
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, July 21, 2017

07-21-2017 BioGate and if my father has inheritance(Bio Gate 及我的父亲是否有遗产)

07-21-2017 BioGate and if my father has inheritance(Bio Gate 及我的父亲是否有遗产)

Heard this morning's arguments of  complete denial toward my contribution in BioGate project.(中文附后)
My response: Contributors arguments on my share of financial returns from BioGate should be about if size of my share is rightful. As far as I know, the original technology evaluation company owned by a handsome young guy in his 30's  was hired by Janus Associates management in 2004 before he met me on July 1st of 2004. Heard the technology evaluation after July 1st of 2004 was done by IBM or Intel associated Technology Evaluation company. I was intend to sell BioGate to US military who have tons of patents of their own and very familiar with technology evaluation related may be one of the reasons..

The Mr. Bryan Cockrell worked on Bio-Authentication module from beginning and everything else from the working prototype version that I handed over to him. This is the truth and was reported by the same radio program. I did not know anything or heard of anything about him after he got married. Any accusation I comment on him are all 100% ridiculous lies.

That Chinese mainland woman need to be checked out by psychiatrist what's wrong with her. She clearly know she worked on the same BioGate project since 2007 and I left in 2004. How come she kept saying she worked on it all. I was kicked fuck out by the effort of "get rid me from possible financial returns". I have been protect by US labor laws and intellectual property related laws. Matt Lane was the person I accused sexually harassed me. This woman can claim she already took over my achievements  and called me a fucked-out-from-Janus-Associates like so, I speculated she must be sexually fucked till shits out by that Mate Lane to have the urge of making this kind comments.

It is a mother fucker's argument that I do not even have a share of contribution to BioGate project. I heard in last couple of years that there were tons rumors flied around in Stamford, CT in 2003. I was rumored a secret mistress to Albert Gore who I never even imagined had anything to do with me. I was a resident on H1 visa, not a green card resident and not a citizen to fancy political party activities. Never heard of him in my associated. Never imagined he would have anything to do with me. I did hear that it is rumored that he has been (or was) a young lover to to a his-one-year-junior's mother. The one year junior rumor may not correct.  But I do feel very comfortable to call him a mother fucker. Who the fuck he think he is, by rumors, to make all these take-my-money-and-spend -it campaign. I accused him of murder for money because, according to his effort that I heard, he expects that I am suppose to die in poverty and abusiveness of hatred.

You heard tons of shits threw at me regarding British Prince William's stories featured in radio program that inspired rumors of children I share with him. The 15 years difference between me and Prince William of Britain is the reason I am targeted of all these shits-throwing and he has been called names. I heard Albert Gore is the organizer of this radio program's shits-throwing-efforts since November of 2015. Now you know the real reason is, by rumors, Albert Gore himself is a mother fucker who is too confident of his own disgusting penis power.

----July 21rd, 2017

Heard the rumors of "I got such inheritances means possible sexual relationship with my own birth father".
My response: That must be inspired from this rumor generator's own birth-father-sucker's experience.

I got inheritances from my grandfathers' as "the heir girl who carries their heir both-palms-matching-lines birthmark". To my grandfathers' who entrusted those funds to me, my father is just another boy heir like themselves. All my grandfathers passed away before my father got married and certainly before I was born.

I heard my father has something entrusted to him, also heard that it was his decision to let me have it. This may inspired the rumors of these hatred expression from those who want money. I lost contact of my father since 2010. Do not know if this rumor is true. I do not aware if I received any entrusted funds of my father's as my father's wish.

I speak up on what I know, what I heard and what I speculate:
What I know:
I inherited what entrusted to me in 2004 when I was then in my 30's. My father had been in US upon my invitation and was my guest between 2000-2001, during which no inheritance related events ever happened. He was then in his late 60's( he was almost 70). I kept in touch with him till sometime in 2010, no such inheritance related events I was ever informed by my father. He had been in China that entire time.

What I heard:
My grandfather had given each of his four children an envelop and a piece of jewel from his wife (my grandmother ). My father's siblings also got a handsome certificate of deposit for about ¥10000 from my grandfather. It was in early 1965. My father's elder younger sister got ¥15000 which include her new born son's ¥5000.

My father aware he is the expected heir ever since he was born, and he was in his early 30's when he received only letter from his father and a piece of hand-lace from his mother, He was pissed off as you can imagine so that he threw the unopened the letter out together with the hand-lace he angrily broke. But he never complain about it to his siblings and to my mother and his children (my and my younger brother).

