
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

07-19-2017 Professional Ethnology and Overseeing Laws (职业道德和相关法律)

07-19-2017 Professional Ethnology and Overseeing Laws (职业道德和相关法律)

Heard this morning's broadcasting clarified a Chinese mother of one 7 year old child.(中文附后)
My response: No wonder Chinese community was like crazy how dare I can have 2 children. Now I say it is obviously now they are not the same man as he himself made it very clearly this morning. She has a friend in Beijing Central People's radio station should know she is not me. They (males)  may both carry their family look as cousins.
----July 19th, 2017

Talking about Chinese Central People Station announcement regarding my visit to China. Heard this morning's saying "Yo do not need to"
My response: Other than promoting violating US laws to belittle US lawful country image, why else you need to visit US? Why People's Republic of China is a privately owned land to announce I do not need to visit at all if I do not have good relationship with this or that individual person, even that is a government official ? Is this People's Republic Republic their privately owned backyard or a brothel courtyard to announce me unwelcome because I refuse to pay to be called un-fuck-able to their national leaders  ? Who is the proud almighty private owner of this land governed by People's Republic Of China's government publicly announced as a country?
----July 19th, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting about who is that Tina O'Connor.
My response: Currently there are two Tina O'Connor among first generation Senator O'Connor's children, about 200 O'Connors, who both work or worked for US foreign Department and both married to an attorney last named Stephen.

That is the reason I say either one representing US Foreign Department to handle any case involving me is inappropriate. By their cousin relationship and by confusion they share regarding that fund I call "Lion King Fund" which often confused as O'Connors' family wealth.  And I say so because the limited knowledge I have about US administrative laws and other US laws including Criminal laws.
----July 19th, 2017

If you heard my scream this morning about "Tina O'Connor, who the FXXX do you think you are".
My explanation: She intentionally confuse everyone who I am and promoting this idea that I have no money but on her charity of "caring" which I call maliciously meddling whenever I am calling my own attorneys’ help. And she claimed this is out her consideration of historical reasons. What are the historical reasons other than her family have been representing my inheritances? The experience of "dating him" only makes this called intentional sexual harassment case, a criminal case according to US laws, instead of historical reasons.

I heard she used promoting this radio program rating as excuses, that is after she propaganda that I have no money on the radio,  to request transferring money from my inheritance fund to her own accounts by rumoring  "it was ruled to her in a private hearing". I, being the lawful owner of that fund, did not even need to hear about this private hearing but the announcement of "not my money". The most appropriate response from me for this kind rumors is : "Who the FXXX she think she is". I did call law enforcement's help regarding tons of rumors like this about that fund.

She was telling everyone she lived with him for 7 years as if earned his life long debt to her to privilege her to shit both of us. I have to clarify: He never needed a don't-get-along roommate who he had only one time sexual intercourse experience before she moved in by refusing to leave his apartment doorway after he answered the door bell. It was an emergency effort to reallocate him from his one-bedroom to a two-bedroom in that same building that night. (that's a big noisy hassle that everybody knows). Ever since that day, he only got one room in that two bedroom in his own father's own investment building. Everywhere is hers to occupy that you certain heard about the similar from last week's episodes which featured one of her cousin's visiting stories. A mother of her own late husband's two children who visited him for a weekend as his cousin's widower but ...you heard rest of the story on the radio.  That is his version of that 7 years roommate story I heard of.

Plus what I heard form some of his ex-girlfriends: He took girls to all fancy places but mate girls had to be in that one room (Heard he spent big chunk of money on everything else just not on mating bed). Always entering that simple apartment with a loud announcement " That's my room" when he was bring a girl to his place. She was dating her own boyfriends entire time in that 7 years. Never anything close to "couple moved in together" experience.

Heard that mother of two's visit and prolonged staying both were per Albert Gore's daughter's advise as a psychiatrist (psychologist, but she has a license of psychiatrist ). The mother of two missed her late husband terribly (it was a car accident) was the reason she liked to snuggle on to his bed (occupying it). Her late husband carried their family look he also has, had similar built and the same first & last name. I was disgusted by the adviser's sick advise like this . According to what I learned from Medical school(Shanghai Medical University, Basic Medical System (BMS))  this is the advise she can be sued to AMA(American Medical Association) Medical License Board Ethnological Committee to lose her psychiatrist license, it is surely if that mother is her psychology visit patient.

-----July 19th, 2017


我的回应:除了推广违反美国法律来藐视美国是个法制国家外,你还能有什么需要来访美国啊?中华人民共和国什么时候已经成为私人拥有的960万平方公里领土,为什么可以因为我和这个那个就算是顶级领导人也还就只是中国法律面前的一个公民而已,所谓的个人关系很不好就可以宣布不准我私人访问中华人民共和国的领土,领海和领空, 中国960万平方公里是他们私家后院还是他们私家妓院,就因为我是坚决不肯付钱让人叫“没人要操”就可以如此宣布不准我做私人访问?谁是私人真正拥有这个表面公开宣称是有政府管理的一个国家叫“中华人民共和国”。

听说了今天早上广播所表达的“究竟谁是哪个Tina O'Connor”的困扰。
我的回应:目前在第一代参议员O'Connor的后裔中(200多个O'Connor),有两个在家里都叫Tina O'Connor, 都在或曾在美国外交部任职, 也都嫁给了一个姓Stephen 律师。


你要是有听到我今天早上的大吼:“Tina O'Connor, 你他妈的你以为你是谁啊?”
我的解释:她故意混淆视听,让人认为我没钱。每当我叫我自己的律师处理一些我自己的事情,她就出面叫人来“处理”,其实根本就是恶意胡搅乱搞, 还一口咬定这还是看在历史因素份上好像在“施舍我”。什么历史因素?除了她娘家一直是我所继承几个基金的代表律师外,还能有什么历史因素?说和同一个他“谈过恋爱”是原因也就是说是存心故意在进行性骚扰我的行为,这可是美国法律界定的刑事犯罪行为, 从来不是什么合法正当的原因。

我听说,在她利用广播剧广为散步我没钱言论后,她利用推动广播剧收听率的活动到处散布谣言说我所继承的基金财产已经“私下判给她了”就应该把基金的钱按她要求转到她私人的账上。我作为该基金的合法主人连听也没听说过这么个“非公开听证会”就已经“被宣布钱不是我"的了。听到这种事情,最恰当的回应真是只有“Tina O'Connor, 你他妈的你以为你是谁啊?” 我是就听到的一堆有关我这个基金的此类传言报警处理。



听说那两个孩子妈妈的周末探访和逗留延长都是由Albert Gore(高尔)的女儿作为精神科医师的建议(应该算心理科建议,但高尔女儿拥有的是精神科医师的行医执照)。那女的很思恋她因车祸去世不久的丈夫是那女的喜欢钻到男的床上的原因(连床都占领了)。她去世不久的丈夫和男的是堂兄弟,长得很像,身材也很像,又是同名同姓。我真是对建议人做的这个恶心建议感到太恶心了。按照我从医学院学到的知识(上海医科大学基础医学部(BMS)),这个建议人是会因为这个建议被告上美国医生协会(AMA)医生执照鉴定发放机构的道德委员会而失去医生行医执照的,如果那两个孩子的妈妈是这个建议人的病人那是确定这个建议人会因此挨告的。
