是专家级听众?这是中国八十年代的上下家生意的风格(PRC80)。在谈笑间,在夸张乱聊时, 用着开玩笑的口气语调,就把你的的好东西全给拿走了并且从来没打算还你。从来不是什么说说就算了。没有一言一字是在开玩笑或者瞎说而已。这种风格似乎现在还在中国的日常生活中存在着。


(They say what they broadcasted on the radio like this is their truthful report? That is after they, by rumor, illegal took my money, making lies about my inheritances, ensured co-operations from those know-nothing-group using the reputation credentials from government employees', or decent names they share, or even hard earned reputation from other people's hard work like this radio program and its producing radio company. The result is I have no providing from my own income and no reached-out help but despise from everywhere, all done by their promoting radio program's fake announcements...This abuse of other people's hard earned group reputation credential for personal gain is what make me in the mess of Scheme PRC80 I call.

--July 27th, 2017)

Whore:  a woman who engages in sexual acts for money :  prostitutealsoinformal + offensive :  a promiscuous or immoral woman.
https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/whore (2017)

Prostitute :  to offer indiscriminately for sexual intercourse especially for money.
(https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/prostitute) (2017)

Friday, July 28, 2017

07-28-2017 All these "sexual harassment" is for my money?

07-28-2017 All these "sexual harassment" is for my money?

Heard this morning's broadcasting of the fund I call Lion King Fund that which is the same fund that has "so confusing O'Connors letter".
My response: That fund is setup by the money entrusted by one of my own birth grandfathers. The money(or valuables like gold, etc) carried out from China was entrusted 600-800 years ago. This fund was set up in Britain for investing America (Colony time) purpose about 400 years ago. The first Mr. O'Connor from O'Connors family who was also the first Attorney O'Connor from O'Connors family started to represent this fund about 200 years ago.

I inherited it in 2004 according to this grandfather's written will. I was referred in this written will as "female palms". I am the only girl has family birthmark palms in my family's known recorded history of "birthmark palms" for almost 2500 years. This family birthmark became heir birthmark for about 2000 years now. I am the only female heir in this 2000 years long birthmark heir line.

----July 28th, 2017

Please refer related articles and links:

O'Connors Rail Road Confusion

O'Connors Confusion and My Headach

Not a Joke but a Reason

To O'Connors

"Write Off" and "OK Spending"

Ownership of this Fund and Others

Origin of my Family Wealth:
My family wealth originated from Emperors' Private Wealth which was generated by a 1% Imperial tax or 3% Imperial tax collecting. A 1% Imperial rate was recorded in history for my ancient grandfathers, but the rate can be vary depends on dynasty and Emperor. The tax collecting is similar to modern tax laws 1% tax incentive to reward patron's great contribution to regional economic growth. There is no special collecting for this modern 1% incentive tax but reward by government from already collected tax, the same no special collecting for Emperors' 3% tax but 3% of all collected tax transferred into Emperors' private wealth (saving account) . As modern tax laws to condition tax incentive by evaluating contribution to regional economic growth, being an Emperor to earn this 3% tax as income was not easy at all. Being the head of an Empire, an Emperor need to perform the tasks as to keep the Empire in peace, to stimulate economic growth and culture prosperous, to make subjects in Empire happy being Emperor's subjects, to make neighbor countries have no complain  but admiration of Empire prosperous., etc. It is never an easy job for a CEO of any company to ensure company keep growing in fierce competition, it was not easy to achieve these things on a large scale like a big country as China. "Golden Years" and “Keiyuan Spirit" are the performance evaluation given to my ancestor grandfathers by Chinese history. My family wealth origins are, like nowadays government employees paychecks and benefits, well deserved hard earned private wealth. *Note: 3% is an example tax rate. Emperor tax rate was not a fixed value rate but vary by Dynasty and/or by Emperor.

One of the entrusted abroad inheritances(entrusted abroad before 1949, an investor fund of JANUS Mutual Fund), that I was informed in 2004 and inherited as female heir "Female Palms", was willed/co-signed by Tang Dynasty Xuan Emperor 唐玄宗李隆基(Li, Longji  685AD) and his famous beauty wife Empress 杨玉环(Yang, Yuhuan  756 AD). The original co-signed will has verification certificate of  years it carries. As customary in order to track the beneficiary of the entrusted wealth, entrusted attorneys and accountants have kept in file the record of each generation heir name list since Tang Dynasty Emperor 唐玄宗李隆基(Li, Longji).

It is said one of  the reason my money should be Chinese people's money is because my grandfather 方智仁(Fang, Zhiren) had promised to donate his wealth to Chinese Communism Party. My grandfather was crazy about Communism when he was a teenage in 1920s. He was in Shanghai where Chinese Communism party was founded. His father(my great-grand-father) did not think Communism realistic but truly understand the beauty of Utopia and really value young Communism party members and their devotions to improve people's life greatly. So the situation was like my grandfather kept announcing his donation plan of anything his eyes set upon and my great-grand-father kept transferring those announced out to the future "female palms"(that is me). My great-grand-father's sudden death caused my grandfather's split with Chinese Communism Party. My grandfather 方智仁(Fang, Zhiren) refused to donate anything he promised to Chinese Communism Party.

