
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, July 18, 2017

07-18-2017 English Literature and Viagra 及新闻联播

07-18-2017 English Literature and Viagra 及新闻联播

Heard about this morning's broadcasting of my accusation.
I repeat: I had sent out letter in January 2015 to express myself healthy enough to finish entrusting of my wealth. I declare myself loudly: "I want to finish my entrusting."

My inheritance fund, that Tina O'Connor is so confused because of her great grandfather's letter, is about $300 Billion size fund. A quarter size of my this fund is about $75 Billion which is totally never hers to claim. Entire O'Connors families (about 200 O'Connors families ) total agreed upon providing was about $200 Million a year transferred to one single account one installment a year.
----July 18th, 2017

Heard Tina O'Connor argued that she shit me so happily is to prove she can achieve that by saying in English Literature way. Heard she considered that $50 Billion as her intellectual income of doing so.
My response: I though that is the reason hatred crime and harassment are define necessarily in English waterproofed valid as Law. He intellectual talent on spreading hatred in English Literature way should be rewarded by punishment defined by Laws instead of my money. She did that on a commercial radio program that can't make money by her doing so but "truely thought" deserved $50 Billion paycheck from my private saving. "Who the Fxxx she think she is?" is best to describe how I feel.

I can totally achieve what she said need English literature major skills in presentations as my following broken English:

I saw Tina O'Connor by my own eyes that she sucked a real authentic biological male dog's penis in her mouse eagerly to arouse it, and it was Tina O'Connor I saw who was trembling violently under its thrusts and screaming that it is her real husband to satisfy her (Tina O'Connor) like that, only this dog can make her (Tina O'Connor) trembling like that ... I watched with my mouth unable to close for that entire 15 minutes. She was kneeling in its shit po. She burried her head in that shit po, her mouth was opened to that shit po sucking it.  I never knew a dog can make her trembling like that. I never knew she can hold on to its thrusts with her mouth already forming with its shit po, I was so scared if should I call 911 to help her from that dog? Later she told me that dog always make her like that.

This is my broken English no literature but performing purpose introduction of Tina O'Connor (Helena O'Connor, the wife of an attorney Mr. Stephen.)

----July 18th, 2017

Heard she is proud she can ask help from her English professors.
My response: I say her English literature professors must have their Law professors friends to wonder how she can be helped to violate US laws in practicing English Literature's name?

For her English Professors reference check purpose: Her father is entrusting representing attorney who represented my inheritances from three of my grandfathers.
----July 18th, 2017

I am so thrilled to realize there are so many great law professionals in Boston local Law Schools:
I am so thrilled to realize there are so many great law professional in Boston colleges' law schools. I provide one reference about my intellectual income for anyone of them who is interested to help me out on law matters: Viagra. Heard I have accumulated about $800 Million intellectual income from helping this go marketing. Viagra is a Boston local research medical product is the reason I think it is appropriate to be mentioned as a reference to verify. Also because this is a case that my share in it is so clear in accounting numbers. The research team and marketing team were both teamed up for their contribution and share of intellectual income. heard I was very individually clear on accounting numbers for how much I contributed financially on helping Viagra go marketing.

In Business, everybody knows what "the deal" means to a business person, to attorneys would be "the case", and to researchers is "the research". Biogate project independent research experience made it my "the research." Please check more on link: To succeed is never easy

I heard those checks titled in my name deposited into some Viagra users name through accounting firm to reward their "Viagra usage contribution" is the reason I do not have intellectual income tax paid in my name. Asked for laws help. Heard why I deserve this money is the reason of understanding that reward should be more appropriately to go to Viagra users.

My anger: Even if so confusing to Viagra research outsiders why I deserve this money, why never thought this money should stay in the company till it is clear?

About my inheritances: I filed green card application in 2000 went missing was the reason I have to refile in 2002. I relocated to Stamford, CT in November of 2003, only three months after I moved to Boston, MA, was never out of my own wish or special arrangements from my grandfathers' entrusting attorneys. My grandfathers were all US foreigners, their entrusted wealth willed to me (on H1 Visa) were not applicable to US Estate laws when I inherited them on June 30th, 2004. Connecticut had AA type inheritance exempt in 2004 (grandparents to grandchild inheritance) was the reason I had no inheritance tax either.

----July 18th, 2017


Tina O'Connor 和她的律师丈夫(Mr. Stephen)及她的律师弟弟甚至她的律师父亲从来不是替我处理任何我要求我信任且代表我的利益的律师来处理的任何事物。他们家和我之间的唯一历史原因就是他们家200年来都是我2004年所继承一些财产的代表律师。没有任何其他历史因素。
