
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, July 29, 2017

07-29-1967 PRC80's Characteristics(80年代上下家的语言特色)

7-29-1967 PRC80's Characteristics(80年代上下家的语言特色)

Heard this morning's broadcasting of a Chinese diplomat in Britain saying(中文附后).
My response: She is just not big enough for anyone to report to for her to hear anything that is none of her business. I said it is "Non Chinese Business" because who owns that fund is either British Internal Affair or US Internal Affair. It is never any China's affair for a Chinese diplomat to be reported to.

 In the morning, I cut her "saying" in half when I heard the rumor. Because it is not necessary to wait for her to finish. Her tone already told you that is negative. With this, I can afford to assume she is hostile to react accordingly to assume she meant to say "she herself never heard of it herself even she is in Britain". You heard my answer and now my written response.
----July 29th, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting of a "representative" saying how come he himself have not heard of it.
My response: His ears radius is too small because he can not say who he haven't heard from.
Rumors that he is a O'Connor's illegitimate child is what I heard of, he never heard of the fact I am the lawful owner because O'Connors are who he listen to, not the US laws. (He is most likely the replacement of Tina O'Connor's father that referred by Tina O'Connor's father. Tina O'Connor's father was asked to leave representing post because of O'Connors confusion who owns that fund several months ago after my $400 Million spending )

This response is out the "no one can afford to assume anything out of expectation of people's decency" reality or situation. He did not mention who he never heard of from =>Implies tons of tricks on who he listen to. He did not make a lie, he just did not hear anything that is not from O'Connors.
----July 29th, 2017

Heard this morning's imply I am in this situation because I am a whore to those.
My response: Why it's my money (checks titled in my name) illegally deposit to their associated? According to Chinese government supported radio program production, woman's value only on butts and breasts but deserves big money or recognition as real leader of China for sexual intercourse activities.
So according to whore‘s and prostitute's dictionary definition, classic or radio program promotion, I am not the woman value on butts or breasts to be implied in anyway or anyhow as a whore.

This is the response out of "word by word according to dictionary definition" rule. PRC80 is all about abusiveness. Abusiveness of other people hard earned reputation, abusiveness of decent language of word definition, abusiveness of decency expectation (you buy somebody's saying out of your assumption "this person won't mean(be) that bad", you would be in shit yourself. It would be commonly understood as why would you assume that person can be decent at all just by what? Why would you assume that person does not mean what being said word by word so clearly to you? You are suppose to look after yourself. It is all your own fault if you make any assumption knowing that person said everything so clearly to you already) (This rule fits all situations in everyone's daily life that one has to remember to follow in every turn).
----July 29th, 2017

Reference about PRC80 I had mentioned in my articles:

(Why I say Chinese community expert level audience? It is Scheme PRC80 (Chinese 1980 horrible trading scheme) style. In joking tone, in bluffing way and in laughs, everything said is actually a true statement. It means to take advantage and really mean it, it never sounds like only, Not a single syllable is a joke or non-sense. This style is in everybody's daily life more or less in China. 
----May 25th, 2017)

(In 1980's time in China, no one can afford to assume anything out of expectation of people's decency. I am currently in this mess that I already turned on "attorney's ears" to take in any "announcements" have been made on the radio program word by word according to its dictionary definition. You would know what I mean if you heard something like what I call PRC80.
----July 23, 2017)

(They say what they broadcasted on the radio like this is their truthful report? That is after they, by rumor, illegal took my money, making lies about my inheritances, ensured co-operations from those know-nothing-group using the reputation credentials from government employees', or decent names they share, or even hard earned reputation from other people's hard work like this radio program and its producing radio company. The result is I have no providing from my own income and no reached-out help but despise from everywhere, all done by their promoting radio program's fake announcements...This abuse of other people's hard earned group reputation credential for personal gain is what make me in the mess of Scheme PRC80 I call.
--July 27th, 2017)

Whore:  a woman who engages in sexual acts for money :  prostitutealsoinformal + offensive :  a promiscuous or immoral woman.
https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/whore (2017)

Prostitute :  to offer indiscriminately for sexual intercourse especially for money.
(https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/prostitute) (2017)

我的回应:那女的还没那么了不起,还没那么重要。她也就是在英国领土上的几百个平米的中领馆里呆着而已。英国很大,不是谁都需要或者会向她汇报跟她完全无关的事的。那英国基金是谁的叫英国内政,那美国基金是谁的叫美国内政,我说的是很客气的“非中国事务”,从来就不是什么事务需要向中国的外交官汇报。 她以为她自己是谁啊?


我倒是听说了他是那个O'Connor的私生子的说法。他从未听说过我是基金的合法拥有者是因为他只听到了O'Connor的说法, 而不是美国法律的说法。(他可能就是那个Tina O'Connor的父亲以为O'Connors家闹基金所有权而被要求离开那家基金后的由Tina O'Connor的父亲推荐的替换者。Tina O'Connor的父亲是在我花了那4亿美金之后才离开的。)




所以按照对于妓女和婊子的定义,传统或有广播剧所宣传的,我方敏都不是只有奶头和屁股价值, 就没有任何可能把我暗示成婊子。

这个回应就是根据“一字一句必须按其字典定义理解”规则。八十年代上下家(PRC80)就是一切滥用乱来。滥用一些易被大众认为利益共同的名字而破坏别人辛苦挣来的名誉信誉,滥用一些语言名词混淆视听,滥用大众对体面正经的信任(你如果自己估计“这人不会是这么坏吧”而相信这人的一些说法,你就是落到你自己吃不了兜着走的下场。大众(对你遭遇的)普遍反应会是“你自己为什么要认为那人是个正正经经的体面人哪?你凭什么会那么认为?” “你为什么会说那人说的不可能是那个意思?那人可是一字一句和你说的清清楚楚的啊?”你是应该自己看好你自己的利益的,而不是由别人负责。你如果明明已经很清楚被人一字一句对你说的是什么,你还自己估计这个估计那个,一切都是你自己的做,没什么好抱怨别人的。)(这是个日常生活任何场后都必须时刻牢记的规则)。


(我为什么说华裔社区是专家级听众?这是中国八十年代的上下家生意的风格(PRC80)。在谈笑间,在夸张乱聊时, 用着开玩笑的口气语调,就把你的的好东西全给拿走了并且从来没打算还你。从来不是什么说说就算了。没有一言一字是在开玩笑或者瞎说而已。这种风格似乎现在还在中国的日常生活中存在着。


(They say what they broadcasted on the radio like this is their truthful report? That is after they, by rumor, illegal took my money, making lies about my inheritances, ensured co-operations from those know-nothing-group using the reputation credentials from government employees', or decent names they share, or even hard earned reputation from other people's hard work like this radio program and its producing radio company. The result is I have no providing from my own income and no reached-out help but despise from everywhere, all done by their promoting radio program's fake announcements...This abuse of other people's hard earned group reputation credential for personal gain is what make me in the mess of Scheme PRC80 I call.

--July 27th, 2017)

Whore:  a woman who engages in sexual acts for money :  prostitutealsoinformal + offensive :  a promiscuous or immoral woman.
https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/whore (2017)

Prostitute :  to offer indiscriminately for sexual intercourse especially for money.
(https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/prostitute) (2017)