My great-grand-father's sudden death was a big case in Shanghai around 1930 when my grandfather was only 18. My family was known as "Ningbo Fang House" and famous for huge family wealth as well as family influence. It was said there was communism party member(s) possible involvement. Possible reasons might include to stop my great-grand-father from keep transferring wealth out of my grandfather's inheritable. The case is still unresolved.
My grandfather 方智仁(Fang, Zhiren) decided to stay in P. R. China after 1949 but transferred some of his wealth abroad and willed to me (Female Palms). I inherited some my grandfather's wealth by his will handwritten around 1950. It is my grandfather's own decision not to keep his donation promise. I do not know if  Chinese Communism Party has any issue with my grandfather's decision, but my father and I never been troubled at all when we were in P. R. China.

My grandfather 方智仁 (Fang, Zhiren) allocated his wealth to all his children  (total four children including my father) by his will before he passed away in 1965.
My father 方文海(Fang, Wenhai) was being young and did not open the handwriting letter (will) that my grandfathe 方智仁(Fang, Zhiren) gave to him are the reasons my father 方文海(Fang, Wenhai) got his share after almost 50 years (*Note: this mean around 2016., 50 years from 1965). (*Note: there was family stories I heard recently heard that I posted on July 21st , 2017)

Entrusted wealth(entrusted abroad before 1949) I inherited as female heir "Female Palms" from my grandfather 方智仁(Fang, Zhiren) is by my grandfather's handwriting will(s) written around 1950.

-----Original published on somebodyinma.blogspot.com in July, 2016

O'Connors Rail Road Confusion

O'Connors Confusion and My Headach

Not a Joke but a Reason

To O'Connors

"Write Off" and "OK Spending"

Ownership of this Fund and Others

Thursday, July 27, 2017

07-27-2017 Scheme PRC80 is "abuse people's trust towards hard earned good names"

07-27-2017 Scheme PRC80 is "abuse people's trust towards hard earned good names"

Heard this morning's broadcasting about a military medical officer General David Pejoves.
My response: He is a relative to my current entrusting representing attorney. He is from the first generation entrusting representing attorney Mr. Pejoves. Of course he is in my mind as who he is from his last name and as a medical doctor who heads a hospital. Also, I heard he has a Taiwanese girl friend whose maiden name is the same as my last name and he has an Miss O'Connor who mothers his child  How could he possibly not in my mind? But I never met him in person.
----July 27th, 2017

Heard the translation effort in Chinese from a wife to a big family name I respect.
My response: She has been introducede as on and only Mrs. Bigname who is a Chinese. I am seriously asking her husband, who I myself do not know how to address other than Mr. Bigname, to spare me from his wife's jealously game. Rumored her mother is Chinese Premiere's wife's sister or cousin whose husband is definitely should be her upper generation's problem for her to be jealous of. Her husband is not the person I ever has any direct dealing with (he probably was in 2004's tele-conference meeting). It is definitely not the same compartment from that big family for her to be jealous as she impressed public this morning, especially her way of translating in a commenting tone as if she said so on behave of the entire Big family.  She is a wife to only one of them who got nothing to do with me.
----July 27th, 2017

Heard this morning's crying question from a Chinese male I never heard of.
My response: Entire time is like this. I have complained on Boston 96.9 FM in 2016 that why radio program Chinese team has this understanding that English speaking is a good enough reason to be featured on this radio program? Who is this Chinese male? Why producing team assume American Audience would curious about his story at all? How they got American radio company's public channel time? I never even heard of this Chinese male for him to be so emotional on my radio program, whose husband he is? If he try to insist on he has anything to do with me like a male, I have to call police officers for his bilking effort, or medical help to checkout the severity of his illusion.
----July 27th, 2017

Heard it was a Miss O'Connor said this radio program has been produced out of their love to me.
My response: I believe this love is a murder's love that I use hatred expression to refer. This is so clear from how those participating O'Connors distinguishing themselves from their portrait of me to make it so obviously that the public image they painted me in is not what they themselves like to be in. They expressed who I am in their "love expression" so clearly by how they paint me in everything I am not. Let's say if those participating O'Connors love themselves to be the "beggars O'Connors, disgusting O'Connors, horrifyingly unwanted O'Connors, unworthy cheap whore O'Connors that I truly felt no decent man should ever even consider to be married with." They say what they broadcasted on the radio like this is their truthful report? That is after they, by rumor, illegal took my money, making lies about my inheritances, ensured co-operations from those know-nothing-group using the reputation credentials from government employees', or decent names they share, or even hard earned reputation from other people's hard work like this radio program and its producing radio company. The result is I have no providing from my own income and no reached-out help but despise from everywhere, all done by their promoting radio program's fake announcements. If this is their saying of truthful report, it is only because it is out of their determination to own my lawful inheritance fund just by their grandfather's confusing letter. That fund I inherited is setup by my grandfather's money but they kept telling everyone it should be their's just by one letter their grandfather wrote. This is my side of truthful saying. Now they must know how much I love them to have determination to send them to a criminal court if eligible. This abuse of other people's hard earned group reputation credential for personal gain is what make me in the mess of Scheme PRC80 I call.

