Heard this morning's broadcasting about "biological parenting are not necessary" (中文附后)
I response: This is ridiculous enough, I am a US citizen now, even my kids were born when I was a Chinese citizen to be understood as from my Chinese citizen's eggs, they were born US citizens. It is not appropriate for Chinese government officials to argue any authoritativeness over my biological kids. It is not appropriate for any US citizen to be authoritative on my kids parents "be assigned" knowing my kids have both lawful biological parents with them. A mother or a father is not suppose to be understood as a hooker on sex plus a pig on pregnancy or reproduction. Who is that hooker pig mother or father to have this kind ridiculous saying?
----July 12th, 2017.
Heard there is a Chinese Tribe started in Ming dynasty that has a rule to blindly (abandon like )exchange new-born.
My response: I am not from that tribe. Even there were rumors that my mother whose family certainly been through Min dynasty (1368-1644), like everyone who is still in China or from China after that period time, may be part of that tribe, this kind rumors don't make me as heir of Tang dynasty (618-907) Emperors to be considered as part of that tribe. Also my mother grew up with her obvious biological parents by the family looks she carries. This is just the effort to belittle me and to assign me a "boss" from that tribe which totally rejected by me formally and officially now. I will take legal actions against this kind abusive efforts towards my biological children.
----July 12th, 2017
Heard this morning also featured a Chinese female who grew up in an orphanage stating her longings to be with her birth mother.
My response: I am still having my virgin belly with no child birth related medical records in China or in US, My biological children are children via pregnancy mothers was broadcast-ed on the radio. I am not her birth mother. I refuse to take her in as an adopted child or similar. She is an adult in her late twenty already and biologically mature enough to start a marriage family to be a mother of her own child(ren). **If you pay attention to how radio program produce its featured stories and you read some of my responses, you may already knew who are the parents of this orphaned girl. My guess, 27 years old is the same orphaned of the 21 years old, 41 years old bachelor is the same person that said 45 years old, the crying hard to forget which almost freak me out episode is definitely not about a registered marriage with me. The orphaned girl is grown up in an orphanage since several months old with no known parents.
----July 12th, 2017
Heard this morning's broadcasting argument about who owns the house.
My response: Some of my attorneys are so familiar with this O'Connor style arguments. In the past several years, the agreed upon providing has been in process of stopping. Majority of O'Connors have voluntarily stopped this providing, some requested prolong because of their financial concerns. The piss you off "some O'Connors' style" is if you indeed agree to let them stay in Fund's property free of rent as an example, they would use that special arrangement as points of arguments to prove they own this property otherwise they won't be able to live there for free. Tina O'Connor, her father and some of her cousins including this morning's Miss O'Connor, who is a widower mothers her late husband's four years old and one years old, obviously let you heard how this can be presented as "evidence" of ownership. And this arguments were presented to the attorneys group who agreed to prolong the agreed-upon providing out of special considerations. Like you heard this morning, the accusation of "You don't need to live in this house" because "if this is not my house, how could I possibly live in there free" was yelled at the owner of the house who thought let her live in there rent free was to help her situation.
我的回应:我不是这一族的。就算有传言说我母亲娘家,就像所有现在还在中国大陆生活或那些在明朝以后才离开中国的, 都是从明朝(1368-1644)一路血脉传承下来的所以都有可能是那一族的,我方敏作为唐朝(618-907)皇帝的继承人都没有任何可能是那一族的。何况我的母亲是由她自己的血源双亲抚养长大,我母亲长相明显和她的父母兄弟姐妹是血缘父母兄弟姐妹。这种努力也就是想扁低我方敏并且扔给我一个“什么主子而已”,我方敏在此严辞正式拒绝这种努力。我会就这种针对我血缘孩子们的虐待行为及尝试努力提出法律诉讼。