
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, July 2, 2017

07-02-2017 O'Connors' Confusion and my headache.(我头疼啊)

Heard about this morning's broadcasting about O'Connors' confusion, I had expressed enough of my response, so, I just re-post what I had published.(中文附后)

05-31-2017 To O'Connors

06-03-2017 (2) Not a joke but a reaon

05-22-2017 Ownerships of Lion King Fund and others

My headache:
Not a Joke extension: I am harassed by some women deserved to be provided for because of my gender. They kept providing supporting arguments that they had really being enjoyed by this or that man to demand their deserved financial providing from me with the emphasis that this or that man who got nothing to do with me at all, who never wanted me and who are so disgusted by me. They also expressed their determination of insist-on demanding till they got (those money) they deserved from me. I kept responding politely or harshly saying "I do not have that thing on my body no matter how delicious you are proved by credible prominent connoisseur group."
----July 2nd, 2017


06-11-2017 (2)究竟谁在煽动国人对我继承财产的愤怒

"不是笑话"的一个延伸:我被一些女人们因为性别混淆而骚扰坚持要求”为他们支付应得的金钱供给“。他们是不停的提供相关的证明性辩论:都是再三强调是被这个那个和我一点关系都没有,从来就不会要我并且打心眼儿里嫌我噁心下贱的男人享受过, 所以必须从我这儿拿大笔钱,就是必须必须还要坚持坚持就是不拿到钱誓不罢休。我是不停的用或礼貌言辞或粗言秽语表达"随你是个怎样已被识货的鉴赏家们证明了的是如何的美味秀色可餐,我身上就是没那个东西."