(Why I say Chinese community expert level audience? It is Scheme PRC80 (Chinese 1980 horrible trading scheme) style. In joking tone, in bluffing way and in laughs, everything said is actually a true statement. It means to take advantage and really mean it, it never sounds like only, Not a single syllable is a joke or non-sense. This style is in everybody's daily life more or less in China. 
----May 25th, 2017)

In 1980's time in China, no one can afford to assume anything out of expectation of people's decency. I am currently in this mess that I already turned on "attorney's ears" to take in any "announcements" have been made on the radio program word by word according to its dictionary definition. You would know what I mean if you heard something like what I call PRC80.
----July 23, 2017

----July 27th, 2017

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

07-26-2017 Live My life as I wish, Enjoy my Freedom with My Attorneys' Guidance

07-26-2017 Live My life as I wish, Enjoy my Freedom with My Attorneys' Guidance (享受称心如意的日子,享受律师指引下的自由)

Heard this morning's broadcasting of "As you wish" on my refusing to pay to be a whore and everything else.(中文附后)
My response: Of course, I live My Life as I Wish. I am willing to enjoy my life with my attorneys' guidance.
----July 26th, 2017

Heard this morning's Chinese Premiere Li's argument on why I can still live on the property owned by somebody who got nothing to do with me.
My response: That is a ridiculous argument I ever heard of. I am a US citizen live in a US government owned housing project on US territory. How this can be an argument from a Chinese Premiere Li from People's Republic Of China?

Heard China has been laying off those government employees and officials who  are elementary school dropouts, junior high school dropouts, or high school dropouts, and kept some if they got associated degree from adult education later on. I am wondering if Chinese Premiere Li does have a college degree as his resume stated or if he ever got any real college education at all?
(**Note: China had a policy in its 1980 time to let government employees children to be their parents' replacement in government agency as government employees in a specified limited period of time.)
(if you heard they did it for a good reason, please check out following:
07-24-2017 Riot? Public Armed Robbery? Great cause?   )
----July 26th, 2017

Heard this morning's intentional confusion of who is an attorney's client for the attorney to be on behave of.
My response: By US laws and by attorneys' license, a US attorney can only represent a client with authorization, even that is free voluntary attorney service. Any intentional efforts to confuse public to achieve disadvantage anyone's lawful interests and/or lawful rights is a federal or state felony crime in United States. As far as I know, this is the same in all lawful countries with attorneys as lawful profession.
(if you heard they did it for a good reason, please check out following:

07-24-2017 Riot? Public Armed Robbery? Great cause?   )

I do have my attorneys representing my inheritances,  and now I have attorneys representing my other interests. These my attorneys can be reached by the 1800 telephone number published on May 16th's radio program broadcasting by the person I trust.(There was another 1800 number published by the same radio program a couple days or weeks later. That number has nothing to do with me) All these attorneys including my entrusting attorneys are never free or cheap attorneys.(** Big thanks to those helped to announce this 1800 number). (**If you notice something from previously published articles cause you serious confusion, please call this number or inform FBI, there are some illegally-updating-my-articles activities.)
----July 26th, 2017

(**I heard Tina O'Connor's father is still  representing one of my entrusted inheritance fund. It was too bad, I heard my kids have been agitated because of her constant cunt pimping effort. She publicly expressed no intention to stop her "one night stand dating matching and helped stuck-on business" effort, heard her father kept saying he thought I do not deserve their father all these messy time as you heard on the radio. What I heard that you did not hear is some other O'Connors efforts to help kicking my children out. I did ask law enforcement's help to protect my children. I did ask law enforcement's help to let Tina O'Connor(Helena O'Connor), her husband, her father and her brothers to leave me and my children alone. I did ask law enforcement's help to remove Tina O'Connor's father from all my entrusting representing attorney's positions. I am concerned why the fund that caused O'Connors' confusion can, by rumor, still let Tina O'Connor to take out fund's money illegally after her father was asked to leave the fund already. I am concerned how entrusting attorney is recruited. Rumored that Tina O'Connor own a notoriously one night stand online dating company where females are getting paid.
(if you heard they did it for a good reason, please check out following:
07-24-2017 Riot? Public Armed Robbery? Great cause?   )

----Updated at 8 PM on July 25th, 2017. ) (Last updated on July 26th, 2017.)

Heard no entrusting attorney can be hired without entrusting person's authorization. 
My response: I entrusted my wealth I inherited on June 30th, 2004 to those original entrusting group on July 1st of 2004. No entrusting attorney can be valid without my willingness to entrust as entrusting person. I did ask law enforcement's help to remove Tina O'Connor's father from any of my entrusting attorney position, to remove all his referred attorney(s) replacement of any of my attorneys. I did ask law enforcement's help to remove any attorney last named Gore from any of my entrusting attorney position, to remove all their referred attorney(s) replacement of any of my attorneys. I refuse to entrust my wealth to above mentioned. All this is out of abusive attorneys' power complain I accuse them.
(if you heard they did it for a good reason, please check out following:
07-24-2017 Riot? Public Armed Robbery? Great cause?   )
----July 26th, 2017

Heard this morning's David Petraeus' saying.
My response: Devid Petraeus is not the person eligible to "speak", to "support" or to "help" on my behave regarding my anything including my money. If there is any effort to take/help to take/support to take my lawful money from David Petraeus, I sue for criminal activities. This applies to every rumored "romance possible male" who publicly announced having nothing to do with me.
(if you heard they did it for a good reason, please check out following:
07-24-2017 Riot? Public Armed Robbery? Great cause?   )
----July 26th, 2017

我的回应:当然是应该随我乐意啦。我就是乐意享受一份称心如意的好日子, 我就是乐意在我的律师指引下充分享受法律所赋予我的自由自在的好生活。

我的回应: 从来没听说过这么匪夷所思到了极其滑稽可笑的言论。我是美国公民住在美国领土上由美国政府拥有的房产里,怎么是由一个中华人民共和国的一个李姓总理在表达这份质询?
07-24-2017 Riot? Public Armed Robbery? Great cause?   )


07-24-2017 Riot? Public Armed Robbery? Great cause?   )


