07-04-2017 Why jealous of my sex life from China as a government? (为什么中国对我性生活的嫉妒是出于中国政府?)
Heard about this morning's broadcasting.(中文附后)
My response: I repeat what I heard had broadcast-ed this morning: "If without People's Republic of China, I can live a life free of racketeering, live a life free of threatens and blackmails, live a life free on my own money I made and lawful inherited wealth as I wish, live a life with my beloved as I wish, I choose...."
----July 4th, 2017
Background of this:
My complain: I have lived in US for over 20 years now, Chinese government organized "whole Chinese performance" to present "jealous“ for Chinese Premiere Li who I only met once in 1991.
Entire Chinese government know for sure I have no contact, including email contact, with this Chinese Premiere or his associated in the past 20 years. I had three teleconferences in 2004. January's conference was to identify if I am the heir of entrusted wealth according to wills that, of course, invited Chinese government to attained. There was some discussion in the meeting valuable may be the reason Chinese government representatives were invited to the June 30th and July 1st public meetings without participate specific private meetings that my inheriting related(June 30th) or I entrusting my inheritances related(July 1st). Chinese Premier LI, as he himself announced on the radio, participated all these public meeting with Chinese government representatives in Beijing, China. I was with my attorney in his law firm in CT, US.
So far, Chinese government has presented on the radio, based on this "jealous", Chinese central government and Chinese NPC, Chinese Military major leaders, Chinese local provincial leaders, China Institute of Science (Science Academy), Major cabinet members to express their determination of WHAT? In China, expressions of this true anger of "Why her (an American).., She is a whore" have been covered excessively by major newspapers and major television networks all over China. Why is their business as government to call me Whore knowing I have nothing to do with them and live my own life in US?
----July 4th, 2017
What I could assume:
Illusion by Iodized Salt over dose?
Possible explanation: It is well known that an innocent glance at a hyperthyroid patient may cause a big fight for whole night long. It is not known to non-health-professionals that if this innocent glance is from a beauty or a handsome, the result may be stalking and endless expression of "willing to be loved".(over react caused by Hyperthyroid). In Chinese community abroad, it is well known, and reflected on the radio program, if a non-Chinese male is interested in and dating a Chinese female, it is understood that this male wants all Chinese female genders, which is due to the understanding that any Chinese female gender is "of course better" than the one this male is dating. If you are the dating couple facing this challenging of "why her not me knowing I am of course so much better(than her)", how will you react? (competition from over react caused by hyperthyroid from over dosed Iodized salt?)
----July 4th, 2017
我的回应:我重复我听说今天早上已播出的:“如果没有中华人民共和国,我可以:有一个没有敲诈勒索的生活, 可以有一个没有造谣诽谤恐吓威胁的生活,可以有一个按自己心愿花费自己合法挣来的钱及花费自己合法继承财产所能提供的生活, 可以过一个按自己意愿和自己选择的所爱在一起的生活,我会选择。。。”
整个中国政府都很清楚我和这个中国李姓总理在过去20年里没有任何联系,包括没有任何电邮联系。我在2004年有过三次电讯会议。一月份会议是核实我是否是遗嘱指定的所信托财产的合法继承人,所以当时有中国政府代表受邀请参加会议,可能因为会议中的一些内容有价值, 中国政府代表也参加了6月30日及7月1日的公众电讯会议,但中国政府代表没有参与我私人继承及信托相关的小型私人电讯会议。中国李姓总理,就像他自己在广播剧上所宣布的,是和中国政府代表一起参加会议,他当时是在中国北京。我是在美国康州我当时律师的事务所里由律师全程陪同参加所有会议。
至今为止, 就因为这份”嫉妒“, 中国政府已通过广播剧呈现了: 中共中央政治局,中国全国人大常委会,中国中央军委主席及四大军区司令,各主要大部委领导,中国地方省市政府(上海市长,江苏省省长)及中国科学院党委书记来表达他们的”什么决心“?中国国内更是各大主要报纸电视台铺天盖地痛骂“凭什么是她(美国华人)... 她是个婊子”,为什么这是由中国政府各级官员出面来痛骂我这个在美国过自己的日子已经20年,和他们没有任何私人关系的美国公民是个”婊子“?
可能的解释:都知道甲亢病人要是被人看了一眼是有可能一发通宵大骂,很多人不知道的是如果看那一眼的是个英俊小伙或是个漂亮女子,那一眼可不是在挑衅而是在表达无限恩爱, 回应不是通宵大骂而可能就是走哪跟哪不停表达“非常愿意”。这是不是甲亢型花痴?(甲亢引发的过度敏感)
It is a well known doubt if I have money or if I have inherited anything on June 30th of 2004. To myself, as a beneficiary person, the question was what I have inherited. This blog is the diary that recorded this entire discovering journey. Please send me an email at somebodyinma@gmail.com if you think content information is incorrect.
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:
1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?
2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?
3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?
----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019
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