Heard this morning's broadcasting of "As you wish" on my refusing to pay to be a whore and everything else.(中文附后)
My response: Of course, I live My Life as I Wish. I am willing to enjoy my life with my attorneys' guidance.
----July 26th, 2017
Heard this morning's Chinese Premiere Li's argument on why I can still live on the property owned by somebody who got nothing to do with me.
My response: That is a ridiculous argument I ever heard of. I am a US citizen live in a US government owned housing project on US territory. How this can be an argument from a Chinese Premiere Li from People's Republic Of China?
Heard China has been laying off those government employees and officials who are elementary school dropouts, junior high school dropouts, or high school dropouts, and kept some if they got associated degree from adult education later on. I am wondering if Chinese Premiere Li does have a college degree as his resume stated or if he ever got any real college education at all?
(**Note: China had a policy in its 1980 time to let government employees children to be their parents' replacement in government agency as government employees in a specified limited period of time.)
(if you heard they did it for a good reason, please check out following:
07-24-2017 Riot? Public Armed Robbery? Great cause? )
----July 26th, 2017
Heard this morning's intentional confusion of who is an attorney's client for the attorney to be on behave of.
My response: By US laws and by attorneys' license, a US attorney can only represent a client with authorization, even that is free voluntary attorney service. Any intentional efforts to confuse public to achieve disadvantage anyone's lawful interests and/or lawful rights is a federal or state felony crime in United States. As far as I know, this is the same in all lawful countries with attorneys as lawful profession.
(if you heard they did it for a good reason, please check out following:
07-24-2017 Riot? Public Armed Robbery? Great cause? )
I do have my attorneys representing my inheritances, and now I have attorneys representing my other interests. These my attorneys can be reached by the 1800 telephone number published on May 16th's radio program broadcasting by the person I trust.(There was another 1800 number published by the same radio program a couple days or weeks later. That number has nothing to do with me) All these attorneys including my entrusting attorneys are never free or cheap attorneys.(** Big thanks to those helped to announce this 1800 number). (**If you notice something from previously published articles cause you serious confusion, please call this number or inform FBI, there are some illegally-updating-my-articles activities.)
----July 26th, 2017
(**I heard Tina O'Connor's father is still representing one
of my entrusted inheritance fund. It was too bad, I heard my kids have been agitated
because of her constant cunt pimping effort. She publicly expressed no intention
to stop her "one night stand dating matching and helped stuck-on business" effort, heard her father kept saying he thought I
do not deserve their father all these messy time as you heard on the radio.
What I heard that you did not hear is some other O'Connors efforts to help
kicking my children out. I did ask law enforcement's help to protect my
children. I did ask law enforcement's help to let Tina O'Connor(Helena O'Connor), her husband, her father and
her brothers to leave me and my children alone. I did ask law enforcement's help to remove Tina
O'Connor's father from all my entrusting representing attorney's positions. I
am concerned why the fund that caused O'Connors' confusion can, by rumor, still
let Tina O'Connor to take out fund's money illegally after her father was asked
to leave the fund already. I am concerned how entrusting attorney is
recruited. Rumored that Tina O'Connor own a notoriously one night
stand online dating company where females are getting paid.
(if you heard they did it for a good reason, please check out following:07-24-2017 Riot? Public Armed Robbery? Great cause? )
----Updated at 8 PM on July 25th, 2017. ) (Last updated on July 26th, 2017.)
Heard no entrusting attorney can be hired without entrusting person's authorization.
My response: I entrusted my wealth I inherited on June 30th, 2004 to those original entrusting group on July 1st of 2004. No entrusting attorney can be valid without my willingness to entrust as entrusting person. I did ask law enforcement's help to remove Tina O'Connor's father from any of my entrusting attorney position, to remove all his referred attorney(s) replacement of any of my attorneys. I did ask law enforcement's help to remove any attorney last named Gore from any of my entrusting attorney position, to remove all their referred attorney(s) replacement of any of my attorneys. I refuse to entrust my wealth to above mentioned. All this is out of abusive attorneys' power complain I accuse them.