(**听说Tina O'Connor的父亲仍在做我继承的一个基金的信托代表律师。实在太惨,我听到的是女的整天就忙着帮他拉皮条并且公开宣称绝不会停止这种性交媒介服务生意,我的孩子们整天紧张愤怒,而女的的父亲就在广播剧上公开说他自己就是认为我配不上我孩子们的父亲(这是你们都听到的)。你们没听到的是:那些姓O'Connor的女的亲戚们私下的从旁协助就是要赶我的孩子们。我确实有报警求助要求保护我的孩子们,我确实有报警求助要求Tina O'Connor(Helena O'Connor), 她的丈夫,她的父亲和她的兄弟们离我及我的孩子们远点。我是有报警求助要求解除Tina O'Connor 的父亲做我一些基金信托律师的职务。我所担心的就是在Tina O‘Connor的父亲已被要求离开那家基金之后(就是造成OConnor家为“爷爷的一封信困扰"的那家基金),Tina O'Connor 怎么还可以从那家基金里非法把基金的钱拿出来(传言)?我所担心的就是新的信托律师是怎么选的?(传言Tina O'Connor有一家臭名昭著的网上专为一夜情做媒的服务公司,女参与者普遍有"受费服务式”参与的情形)。
07-24-2017 Riot? Public Armed Robbery? Great cause?   )


我的回应:我是在2004年6月30日继承之后又将我所继承的财产重新信托给原来的受信托人员。没有我这个信托人的授权就没有可能替换我的信托代表律师。我是已通过警方要求Tina O'Connor 的父亲离开我的信托代表律师职务,要求Tina O'Connor得父亲所推荐的律师离开我的律师团队。我是已通过警方要求所有姓Gore(高尔) 的人离开我的信托代表律师职务,要求所有由姓Gore(高尔)所推荐的律师离开我的律师团队。我拒绝把我的财产信托给他们。所有以上要求都是基于我对他们*以上所指)滥用律师权力的指控。
07-24-2017 Riot? Public Armed Robbery? Great cause?   )


听说了今天早上David Petraeus说的一些言论。
我的回应:就我的事情(包括我的钱及财产在内), David petraeus 没有任何权力代表我来“发表言论,表达支持或提供帮助”。如果有任何由David Petraeus出面就夺取我合法钱财的努力,包括用言论/提供帮助/提供支持方式进行夺取我合法钱财的努力,我都会向美国司法部门提出刑事诉讼请求。以上适合所有那些曾传言和我会有浪漫关系的可能,但男方本人已公开明确表态和我没有任何关系人士。
07-24-2017 Riot? Public Armed Robbery? Great cause?   )


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

07-25-2017 O'Connors railroad Confusion and "who the fuck you think you are"

07-25-2017 O'Connors railroad Confusion and "who the fuck you think you are"

Heard this morning's broadcasting about one year old boy, I just repost what I posted already and nothing more needed to respond.

Article published In August of 2016

Article posted on March 2nd of 2017

Article Posted on March 3rd to my two children

----July 25th, 2017

Heard this morning's argument about Tina O'Connor is so great.
My respond: "Tina O'Connor, Who the fuck do yo think you are. You want him to have this one year old to be the expected heir according to Fords and O'Connors overwhelming support you organized to present on the radio who, by rumor, is from his father's sexually involved ex-girlfriend to be called whore born for the generation to come, that is as you wish and as he willing. Tina O'Connor or Helena O'Connor, you are the prostitute the same by how you pimp."
----July 25th, 2017

Heard Senator O'Connor's confusion about the contribution of my inheritance they have a so-confusing-letter's story of.
My respond: It was the second generation Senator O'Connor, the son of the so-confusing-letter writer, who had contributed to win railroad deal for my inheritance fund. This contribution is the reason O'Connors family are so confused why their financial return are so small compare to the fund's growth.

The railroad deal was reached to this smallest fund (compare to all its competitors) by second generation Senator O'Connor's effort was acknowledged and appreciated greatly. There was no inappropriateness in interest conflicts had ever been investigated even this was the fund he representing. The "secret" reason is the major foreign competitors are my inheritance funds too. The factor of me being the same beneficiary party of the deal is the reason no complain regarding the deal was ever filed. One major competitor is the French Fund that is now an investor fund of Rockefeller Holding. The other major competitor is the British fund represented by Pejoves' family that is now an investor fund of Ford Holding. The winning reason was this is an American Fund.

The contribution of Senator O'Connor was recognized according to the fund's policy by correctly increased size of their agreed-upon-providing. The confusion from O'Connors as attorneys, not business person, is that they did not realize that fund's steady growth is also because of a lot of other deals reached by a lot of other people. All have contributed greatly to the fund and All have been greatly appreciated. I have to emphasis that O'Connors contribution was rewarded at the contribution time according to Fund's policy as all other contributors. I am grateful for all contributions that ever made to this fund.

Heard O'Connors expectation of 25% of this fund size to show my appreciation.
My response: This is ridiculous and I have to refuse. This fund won the railroad deal means my business representatives from my other inheritance funds did not get any rewording incentives even they were much stronger competitors. They did not file any complain and I have to emphasis that O'Connors family had been appreciated and rewarded appropriately according to Fund's policy already.