Heard my father's younger brother picked that un-opened letter up. Heard it was in his keeping ever since, heard it was edited to change my father's name to his own name.

Heard my grandfather passed away a month later after he gave out his last wills to all his own children.

My Speculation:
My grandfather might have saw or heard of what happened to that letter. Everything he wanted my father to have was written in that letter. Everything he entrusted abroad was written in that letter.

I can totally imagine what a hot shit my grandfather was on when he saw or heard of what happened to his letter. I can totally imagine what kind strong will power sustained him for a month longer life in this world to take care of the possible mess. He was in hospital bed when he gave out his last wills to all his children. I heard he managed to live one more month afterwards with my father around him and took care him that entire month.

I speculate this is the possible reason of the saying that it was my father's own decision of letting me have his inheritances. He made that decision in 1965 before I was born.

----July 21st, 2017

我的回应:如果争议是从也有贡献的人那里来的,争议应该是关于为什么我的贡献值这么多钱而他们的贡献却没有多的价值。就我所知,当时30岁很英俊的那个特技鉴定公司的那个是Janus Associates 公司管理层在2004年7月之前聘请的。他的公司很小。我是在2004年7月1日才认识他。我听说正式鉴定是由IBM 或Intel 有工作关系的技术鉴定公司做的。2004年7月1日我是想把Bio Gate卖给美国军队。他们的工程兵集团有一堆的他们自己的发明技术专利权。他们很清楚技术鉴定及专利相关可能是原因。

只有生物鉴别模块是Bryan Cockrell先生从一开始就做的, 其他模块都是我做好已可使用的实验模型后他才开始接手。这是事实,也是这同一个广播剧以前如实报道过的。我在他结婚后就不清楚甚至没听说过他的任何事情,更不用说对他的什么事情评头论足。所有这些指控说我对他有什么指责或对他工作婚姻说三道四的全是100%胡说八道的谎言。

那个中国大陆来的那个女人真是应该找个精神科医生做个检查她为什么如此胡搅蛮缠还理直气壮。她很清楚她自己是从2007年才开始做同一个BioGate软件项目,而我是2004年就已离开, 她怎么还说全部都是她做的?我是2004年被人“赶着滚出去”就是为了掠夺我对BioGate软件研发所作贡献的经济回报。我始终都有受到美国劳工法及智慧产权法对我的保护。我一直有指责Matt Lane对我进行的性骚扰。这个女的可以吆喝她已经把我的成就全归她自己了还用如此怒不可竭的口气说我当年是被”滚出去”方式从Janus Associates给赶走的 ,我就说她一定是被那个Matt Lane性交媾给操到屎都出来才会有这份愤怒的激情和必须如此表达才过瘾的需要。

只要操自己亲妈长大的才会说我对BioGate软件项目没有任何贡献。前几年我听说2003年的时候在康州斯坦福传言满天飞说我是Albert Gore(阿尔伯特·高尔)的秘密情妇,2003年我更本连想象都想象不出来他可能会和我有任何关系。我当时是H1 工作签证的美国居民,既不是美国公民也不是什么有美国绿卡的居民,没有任何参与美国什么政治团体活动的兴趣。我在我的社交圈里可是连听都没听说过有人会提到他的名字。从来就没想像过这个人能和我有什么关系。我是听说他是一个什么人的年轻情人,那女的自己的孩子就只比他小一岁而已。小一岁的说法可能不是什么正确传言。但我确实是觉着叫他“操着自己亲妈长大的”很过瘾。他妈的他以为他自己是谁啊,传言他是到处宣传“把我的钱拿空全当自己钱花”。我是有指控他谋财害命,我是听说他的努力就是他想要让我在穷困潦倒中被别人仇恨凌辱而死。

广播剧播出的英国威廉王子故事引发了我和他有小孩的传言,你一定听说了所有因此而对我进行的羞辱谩骂。就因为我和他之间这15岁的年龄差距,我是被一路羞辱谩骂,他是被叫各种不雅称呼。听说Albert Gore(阿尔伯特·高尔)就是广播剧从2015年11月开始对我进行谩骂羞辱的策划组织者。现在你知道真实的原因就是:Albert Gore (阿尔伯特·高尔他自己才是操他自己亲妈操到对他自己恶心烂屌的能耐能有如此自信。