(if you heard they did it for a good reason, please check out following:
07-24-2017 Riot? Public Armed Robbery? Great cause? )
My response: I entrusted my wealth I inherited on June 30th, 2004 to those original entrusting group on July 1st of 2004. No entrusting attorney can be valid without my willingness to entrust as entrusting person. I did ask law enforcement's help to remove Tina O'Connor's father from any of my entrusting attorney position, to remove all his referred attorney(s) replacement of any of my attorneys. I did ask law enforcement's help to remove any attorney last named Gore from any of my entrusting attorney position, to remove all their referred attorney(s) replacement of any of my attorneys. I refuse to entrust my wealth to above mentioned. All this is out of abusive attorneys' power complain I accuse them.
(if you heard they did it for a good reason, please check out following:
07-24-2017 Riot? Public Armed Robbery? Great cause? )
----July 26th, 2017
Heard this morning's David Petraeus' saying.
My response: Devid Petraeus is not the person eligible to "speak", to "support" or to "help" on my behave regarding my anything including my money. If there is any effort to take/help to take/support to take my lawful money from David Petraeus, I sue for criminal activities. This applies to every rumored "romance possible male" who publicly announced having nothing to do with me.
(if you heard they did it for a good reason, please check out following:
07-24-2017 Riot? Public Armed Robbery? Great cause? )
----July 26th, 2017
我的回应:当然是应该随我乐意啦。我就是乐意享受一份称心如意的好日子, 我就是乐意在我的律师指引下充分享受法律所赋予我的自由自在的好生活。
我的回应: 从来没听说过这么匪夷所思到了极其滑稽可笑的言论。我是美国公民住在美国领土上由美国政府拥有的房产里,怎么是由一个中华人民共和国的一个李姓总理在表达这份质询?
07-24-2017 Riot? Public Armed Robbery? Great cause? )
07-24-2017 Riot? Public Armed Robbery? Great cause? )
(**听说Tina O'Connor的父亲仍在做我继承的一个基金的信托代表律师。实在太惨,我听到的是女的整天就忙着帮他拉皮条并且公开宣称绝不会停止这种性交媒介服务生意,我的孩子们整天紧张愤怒,而女的的父亲就在广播剧上公开说他自己就是认为我配不上我孩子们的父亲(这是你们都听到的)。你们没听到的是:那些姓O'Connor的女的亲戚们私下的从旁协助就是要赶我的孩子们。我确实有报警求助要求保护我的孩子们,我确实有报警求助要求Tina O'Connor(Helena O'Connor), 她的丈夫,她的父亲和她的兄弟们离我及我的孩子们远点。我是有报警求助要求解除Tina O'Connor 的父亲做我一些基金信托律师的职务。我所担心的就是在Tina O‘Connor的父亲已被要求离开那家基金之后(就是造成OConnor家为“爷爷的一封信困扰"的那家基金),Tina O'Connor 怎么还可以从那家基金里非法把基金的钱拿出来(传言)?我所担心的就是新的信托律师是怎么选的?(传言Tina O'Connor有一家臭名昭著的网上专为一夜情做媒的服务公司,女参与者普遍有"受费服务式”参与的情形)。
07-24-2017 Riot? Public Armed Robbery? Great cause? )
我的回应:我是在2004年6月30日继承之后又将我所继承的财产重新信托给原来的受信托人员。没有我这个信托人的授权就没有可能替换我的信托代表律师。我是已通过警方要求Tina O'Connor 的父亲离开我的信托代表律师职务,要求Tina O'Connor得父亲所推荐的律师离开我的律师团队。我是已通过警方要求所有姓Gore(高尔) 的人离开我的信托代表律师职务,要求所有由姓Gore(高尔)所推荐的律师离开我的律师团队。我拒绝把我的财产信托给他们。所有以上要求都是基于我对他们*以上所指)滥用律师权力的指控。
07-24-2017 Riot? Public Armed Robbery? Great cause? )
听说了今天早上David Petraeus说的一些言论。
我的回应:就我的事情(包括我的钱及财产在内), David petraeus 没有任何权力代表我来“发表言论,表达支持或提供帮助”。如果有任何由David Petraeus出面就夺取我合法钱财的努力,包括用言论/提供帮助/提供支持方式进行夺取我合法钱财的努力,我都会向美国司法部门提出刑事诉讼请求。以上适合所有那些曾传言和我会有浪漫关系的可能,但男方本人已公开明确表态和我没有任何关系人士。
07-24-2017 Riot? Public Armed Robbery? Great cause? )