Other than complains about how Tina O'Connor can be like this knowing I am her family's client, other than complains about how could it possible Tina O'Connor can be so almighty without O'Connors' supporting help, I did my best to show my appreciation towards O'Connors family about eight generations great contributions to my inheritance funds.
----July 25th, 2017

**I heard Tina O'Connor's father is still  representing one of my entrusted inheritance fund. It was too bad, I heard my kids were agitated because of her constant cunt pimping effort and publicly expressed no intention to stop her dating business effort, heard her father kept saying he thought I do not deserve their father all these messy time as you heard on the radio. What I heard that you did not hear is some other O'Connors efforts to help kicking my children out. I did ask law enforcement's help to protect my children. I did ask law enforcement's help to let Tina O'Connor, her father and her younger to leave me alone. I did ask law enforcement's help to remove Tina O'Connor's father from all my entrusting representing attorney's positions. I am concerned why the fund that caused O'Connors' confusion can, by rumor, still let Tina O'Connor to take out fund's money illegally after her father was asked to leave the fund already. I am concerned how entrusting attorney is recruited. Rumored that Tina O'Connor own a notoriously one night stand online dating company where females are getting paid.
----Updated at 8 PM on July 25th, 2017.

Monday, July 24, 2017

07-24-2017 Riot? Public Armed Robbery? Great cause?

07-24-2017 Riot? Public Armed Robbery? Great cause?

Heard great cause of probing into World War II is the reason "nothing is wrong for what happening to me".
My response: Heard this morning's argument of nothing wrong by shitting me like so even I had nothing to do with them for the entire past 10-12 years and I never asked any financial arrangements from them. Entire time you heard on the radio that argument is I say I have my own inheritance funds and those announcement that this or that fund's having a grandfather's letter confusion story. Those funds are never those prominent males inheritable. Those funds are my inheritances since 2004. The confusions are from those funds' generation representing attorneys families. I am unwanted by this or that prominent male is the announced reason I am not deserve to have my own making. I am despised currently because I refuse to work as low wage labor but live on public welfare to have a roof and food on my table.  Can you imagine my anger?

I heard
The reason is for the great cause of through announcing a war to me to discover truth of how World War II started.
The impact on my reality life is: Anything they announced should be my reality nightmares as they announced so even that is threatening announcement against my life safety. Example in my reality life: I can't hear the radio program no matter how they shit me, I can only be glass house cancer patient if I ever want to have any information that is not filtered illegally (according to US laws). My computer, cellphone even radio access all have been filtered against my information freedom. Illegal cameras following me around everywhere I go. I refused to be a cancer patient including being glass house cancer patient. I refused to be a victim of all these harassment.
What I did all these time: Call law enforcement's help.
What is the Confusion: Why US government officials are involved in this and this is understood as US military should co-operate activities?

Heard regarding what I complained as "never presentation only " is necessary is because World War II started the same like this against private wealth.
My response: 1: Back then that was against a society's private wealth. Why me this time as an individual? Which society's wealth this movement is against this time? Chinese society I came from or American society I am part of now?
2: US territory was not part of World War II zone. Hawaii was only attached once against military resources. Why me as a US citizen on US territory mainland expected to be the victim this time and why real means so important?
3: I complained about techniques used  is "simulating by taking follow up publicly announced real actions according to their own fake public announcements to create real activities through organized performing art harassment in a real set."
Meaning: I am a major featured person in a radio program reality show has been "simulated" to announce me being a fake person in the "real set" of my real apartment in US territory being really deprived through organized "performing art" harassment.
So I say this is so wrongful for their own understanding of World War II research .Their World War II Research should be "simulated" in the "real set" of real Europe by letting themselves announced as fake Jews being really deprived by organized "performing art" harassment to make it so much ideal for their own requirements in their own research of simulating war games of World War II.

Heard the competition with me to prove same qualification of me was recruited as a 3-Stars US military Strategist in January of 2004 for my research on World War II. 
My response: It is not my standard of qualification eligibility for me to give any explanation regarding who would be qualify and how to prove the qualification skills.

 Like I said yesterday, let's go word by word according to dictionary definition.(see the references)

The difference between robbery and riot is against what according to the definition from Wikipedia.
I am an individual US citizen and my private wealth being threatened is the reason I call this robbery, also the reason I am not eligible to be announced a war against. I am an authority of my own inheritance is also the reason I call this robbery, the riot would be to rib me off my wealth which make it a robbery equivalent. I am an authority of my clan of children, the riot would be to rib me off from my children. According to what I hear, the efforts are to throw my children out of their father's place to me.
The war declared to against me as a US citizen will only be understood as the war declared against US as a country to US government.

The difference between means of action would be: Legal power versus Government power. Legal & private financial resources against government funding and government resources together with military resources. You keep hearing me yelling I called law enforcement's help and you kept hearing me asking why some government employees are involved.

The confusion is the role of government and military regarding its own citizen. "We the people" is the US government I am a citizen of. US government. My lawful private wealth and my personal safety together with my American way of living are by US government policies for government to protect. US government is an authority to provide protection for all these on me instead of  an authority for me to protect all these from according to US policies.

The difference between a war and war game is if simulating only. My complain to what happened to me have never been presentation purpose only. "The intention is to perform to make it a reality" is entire time the reason I am calling US laws help as US citizen.

----July 24th, 2017


Robbery is the crime of taking or attempting to take anything of value by force, threat of force or by putting the victim in fear. At common law, robbery is defined as taking the property of another, with the intent to permanently deprive the person of that property, by means of force or fear.[2] Precise definitions of the offence may vary between jurisdictions. Robbery is differentiated from other forms of theft (such as burglaryshoplifting or car theft) by its inherently violent nature (a violent crime);Among the types of robbery are armed robbery involving use of a weapon and aggravated robbery involving use of a deadly weapon or something that appears to be a deadly weapon. Highway robbery or "mugging" takes place outside or in a public place such as a sidewalk, street, or parking lot.Carjacking is the act of stealing a car from a victim by force.(Wikipedia, 2017)

Riot: A riot (/ˈraɪət/) is a form of civil disorder commonly characterized by a group lashing out in a violent public disturbance against authority, property or people. Riots typically involve vandalism and the destruction of property, public or private. The property targeted varies depending on the riot and the inclinations of those involved. Targets can include shops, cars, restaurants, state-owned institutions, and religious buildings (Wikipedia, 2017). 
government is the system to govern a state or community.[1] In the case of this broad associative definition, government normally consists oflegislatorsadministrators, and arbitratorsGovernment is the means by which state policy is enforced, as well as the mechanism for determining the policy of the state. Forms of government, or forms of state governance, refers to the set of political systems and institutions that make up the organisation of a specific government.
Governments may control the economysocial freedomslaw enforcement,school system, and political systems. (Wikipedia, 2017).

War is a state of armed conflict between societies. It is generally characterized by extreme aggression, destruction, and mortality, using regular or irregularmilitary forces. An absence of war is usually called "peace". Warfare refers to the common activities and characteristics of types of war, or of wars in general.[1]Total war is warfare that is not restricted to purelylegitimate military targets, and can result in massivecivilian or other non-combatant suffering and casualties.(Wikipedia, 2017)

Total war is warfare that includes any and all civilian-associated resources and infrastructure as legitimate military targets, mobilizes all of the resources of society to fight the war, and gives priority to warfare over non-combatant needs. The American-English Dictionary defines total war as "war that is unrestricted in terms of the weapons used, the territory orcombatants involved, or the objectives pursued, especially one in which the laws of war are disregarded."(Wikipedia, 2017)

military exercise or war game is the employment of military resources in training for military operations, either exploring the effects of warfare or testing strategies without actual combat. This also serves the purpose of ensuring the combat readiness of garrisoned or deployable forces prior to deployment from home base / home station.

Exercises in the 20th and 21st centuries have often been identified by a unique codename in the same manner as military contingency operations and combat operations. (WIkipedia, 2017)

wargame (also war game) is a strategy game that deals with military operations of various types, real or fictionalWargaming is the hobbydedicated to the play of such games, which can also be called conflict simulations, or consims for short. When used professionally by themilitary to study warfare, "war game" may refer to a simple theoretical study or a full-scale military exercise. Hobby wargamers have traditionally used "wargame", while the military has generally used "war game"; this is not a hard and fast rule. Although there may be disagreements as to whether a particular game qualifies as a wargame or not, a general consensus exists that all such games must explore and represent some feature or aspect of human behaviour directly bearing on the conduct of war, even if the game subject itself does not concern organized violent conflict or warfare.[1] Business wargames exist as well, but in general, they are only role-playing games based on market situations. (Wikipedia, 2017)

(Retrieved from website https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riot on July 24th, 2017)

Sunday, July 23, 2017

07-23-2017 It is what it is even if only ugliness (是什么就是什么,就算只有丑恶)

07-23-2017 It is what it is even if only ugliness (是什么就是什么,就算只有丑恶)

Heard this morning's his revenge effort for my yesterday's blog article.
My response: It is what it is even if only ugliness. I said my piece and it won't be my business. I have no need to regret anything but move on.

Heard the question why Chinese hate me like so if I am the authentic heir of a Chinese ancient Emperor.
My response: Similar problem with what you heard today that I myself can not identify other than why this or that female is my money to pay or provide knowing I do not even have a penis.

Also, the hatred against me from those Chinese you heard on the radio is not about me being my grandfathers' heir but because of penis fight. The rumor that Chinese producing team is all-prosecutors-or their-child(ren) (brothel tribe) team may not just rumor. From all those penis fights they pick up, the scream "unwanted deserve no money " and willful power to meddle everyone's penis and cunt matching, I do consider my romance is what Chinese government fighting against that reflected on the radio program they participating to produce. I keep saying I am a US citizen since June of 2015.

In 1980's time in China, no one can afford to assume anything out of expectation of people's decency. I am currently in this mess that I already turned on "attorney's ears" to take in any "announcements" have been made on the radio program word by word according to its dictionary definition. You would know what I mean if you heard something like what I call PRC80.

----July 23, 2017






Saturday, July 22, 2017

07-22-2017 Performing or Prostituting? (是表演还是在卖淫?)

07-22-2017 Performing or Prostituting? (是表演还是在卖淫?)

Head this morning's argument of why that Chinese woman can not be fucked as she wish.(中文附后)
My response: In US and by US laws, a man can not be rapped the same as woman can not be rapped.

In US and by US laws, prostituting is a crime even helped by government employees in performing arts name.

A performing artist do not need real penis to enter to perform a love scene. Tons of prostitutes have used "performing arts" to attract their clients.

If a woman is performing instead of prostituting, she would ask to stop when it is beyond performing boundary.

I do not know this person's current personal relationship beyond what I have been impressed by the radio program broadcasting. I do not know how could he be harassed like this if it is not some helped harassment. I do not know why he can not fuck that Chinese woman as he wish privately if fucking her is his intent but need help from those of his publicly announced romances to publicly prove they have no problem even being helping towards that Chinese woman's determination of fucking him? I speak up based on the understanding he is a freeman of his sex life as a US citizen that is guaranteed and sworn protected by US Laws. **Heard the reason is he is understood by his "publicly announced romances" that he is the person need some push to have sex activity. I am one of his living proves that this is a lie.

I do not know why US Foreign Department is not protecting a US citizen but helping a foreigner's determination against a US citizen's fucking freedom? Whose interests these US Foreign Department employees representing? I heard my own US citizen children have been abused for similar reasons is the reason I called US Laws help on my children.

I do not understand Chinese government's effort of helping out of all these. Why Chinese government helping prostituting effort knowing it is a huge crime in People's Republic of China? I did accused Chinese government prostituting gang organized or helped of whore ring harassment. I did call Chinese government, Chinese Foreign Department, Chinese National leaders and Military leaders all kinds whore business referring names.

This is also the huge complain I accused Tina O'Connor and Albert Gore, the spend my money as if that their own in the name performing or in the name of proving a point which they have no intention to pay the money back. The theme they performing entire time has been " Min Fang is a disgusting beggar. Min Fang's lawful money is anyone's to claim to own and to spend". I called laws help and accused them did public larceny and public robbery. And I accused it is insiders helped larceny and robbery.

----July 22nd, 2017





除了广播剧播出内容给我的印象,我完全不清楚他的个人生活。我不明白如果没有任何帮助他怎么会被骚扰成这样?我不明白如果他想操那个中国女人,他为什么不能私下由他自己直接就操了她, 却需要由他公开宣布的”恋情们”公开表达不介意甚至愿意促成实现那中国女人“就是操定了他”的决心?我今天说这些话只是基于我的以下理解:美国公民拥有美国法律所赋予的性交自由,这自由是受到美国法律保障的,这自由是受到美国法律誓言保护的。**听说他“公开宣布的恋情们”认定他需要一些帮助才能有些私人性生活。我是他众多之一的“活生生的证明”这根本是胡说八道的谎言。



这也是我对Tina O'Connor 和 Albert Gore(艾尔伯特·高尔)的投诉指责。他们用演出或证明一个观点的名义就把我的钱该花了并且从未打算归还。他们演出的主题就是“方敏是个恶心的讨饭花子,方敏的钱是谁都应该可以号称拥有并使用”。我是报警求助指控他们公然当众偷窃及公然当众抢劫。我是指控这是由内部人员协助的偷窃和抢劫。


Friday, July 21, 2017

07-21-2017 BioGate and if my father has inheritance(Bio Gate 及我的父亲是否有遗产)

07-21-2017 BioGate and if my father has inheritance(Bio Gate 及我的父亲是否有遗产)

Heard this morning's arguments of  complete denial toward my contribution in BioGate project.(中文附后)
My response: Contributors arguments on my share of financial returns from BioGate should be about if size of my share is rightful. As far as I know, the original technology evaluation company owned by a handsome young guy in his 30's  was hired by Janus Associates management in 2004 before he met me on July 1st of 2004. Heard the technology evaluation after July 1st of 2004 was done by IBM or Intel associated Technology Evaluation company. I was intend to sell BioGate to US military who have tons of patents of their own and very familiar with technology evaluation related may be one of the reasons..

The Mr. Bryan Cockrell worked on Bio-Authentication module from beginning and everything else from the working prototype version that I handed over to him. This is the truth and was reported by the same radio program. I did not know anything or heard of anything about him after he got married. Any accusation I comment on him are all 100% ridiculous lies.

That Chinese mainland woman need to be checked out by psychiatrist what's wrong with her. She clearly know she worked on the same BioGate project since 2007 and I left in 2004. How come she kept saying she worked on it all. I was kicked fuck out by the effort of "get rid me from possible financial returns". I have been protect by US labor laws and intellectual property related laws. Matt Lane was the person I accused sexually harassed me. This woman can claim she already took over my achievements  and called me a fucked-out-from-Janus-Associates like so, I speculated she must be sexually fucked till shits out by that Mate Lane to have the urge of making this kind comments.

It is a mother fucker's argument that I do not even have a share of contribution to BioGate project. I heard in last couple of years that there were tons rumors flied around in Stamford, CT in 2003. I was rumored a secret mistress to Albert Gore who I never even imagined had anything to do with me. I was a resident on H1 visa, not a green card resident and not a citizen to fancy political party activities. Never heard of him in my associated. Never imagined he would have anything to do with me. I did hear that it is rumored that he has been (or was) a young lover to to a his-one-year-junior's mother. The one year junior rumor may not correct.  But I do feel very comfortable to call him a mother fucker. Who the fuck he think he is, by rumors, to make all these take-my-money-and-spend -it campaign. I accused him of murder for money because, according to his effort that I heard, he expects that I am suppose to die in poverty and abusiveness of hatred.

You heard tons of shits threw at me regarding British Prince William's stories featured in radio program that inspired rumors of children I share with him. The 15 years difference between me and Prince William of Britain is the reason I am targeted of all these shits-throwing and he has been called names. I heard Albert Gore is the organizer of this radio program's shits-throwing-efforts since November of 2015. Now you know the real reason is, by rumors, Albert Gore himself is a mother fucker who is too confident of his own disgusting penis power.

----July 21rd, 2017

Heard the rumors of "I got such inheritances means possible sexual relationship with my own birth father".
My response: That must be inspired from this rumor generator's own birth-father-sucker's experience.

I got inheritances from my grandfathers' as "the heir girl who carries their heir both-palms-matching-lines birthmark". To my grandfathers' who entrusted those funds to me, my father is just another boy heir like themselves. All my grandfathers passed away before my father got married and certainly before I was born.

I heard my father has something entrusted to him, also heard that it was his decision to let me have it. This may inspired the rumors of these hatred expression from those who want money. I lost contact of my father since 2010. Do not know if this rumor is true. I do not aware if I received any entrusted funds of my father's as my father's wish.

I speak up on what I know, what I heard and what I speculate:
What I know:
I inherited what entrusted to me in 2004 when I was then in my 30's. My father had been in US upon my invitation and was my guest between 2000-2001, during which no inheritance related events ever happened. He was then in his late 60's( he was almost 70). I kept in touch with him till sometime in 2010, no such inheritance related events I was ever informed by my father. He had been in China that entire time.

What I heard:
My grandfather had given each of his four children an envelop and a piece of jewel from his wife (my grandmother ). My father's siblings also got a handsome certificate of deposit for about ¥10000 from my grandfather. It was in early 1965. My father's elder younger sister got ¥15000 which include her new born son's ¥5000.

My father aware he is the expected heir ever since he was born, and he was in his early 30's when he received only letter from his father and a piece of hand-lace from his mother, He was pissed off as you can imagine so that he threw the unopened the letter out together with the hand-lace he angrily broke. But he never complain about it to his siblings and to my mother and his children (my and my younger brother).

Heard my father's younger brother picked that un-opened letter up. Heard it was in his keeping ever since, heard it was edited to change my father's name to his own name.

Heard my grandfather passed away a month later after he gave out his last wills to all his own children.

My Speculation:
My grandfather might have saw or heard of what happened to that letter. Everything he wanted my father to have was written in that letter. Everything he entrusted abroad was written in that letter.

I can totally imagine what a hot shit my grandfather was on when he saw or heard of what happened to his letter. I can totally imagine what kind strong will power sustained him for a month longer life in this world to take care of the possible mess. He was in hospital bed when he gave out his last wills to all his children. I heard he managed to live one more month afterwards with my father around him and took care him that entire month.

I speculate this is the possible reason of the saying that it was my father's own decision of letting me have his inheritances. He made that decision in 1965 before I was born.

----July 21st, 2017

我的回应:如果争议是从也有贡献的人那里来的,争议应该是关于为什么我的贡献值这么多钱而他们的贡献却没有多的价值。就我所知,当时30岁很英俊的那个特技鉴定公司的那个是Janus Associates 公司管理层在2004年7月之前聘请的。他的公司很小。我是在2004年7月1日才认识他。我听说正式鉴定是由IBM 或Intel 有工作关系的技术鉴定公司做的。2004年7月1日我是想把Bio Gate卖给美国军队。他们的工程兵集团有一堆的他们自己的发明技术专利权。他们很清楚技术鉴定及专利相关可能是原因。

只有生物鉴别模块是Bryan Cockrell先生从一开始就做的, 其他模块都是我做好已可使用的实验模型后他才开始接手。这是事实,也是这同一个广播剧以前如实报道过的。我在他结婚后就不清楚甚至没听说过他的任何事情,更不用说对他的什么事情评头论足。所有这些指控说我对他有什么指责或对他工作婚姻说三道四的全是100%胡说八道的谎言。

那个中国大陆来的那个女人真是应该找个精神科医生做个检查她为什么如此胡搅蛮缠还理直气壮。她很清楚她自己是从2007年才开始做同一个BioGate软件项目,而我是2004年就已离开, 她怎么还说全部都是她做的?我是2004年被人“赶着滚出去”就是为了掠夺我对BioGate软件研发所作贡献的经济回报。我始终都有受到美国劳工法及智慧产权法对我的保护。我一直有指责Matt Lane对我进行的性骚扰。这个女的可以吆喝她已经把我的成就全归她自己了还用如此怒不可竭的口气说我当年是被”滚出去”方式从Janus Associates给赶走的 ,我就说她一定是被那个Matt Lane性交媾给操到屎都出来才会有这份愤怒的激情和必须如此表达才过瘾的需要。

只要操自己亲妈长大的才会说我对BioGate软件项目没有任何贡献。前几年我听说2003年的时候在康州斯坦福传言满天飞说我是Albert Gore(阿尔伯特·高尔)的秘密情妇,2003年我更本连想象都想象不出来他可能会和我有任何关系。我当时是H1 工作签证的美国居民,既不是美国公民也不是什么有美国绿卡的居民,没有任何参与美国什么政治团体活动的兴趣。我在我的社交圈里可是连听都没听说过有人会提到他的名字。从来就没想像过这个人能和我有什么关系。我是听说他是一个什么人的年轻情人,那女的自己的孩子就只比他小一岁而已。小一岁的说法可能不是什么正确传言。但我确实是觉着叫他“操着自己亲妈长大的”很过瘾。他妈的他以为他自己是谁啊,传言他是到处宣传“把我的钱拿空全当自己钱花”。我是有指控他谋财害命,我是听说他的努力就是他想要让我在穷困潦倒中被别人仇恨凌辱而死。

广播剧播出的英国威廉王子故事引发了我和他有小孩的传言,你一定听说了所有因此而对我进行的羞辱谩骂。就因为我和他之间这15岁的年龄差距,我是被一路羞辱谩骂,他是被叫各种不雅称呼。听说Albert Gore(阿尔伯特·高尔)就是广播剧从2015年11月开始对我进行谩骂羞辱的策划组织者。现在你知道真实的原因就是:Albert Gore (阿尔伯特·高尔他自己才是操他自己亲妈操到对他自己恶心烂屌的能耐能有如此自信。












